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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ahhhhahahah! Awww…”dickhead”?! Isn’t that one of Trump’s nicknames…Tiny hands Don…lil no shaft…dickhead….mushroom tip? Are your feelings hurt?

Cohen is the key…Who told you that?
They lied.

There are volumes of proof, from emails to texts to checks signed by the big man to recordings of him discussing the payoffs, how to hide them, try to delay and maybe not pay after the election because it won’t matter then, etc. Cohen only explained and corroborated that evidence.

The evidence is the key between Stormy and Trump, and far more importantly between Trump and the scheme to hide her payoff as legal fees to protect his election chances, which is the crime here, not the cheating to the second power…on his mistress and his wife.

Just like the phone call you said he lied about that tanked the case but is now corroborated with video and photographic evidence and stipulated to by Trump’s team, he didn’t lie, he told the truth that he “stole” from Trump (or set his own fee for hiring and secretly paying the company in cash to falsify polls, depending on your viewpoint) by telling Trump to REIMBURSE him for $50k to redfinch but he only paid them $20k in cash to hide the payment…again (shockingly he wanted to be paid for making that clandestine transaction). Trumps entire defense is he didn’t have a NDA (something he’s admitted to having publicly) and he didn’t REIMBURSE Cohen he paid him for legal fees, but this was definitely reimbursed in that payment, stipulated by both sides now. There’s physical evidence proving the rest was reimbursement too, handwritten notes, texts, emails, ledgers, and recordings, and common sense, you know Trump knew what half a million was paying for, he OKed the repayment. You fool. You keep buying these immaterial minutiae that you are told will save him by people who know you don’t understand how court works. If only it registered when, one by one, they become ethereal vapors. But. It. Never. Does. And. I. Believe. It. Never. Will.

There are recordings, texts, emails, and checks tying Trump directly to the hush money payment. Whoever is telling you this nonsense is lying, and you just won’t understand how he gets convicted because you’ve been told there’s no evidence and you haven’t bothered to look.

Yes. I don’t just think it, I know it. He is, was, and he will be guilty. Trump is undeniably guilty of business frauds a hundred times over, and tax frauds by the dozen, and this particular business fraud to hide election interference too. Yes. Definitely, no doubt, he has admitted it all publicly. I don’t know if he will be found guilty. I am fairly certain he won’t be acquitted….he might get a hung jury if even one maggot lied to get on and save him. Reportedly many tried.

I can’t serve on a jury, I’m honest that I’m prejudiced against police who are professional liars in every aspect of their job, who fought all the way to the Supreme Court to secure their right to lie to citizens about anything, and I don’t trust professional liars.
It’s dishonest asshats like yourself we need to keep off the jury. Would you have lied to get on? Can you admit you wouldn’t convict him no matter the evidence? I know it’s true, do you?
I would admit his extensive history of civil fraud convictions and constant lying would make me more likely to convict and unlikely to believe him, which would get me excused. I’m not a liar, even when it would benefit me. You cannot say the same, indeed once when Trump was caught lying about this very incident under oath you once said only a moron would tell the truth under oath if saying it would hurt them, and rather than remain silent lying under oath to protect yourself was perfectly acceptable….for Trump.

It will be appealed, but like every other appeal he’s lost, just like every popular vote, just like every challenge to the 2020 election, just like the coup, just like his rape defamation suit, just like his many business fraud lawsuits… he will lose. His track record in court is worse than his track record in business where he went bankrupt over a half dozen times including with a casino! Worse, he can’t afford competent lawyers and appeals cost a shit ton, and even if he “finds” the money (like under a Saudi check book) no capable attorney will take him as a client, most never get paid, many lose their licenses, all end up looking foolish for thinking THEY can be the one to change him.

bobknight33 said:

Dickhead, pay attention,
Cohen is the key between Stormy and Trump.

But Cohen had no proof.
He lied again and again under this trial
He stole $ from Trump.

There is no connection between Trump "hush" $ and Stormy.
Totally fabricated after FBI nailed Cohen.

This is so clear even teh fake news is forced to admit this.

Yet , you dumb-ass dickhead still have you head up you ass.

You still think Trump will be guilty?

Its possible when you dumb dicks like you on the jury.

