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Judge Rips Law Student a New Poo-hole

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^muddro:
edit: And I don't think putting him in his place is irrational, and the attacks weren't against him in a bigoted nature, just over the manor of his behavior in a court of law, I think she was in her rights as a judge to put the defendant in his proper place...I would expect no less from a civil servent doing any of their varius roles and duities.

It's her court and he shat in it. She presides, she controls the process, and she has the soapbox. Disrespecting that is just begging for a lashing or as others have pointed out often worse.
He thinks because he's a law student and she plays a judge on TV that he knows more than she does, and acts accordingly.

Bingo, but I guess people have in their minds a more somber setting for legistation what a judge should be like, and a vision on a way a judge should carry themselves. I look at it the other way around, that judges are doing a job, and have their own personalities. As a result, you get different judges that play by a different set of personality rules; none being right or wrong persay, just different. My 2 cents.

Someone mentioned that they aren't real municipalities at all, just private arbitrators, thats neat actually, wonder how true that is...anyone else second this claim? I also wonder how legaly binding their final desisions you have to sign a contract before going on stating you will be held liable to the fake judges ruling? More info on that would be interesting.

I has a question (Sift Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

I'm with Grimm on this, as long as you have friends here then you can get around any and all self linking issues... "Oooh, I want my youtube vid to be on the sift... I'll just ask my friend to post it... bingo, done."

It's not really anything that can be policed, but it's a real case of abiding by the letter, not the spirit of the law.

Oh, and calvados, if you're going to be a grammar nazi, how can you let go the your's that should have been you're's (yes, I know you can't do two apostrophes like that, sue me)? ('Your not going to get another star point...' and 'Oh.. your gonna give it to your buddy to upload for you? '

Snooker - 2nd fastest 147 break ever - Ronnie O'Sullivan

The Music is an Art which requires Delicacy.

8756 says...

That's grindcore at its finest

Just check

BTW, here are the lyrics (just because i'm curious )

Cowboy lawman-found a cell
Tore into it-as night fell
Bankers kids are
getting bingo'd
Smells like midnight's
cooked up a storm in here
Leave those loose lips
at home or at the
rubble that's left
when you return
Have an armed guard posted at your flag
Stroll through town with
a gun stuffed in your pants
Bankers kids are
getting bingo'd
Smells like midnight's
cooked up a storm in here
Leave those loose lips
at home or at the
rubble that's left
when you return
Criminal lawman-found a cell
Tore into it-made life hell
Bombs bursting-houses burning
Diplomacy's tyrant treats

Peeping Tom (Mike Patton w/ Norah Jones) - Sucker

Propaganda Techniques (Blog Entry by winkler1)

Requeue button (Sift Talk Post)

Germany moves to ban Scientology (Religion Talk Post)

raven says...

Yeah, 'natural family planning' is about as effective as Russian roulette is at not getting you shot.

I can see how in 'Old World' countries the Catholic Church still has a lot of sway... it also exerts similar powers throughout Latin America. However, here in the US and Canada, which were first settled by predominately Protestant peoples who had fought against the repression of the Catholic church and continued to preach that it sought to control our country from abroad, the Roman Catholic Church has pretty much failed to gain any strong political powers. When the United States Constitution was drawn up that idea of 'Separation of Church and State' undoubtedly came not only from the English experience of having lived under the Anglican Church where the King is defacto spiritual leader, but also from the memories of the Catholic Church and the inquisitions carried out all over continental Europe.

Also, the bulk of the Catholic population in this country came over in the great waves of immigration towards the end of the 19th century from Catholic countries, Italians, Germans, Polish, Irish (my people, W00t), etc. With an established system of political power already set in place by predominantly Protestant peoples, Catholics, only up until very recently, were largely disenfranchised and politically without power in this country, so even if Rome tried to exert its might via its people, it would have had a hard time accomplishing anything. Those in power almost universally viewed the immigrants as superstitious, unwashed, uneducated, masses... largely because they were poor, but also because they still were a part of the 'Old' religious system. To some extent that lives on today in the current immigrant 'crisis' involving Mexico... the rhetoric that often accompanies that, "oh they'll just breed and breed and not work and we'll have to support the lot of them... and then if they outnumber us, then they'll start changing everything thing, and OMG lets just deport the lot of em"... is so similar to the rhetoric spewed forth regarding my ancestors only a hundred years ago it makes my head spin sometimes... I mean fuck, the Irish were barely human beings in this country really until WW2, and in retrospect I feel damn lucky sometimes that I'm getting a college education.

But anyway, the point I was getting to, is that there is a pervasive political paranoia regarding Catholicism in this country... like, whenever someone of Irish or German descent runs for the Presidency, everyone is always like, Wait, what church does he go to? This happened with John Kerry (who had been politically savvy enough to go Methodist decades earlier), and it happened with JFK, who actually was our only Catholic President ever, and at the time, the predominant worry about him prior to his election was if he was all of a sudden going to start taking orders from Rome after being sworn in.

Also, in the last 40 years or so, the number of active Catholics in this country has declined rapidly. I think this is due not only to that whole priests touching little boys thing (that certainly has turned a lot of people off from the church) but also because of the shift to modern American culture and all the other things about our society that impact pretty much all religions in this way. Yes, there are still people who go to church, but as Krupo said, over here anyway, if you are Catholic, what you hear in church, is probably vastly different from what you actually do in real life... there is just a lot more detachment than you see back over in Europe, or even in Latin America... Catholics over here, for the most part it seems, are, like my family, and are only really Catholic on Sundays.

I hope that clears up things for you looris, why, when you say stuff about the Catholic Church controlling people (which I believe you are right about, especially in Italy and other countries on that side of the Atlantic), we people over here are just like, "Say What? Catholic Church doing something more than holding bingo raffles? Whatever"

what I would like from the code warriors (Sift Talk Post)

Moonlight Madness - Classic Betty Howard Burlesque Routine

raven says...

For what its worth, it does make my mammaries hurt to watch this... am quite glad I'm not so well endowed... as to the changing nature of porn, I think my favorite difference is the music, its like something that plays on bingo nights down at the senior center.

Jennifer: Some Of My Lost Pets

Guy gets caught trying to video tape sex with his girl

Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of Our Republic.

MINK says...

salvage what argument? like i said, this isn't debate team. we didn't start with rules and a motion. you don't know what i think. and i have conceded points only in an attempt to move things along, it doesn't mean i think your proof is either convincing OR doubtful, it just means i don't consider those points to be critical to the universe.

you can put the burden of proof where you like, not everyone will agree. seeing as governments are always lying and are supposed to work for us, imo the burden of proof is on them, actually. trouble is, they have no credibility, hence plenty of room for conspiracy theories.

and while we argue, more people die in a war that only very few people are profiting from, which would have been politically impossible were it not for a "pearl harbour".

the money trail is quite good proof actually. look at who's rich and powerful, see how they got their money, bingo.

or you could thoroughly examine all the remaining bits of structure BEFORE recycling, and publish a report about it. but nahhh, it was a big building, that would take ages, right? so maybe don't bother? just do a little report and then ask the conspiracy theorists to use the remaining weak evidence to challenge your convenient conclusion.

so tell me, where did that molten metal come from? it's a reasonable question i think.

BBC Documentary - Guys and [Real]Dolls

Contest (Sift Talk Post)

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