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Releasing Balloons for Orphans Does Not Go as Planned

Why Congress won't Impeach Bush and Cheney

thinker247 says...

The Bush administration sent thousands of troops to their deaths (and horrible disfigurements) for oil.

They also approved of waterboarding and Abu Ghraib torture policies. After all, who really thinks that Charles Graner and Lyndie England just thought up the ideas that constitute those horrific pictures?

They allowed the Federal Emergency Management Agency to be run by a horse-show judge, then when disaster hit, they said "Brownie" was doing a "heckuva job." Then they sent the survivors to formaldehyde-laced trailer homes.

They outed a CIA agent because her husband said their purported cause for war was ill-founded. And when someone was finally brought to justice for it, Bush commuted his sentence. And who knows if he'll give a last-day pardon.

They are the first administration to openly start a war of aggression against a sovereign nation, then give every excuse in the world to explain that it wasn't about oil, which ended up being what it was about.

ETC, fucking ETC.

And people still think the idea of martial law is tinfoil-hat conspiracy? Maybe, but the idea is not unfounded.

Comment of the Year (Sift Talk Post)

Horrible Driver Doesn't Deserve A License

Hurricaine Katrina response as a Nextel Ad

Chinglish: amusing English signs in China

5 Classic April Fools Office Pranks

5 Classic April Fools Office Pranks

'Baked' Goods - stop motion video for Thanxgiving

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'baking, cooking, cupcakes, brownies' to 'baking, cooking, cupcakes, brownies, 2004, 00s, drugs, butter, milkfat, thanksgiving' - edited by Eklek

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

1947 Guide to Popularity

Cop Eats Pot Brownies and Calls 911 - The Full Version

curiousity says...

lol... Oh brownies.

I don't do drugs anymore and rarely drink these days, but I remember back in the day. One time I came home after a hard day at work. My roommates made brownies. They were all sitting around watching TV and let me know to have some brownies. "Eat two," they said - so I ate two. As I washed them down with some water, I sat down on the couch. I asked my friends what they've been doing today. "Oh, we've been high all day long. We ate one brownie in the morning and one a couple of hours ago." It was now late at night so of course my response was a WTF? I wasn't able to sleep that night for a long time because my entire body was tingling too much.

Seems like the cop wasn’t very informed about marijuana (such as no recorded deaths ever from overdose of marijuana.) I'm not a big fan of putting something into my body unless I know more about it, whether it is illegal drugs, legal drugs, prescription drugs, etc.

Cop Eats Pot Brownies and Calls 911 - The Full Version

NIN Ghosts (Blog Entry by Fedquip)

blankfist says...

...and choggie never came down from that brownie high. I saw them when they toured with the Jim Rose Circus in 94. It was pretty rad. I'm listening to Ghosts now - very different. It almost sounds like an indie movie score. It's not streaming well. I guess a lot of NIN fans are clogging the pipes trying to get a free listen.

NIN Ghosts (Blog Entry by Fedquip)

choggie says...

saw em in San Fran with would have loved it Jeff-when RAGE came on stage they threw handfuls of joints to the first few the old hippy daze of R&R.....I was parked on top of a port-a-can buzzed on brownies....

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