If so it will be appealed and overturned.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh….so you were w-w-w-wrong about him not being mentioned? 😂 😂

😂 I’m certain you cannot admit that….in fact you are already making up lies about what’s in it to twist and turn away from admitting exactly that…but reality is you said he’s not mentioned and he is, prominently and repeatedly all throughout. 😂

Did I say there were accusations of Trump’s child molesting in the affidavits? No. I said that information came from his (Epstein’s) plane logs from 94-98 released long ago….
…there absolutely is stuff in there about Trump messing around with young girls you fucking tool. One of the affidavits was from the 13 year old girl that accused Dershowitz, Clinton, AND TRUMP OF RAPING HER. She since recanted, citing MAGA terrorists threatening her life and her family and her desire for safety overriding her desire for justice, but those accusations absolutely ARE in the information just released. She claimed there are tapes of all of it…including Trump. There may be more, but I know for certain that is part of the stuff just released.

The things I said about Epstein at Maralago came from the article I linked (and many many others written at the time).
Try again loser.

Fuck you love to make up paper tigers to put down….they’re the only kind you have a chance against. Try again, sucker. Trump continued his best friend relationship with Epstein for years and years and years after he was arrested for child rape/prostitution and he plead guilty. That did not end the relationship, they continued partying until months before Epstein surrendered for prison…LONG after he admitted running the child prostitution ring for people like Trump for the entire time he and Trump were partners in crime as THEY put it. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy, he’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.“. No clearer admission has ever been made. Trump was clear that he knew Epstein liked young girls (and we know how young), and Trump admitted he shared that trait with him, and that’s far from the only time he admitted it. They remained friends and party partners until 2008….and we all know exactly what kind of party Epstein was into and it wasn’t “dances with wives” kind of parties.
Never forget how Trump bragged about buying the Miss Teen USA pageant specifically so he could go into the dressing rooms of the 14 year old girls while they were naked and no one could force him out as the owner, and “joked” about his obligation to sleep with every contestant….this is on the record and publicly broadcast repeatedly on multiple live Howard Stern shows he was on. His pedophilia is not a question, it’s public knowledge you turn a blind eye towards.
Also never forget Dershowitz was a strong advocate for getting rid of statutory rape crimes altogether (legalizing child rape) or at a minimum making the age of consent 15…keep that in mind as he denies the reports of him on Child Rape Island.

I’m not your son, kid. You are so far below me intellectually you barely seem out of kindergarten most days, and your complete lack of a grasp of English backs that up constantly. Don’t ever be so delusionally disrespectful you call me “son” ever again, boy. You aren’t my son, if you were I would disown you then retroactively abort you.

Keep fighting those windmills, Don Quixote…cutting down your paper tigers like a hero. I hope it makes you feel like a big man, something impossible in reality so you live in a delusional fantasy.

While I doubt you’ll watch it, this has some revealing information…

Edit: You know who actually wasn’t mentioned at all….Joe Biden.

bobknight33 said:

So Trump and Mar A Lago was mentioned. But nothing to do with messing around with young girls.

Fuck, you got another nothing burger.
Keep fishing my son, keep fishing

Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

bobknight33 says...

Triggered? Not in the least/

Nutboy. You are triggered Tool. Go sit in you little house and continue to believe that you are a big man.

Truth you truly have no grasp of reality. Yo drink your fake news as fast as you can. Hell you even go out of you way to prove your bigness. No on cares. You just a spect of dust.

I ignore you most day and toy you on other days.
I bet you still think Bidenomics is doing just fine. 3.5% of unemployment is great but thats all you see. Sad little man you are.

I see that we are getting close to a tipping point. It might take another 2 quarters, will see.

newtboy said:

Bwaaahahahaha! Really triggered today, aren’t we? 😂 keep those tears coming, so yummy.

Robert Gouveia Esq….😂 was he disbarred? His legal theories are INSANE. I’ve told you before, you need to learn to vet sources, not just listen to failed lawyers that now run a YouTube propaganda channel from mommy’s basement. I looked at his videos, he’s an absolute nutjob and liar that makes up the most insulting lies and feeds them to you.….just your speed. No wonder you believe such stupid nonsense constantly, looking at his videos if you believe him reality suddenly makes no sense at all. Holy sheep shit, you can’t figure out he’s a nut just from his previous videos? 😂 SUCKER! You’ll buy any stupid lie from the stupidest liars, won’t you. 🤦‍♂️

