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Gold for Karaidl! (Sift Talk Post)

gwaan (Member Profile)

michie (Member Profile)

gwaan (Member Profile)

Shaq Tears Down Goal

sbchapm says...

Yeah, I don't know about the commentary--it's like we're listening in someone's living room. Thanks for the tag smile; he is a big man. I was thinking Krishna not Zin'rokh.

Truly Awesome Blooper Reel: Aqua Bloopers

Cop tasers shooter

TimothyChenAllen says...

I'm about as tree-hugger as it gets, but it looks to me like the cop yelled at a potential shooter to stop and get down and he didn't do it. When the guy *did* finally get down, the cop was right to approach him with suspicion. Before tasers, that cop would have had one choice: risk it and think the guy wasn't going to roll over with a gun and shoot the cop, or shoot the guy. Big man took a shock-- better than a cap.

Bill Clinton freaks out!

theo47 says...

"we all know that Fox is totally in the tank for the Republicans and intentionally distort all manner of information to fit their radical and twisted world view."
It took a big man to admit that, Wumpus - but really, we already knew it. Thanks, though.

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