That’s the best response you’ve got. Someone in the office typed up the expected indictment and accidentally posted their copy for a moment instead of hitting “save” shortly before the grand jury was finished!? ROTFLMFAHS!! You should just stop trying, bewby. More grasping at nothingburgers….how’s that working out for you? 😂

Nice that even you have admitted that at least SOME of the serious anti American vote fraud charges against the rapist Trump are warranted (if only most are only “probably just BS to rack up numbers for fools like you to drink up.”, then even in your damaged mind some are not BS). I remind you, if only ONE is proven, Trump the rapist is going to prison and will die there….but hide and watch, all will be proven. There’s no doubt at all that they did the crimes, it’s all on video, and thanks to RICO, that’s it, all guilty. 😂

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

newtboy says...

You aren’t alone…it seemed…off. That said, it’s hard to believe both of them and the Oscars would all think this was a good idea and script it.
I thought the smirk was a little self satisfied swagger, feeling like a big man before the reality hit that he had just blown his image.

I really want to think it’s just too dumb to be staged, who looks good here?…but dumber things have happened.

Digitalfiend said:

Am I the only one who thinks that slap was a stunt of some sort? The awkwardness of how Will slapped Chris just feels like it was premeditated and not an emotional spur of the moment thing. Then the little swagger and smirk in his walk back didn't seem to jive with someone who was angry (or enraged). Watch it closely or in slow motion. Not saying the slap didn't make contact, but it

The only confusing part was Will's outburst once back in his seat. That seemed more genuine and created that real sense of awkward silence.

Might explain the lack of pressing charges, the Academy's weak response, etc. Who knows...and really who cares. I'm not a fan of Chris Rock's "humour" (it's a strain for me to call him humorous) and couldn't care less about the Oscars or Will Smith. I'm more curious whether this was staged or if Will Smith really slaps like a girl...

MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

newtboy says...

Yes, he gets between them, and the kids then close in and surround a group.....hi-ya-hi-ya-ing, woo-boo-boo-boo-boo-ing and tomahawk chopping.
He is also on multiple video interviews saying they did block his ceremony, which was permitted, and it's undeniable that the kids and black Israelites interrupted the ceremony that started at the reflecting pool and was supposed to end at the top of the steps the kids took over. That said, he didn't get between the other two groups to continue the closing ceremony, he did it to separate and distract them and instead became the target for both groups.

I disagree 100%. Sane people did this to stop the rapidly escalating anger between the kids and (disgusting) black Israelites before the kids attacked the Israelites, which seemed inevitable because no one was controlling the kids (or the small group of Black Israelites) and the kids were getting more and more rowdy. A few insane people say the kids weren't being racist or insulting, and that's absolutely asinine and completely divorced from reality. They were intentionally insultingly racist....and towards a different group than the group that insulted them.

Watched the long version from 1:11-3:11, no shoving into the kids, no Phillips, that's the black Israelites screaming their nonsense at natives, disrupting their ceremony.
So I checked 1:11:00-1:13:00....when he comes in.....and note smirk boy is not there, he gets into the stationary elders face later. It's bears mentioning that his tactics worked too, he instantly calmed the situation and diverted the hopping mad boy's attention from attacking the Israelites to deriding the natives. Even the Israelites are impressed. Not sure what point you thought that makes, but it's not yours.

He was absolutely not aggressive in the least, and did not push or even touch a single person that I saw, and stopped in front of the kids who quickly surround him. Why are you lying?

Smirk boy might have an argument if he was alone, but smirking in the man's face for nearly 10 minutes while hundreds of your friends dance around you shouting insults and laughing derisively is not an attempt to defuse, it's a clear and obvious power play he thought he won until the shit storm he's trying to claim he wasn't being disrespectful....I call bullshit. He knew exactly what he was doing, and expected to be big man on campus for it....probably is. Do you think he would find it respectful if a black kid smirked inches from his mother's face as she performed (or any time) while his friends taunted her incessantly? Doubt it.

The next March for life is probably going to end with thousands of blm activists, possibly claiming they were just insulted by white supremacists, so any disruptions, insults, or rudeness towards the anti choice March will be ignored. Turnabout is fair play, and rapid escalation is the MO of this century.

Too bad the adults in the church group decided to egg the kids on rather than turn the other cheek. No surprise, the school and republicans claim the kids did nothing at all wrong. 100% certain they would think it's wrong if aimed at them, or done by non white non Christians, or even white kids in Hillary hats.

Worst for these kids, they are now poster children FOR PRO abortion groups.....their new commercial could be any portion of these videos captioned "your unwanted kid could be one like these, with their public actions drawing death threats, property threats, and unending verbal assault to your family and communities".

So much for helping their cause by attending the march. All they've done is expose the utter disrespect Christians accept from their children towards others, even defend. My parents would have skinned me alive and offered the pelt as contrition if I acted that way towards an adult, and we don't believe in Jebus.

bcglorf said:

Did you check out the summary of the video evidence posted by eric3579? Or in the nearly 2 hr one I linked skip to 1:11 and check out the interaction between the drummer and the kids.

The kids stay in their group, and the drummer and his followers wade right into them, with lots of room to go around. Phillips is on audio recording declaring that he did NOT feel that he was blocked from any closing ceremony, but that he wanted to go in and separate the kids from the black Israelites to 'descalate' the situation. Eric3579's video again has Phillips audio statement about what he was doing, listen to that and then watch the longer video for a minute or two at 1:11 when Phillips wades in. He's clearly lying, he went in aggressively pushing into the middle of the crowd of kids, hardly what any sane person wanting to deescalate the situation would do.

man assaults teen in gym

Lewis Black reads a new ex-Mormon's rant

Lawdeedaw says...

So then again, what is a "need" for humans? We have already went over the fact that water, food, etc., those are not "needs", as suicides definitely prove. In essence, humans, as thinking creatures, need nothing. The word "need" then becomes a useless word that we need to throw away

And the abuse thing came about one of two ways. Either Choas had very bad timing and wrote a response directly to my post about my mother in law "needing" her church on accident, or he did it on purpose. Either way it was a direct reply, and I simply asked him how he knew what she could or couldn't do. I feel that is like a person telling rape victims to get over it--with help of cool...believing the magic cool aid that we can do anything if we just believe hard enough is logically fake. Like a big man in the sky who sends his flesh to free us of sin.

B) What I was saying is that if he had been through abuse, I would respect his past and stay quiet. But if not, he has no right to tell other people how to live their lives, deal with their problems, or get over stuff.

newtboy said:

So, first, lets just notice that your position was A. you had abuse, I won't discuss it with you then or B. you had no abuse, I won't discuss it with you then. Right? ;-)
EDIT: I'm not sure how the topic of abuse came up, or weighs into this argument though.

As to your point here, yes, if I felt any "need" at all for faith, and I don't, I would absolutely need that faith to be based in logic and provable fact if I'm to believe it, and that disqualifies all faiths today.

EDIT: No, it's not a "need", it's a want...or more correctly a condition.

I was my own help with my brother/ I guess yeah, I always walk with help...I AM HELP! Odd that I'm so often unhelpful then, huh?

Anti-Michael Brown Song By Retired Fed. Investigator

newtboy says...

Dude...can you read? Please try again. I did not say it was racist. I said things do not have to be racist to be disgusting. Just wow. Talk about low reading comprehension.

If you only believe the cop testimony, perhaps. Since the DA threw the grand jury case, we'll never know, because it will never see a court room. That's not the series of events reports say the other 38 witnesses testified to seeing.

Songs laughing about killing unarmed people, and comparing them to road kill is only entertainment for disgusting people. Odd that all the cops found it entertaining...or perhaps it's not.
They should be upset because making fun of killing other people is disgusting, especially in the current climate where cops are trying to look human and humane, this shows their true colors when they think no one is watching, they laugh at killing unarmed people and take pleasure in it while dehumanizing the dead victims and their families. That's why any thinking person with a conscience would be upset. Duh.

I brought up the NY mayor because you brought up the NYPD cops. The way the cops are treating the mayor, who is not anti cop, but is simply not 100% behind every cop action, is infantile and disgusting. It shows how they can't accept any criticism without completely over-reacting in the worst ways, like big babies with guns.

Oh Bob. You might want to back off on the attempted insults and stick to the topic. (It just so happens that I'm fixed, not neutered, please learn the difference. Neutered males do not 'grow a pair' back, fixed males still have their testicles.) Your attempt at insult failed miserably on all fronts, but I'll still give you 'credit' for trying to be smarmy and clever.
It seems you're going the way of Chingalera here...and we all know what happened when he put the Newt in his mouthy parts. (it's the same thing that happens to anything that tries to bite a Newt, we just come crawling back out of your dead mouth unharmed!) He thought he was a big man too, with his smarmy insulting nastiness...didn't work out too well for him.

Considering how you see 'reality', I sure hope I look to be on the wrong side to you. I would hate to think I'm somehow in step with you or @Trancecoach. Many thinking people here do not have the highest opinions of your ilk.

EDIT: If Bill Burr told this story, he would not have talked about Michael Brown in those disgusting, degrading, dehumanizing ways. Bill is not an asshole. He might have found a way to make it funny, but not degrading or dehumanizing. This guy is no Bill Burr.

bobknight33 said:

Your not Newtboy you neutered boy. Time for you to grow up and grow a pair.

No it is not Racist not one bit racist. Bad taste maybe but not racist.

Michael Brown was a thug that struggled with a cop for his gun and it went off. The gentle giant then ran 30 ft got shot then charged back towards then cop and received some corrective measures for failing to stop charging the cop that lead to to his justified death.

The song, depending which side of the fence you are on can be disgusting or funny entertainment.

Like Ding Dong the witch is dead. is not appealing to witches but fun for all others to sing.
If Bill Burr told this story like the song you would be laughing you ass off.

Bill Burr - Helicopter Rides

AS for the room fool of cops not dissenting. How dumb can you be. Why on earth should they be upset?

Why bring up the NY mayor? He is an anti cop fool, elected by fools.

Man up Neutered Boy. Your on the loosing side of reality.

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

Lawdeedaw says...

Well many things would be different. Maybe the white kid would not have been profiled. Maybe he would not have become violent just because he was profiled. Remember, it takes a bigger man to walk away, and neither were a big man here.

Though Zimmerman was very racist, many Hispanics are. But I do think that if it was a white guy who dressed what's the word, typical of others yet justifiable, then Zimmerman would have. I look at my neighbors and see nice black men and women, even though the one had a crack record. I look at the white people down a house, and trash, tattoos and all. Now when you cross the block, wouldn't send my kids back to that area ever.

00Scud00 said:

I'm not a betting man, but even I would bet that if Martin was a white kid instead of a black kid then none of this would have happened in the first place. In a perfect world the color of a someone's skin should not make a difference, but in this world it means you don't belong in this nice neighborhood and are probably a thief.

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

bareboards2 says...

My dad is conservative as they come, gun lover from way back, and quite quickly will trot out any and all racist comments.

I asked him what he thought.

He said Zimmerman was guilty as hell.

And that is what a true gun lover would say. Not some gun-as-penis-wanna-be-big-man. But someone who absolutely respects the power that comes with a gun, who respects how deadly they can be. You don't mess around with guns.

Victim Disarms Gunman

Weirdest Video you will Ever See, GUARANTEED

Obama's Final Rally -the Edith story. The Power of One Voice

kymbos says...

Oh my god, that is so big of you. After labeling me stupid, crass, crude, silly, irrational, easily entertained, and (my favourite) 'like your wife' (what this says about your opinion of her is anyone's guess), can I say on behalf of both of us how impressive it is that you can be a Big Man and take the moral high ground.

I salute you!

Chris Christie on Fox & Friends - Not Playing Politics

David Beckham surprises fans at London 2012 photobooth

dannym3141 says...

>> ^A10anis:

>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^A10anis:
I hate to sound so cynical, ok, I am, but jeez, It's a multimillionaire footballer, that's all. Get a life.

If it was some fucking chump like john terry i could understand, but beckham deserves every penny and compliment he's ever earned and he's the only modern english footballer i'll say that for. He's less of a professional footballer nowadays than he is an ambassador for whatever good causes he has time to lend his name to.
Well in beckham, you're a source of british pride. Celebrity doesn't impress me but i'd have been well happy to see him pop his head round the corner.

It takes a big man to acknowledge that he was wrong. Luckily, I am a big man
I take my hat off to you Sir, you are quite right. Beckham Is a great ambassador, and doing what he did in this video was, at worst, harmless, and, at best, a moment these people will remember with a smile. My knee jerk comment was, I guess, just a response to the "instant fame" generation. Once again, I humbly accept your reproach.

Glad i see eye to eye with a big man!

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