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A very Murray Christmas Trailer

Annoying Devil in London

shinyblurry says...

God created the devil, but he wasn't always Gods enemy. The scripture reveals that he was a cherub who covered the mercy seat in Ezekiel is an excerpt:

14 “You were the anointed cherub who covers;
I established you;
You were on the holy mountain of God;
You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.

15 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created,
Till iniquity was found in you.

A cherub does not look like what is described in the popular imagery. You can find a description of them in Ezekiel chapter 1.

We see in Isaiah 14:3-21 that Satans sin was wanting to replace God and be worshiped himself. Here is an excerpt:
“How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer,[b] son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!

For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’

Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit.

In Heaven, Satan had a perfect life but he threw it away in a mad ambition to replace God with himself. This is exactly what he tempts us to do, as we disregard what God wants and sit on the throne of our lives as king. He got what he wanted in a way, as scripture calls Satan the god of this world, his rule over this world, as ours, is only a temporary affair; we will all stand before God on judgment day and give an account.

newtboy said:

And who fathered him?

How to DMT

enoch says...


cuz i truly enjoy watching shag and newt go back and forth on this issue,and in doing so bring up some very real and important points when dealing with psychedelics.

it really is important to know what you are ingesting,no matter what form of drug you may be experimenting with.

that being said,woohoo for tripping balls!

buckle your seatbelt dorothy,
because kansas is going bye bye.

Charger prototype finding its way to Model S

Should gay people be allowed to marry?

newtboy says...

I see (and love) what you did there. I wish I could double or triple upvote that comment.

While I totally get your point, and that's the only reason I used to engage these few people that come here to complain about tolerance, inclusion, or forced responsibility for one's own actions. That said, I came to the conclusions that replying to them is giving them the attention they seek, and more 'air time' for their ridiculous hateful ideals. If no one replied to them, they would quickly become a group of 4, passing hate speech back and forth to each other, but in their own little bubble, obviously shunned by the 'community' without being banished. That seems the best option available at this time, as their hateful, racist, misogynist, anti-(choose your minority) speech is seen as 'opinion' so it's considered to be (just barely) not rising to the level where they should be outright banned (not in my opinion, I think they crossed that line long ago, but mine is not the important opinion...just like in most other situations).
I now have them on ignore-plus (see the sift talk post), where I no longer see that they even exist...and I'm SOOOO much happier visiting the site now. It is an unpleasant side effect that now, some of their vocal detractors are silent (when it comes to them), but that also means they have far fewer to 'argue' with...meaning they post far less nonsense for 'noobs' to see, and will likely eventually move on when they stop getting any reaction (that's why they're here, for the negative reaction. There's a word for people who lurk on websites with the intent to upset other users...I just can't put my finger on it).

...and welcome back.

JustSaying said:

After months offline I just wanted some cat videos and now this...

You know, Bob, I think you are right. I may not be a US citizen but I think there should be an international law, enforced by the UN.
As a species we can not allow morally bankrupt people to define what marriage should be, especially if that definition is ethically questionable and radically diverging from what the Bible, Torah or Quran describe.
Not only are we subjected to this bizarre propaganda of how normal this sickening behaviour is, this agenda is being sold to children as well. Even if we ignore the risk factors and possible fallout from this dangerous interaction with our youth, I think we can't deny that letting somebody that unstable adopt children isn't the best of ideas.
As you point out, this minority has a strong grasp on the media and an even stronger grip around the neck of political systems around the globe. Even our economy isn't safe of their influence which everyone can see everytime they hurt american businesses with their boycotts. Like disgusting, entitled children, they throw tantrums everytime they don't get their will, no mattere what the cost.
You're right, mankind shouldn't capitulate to their demands. I say annul their existing marriages or domestic partnerships and make it illegal for those people to marry. Worldwide.
According to Wikipedia (yes, I know, Wikipedia) there are 7.2 billion humans on earth and the GOP has around 30 million members. That's only 0.4% of the world population. You're right. Why should any society capitulate for such an insignificant demographic group? Why should we allow republicans to marry or recognize their marriages as legally binding? Nobody needs them to procreate.
Having said that, as far as I'm concerned, George W. Bush is a bastard, even by westerosi standards.

The Backwards Brain Bicycle

radx says...

Back in the days, Y axis mapping was neither standardised nor adjustable, so many of us went through this back and forth countless times. As a result, it takes me just a few seconds to adjust to an inverted Y axis on an input device.

An inverted X axis on the other hand wrecks my brain in any fast-paced situation.

TheFreak said:

If you want to experience something similar at home, take a game controller and invert the Y axis in a first person game that you've played a lot. Play until you get the hang of it and then switch back. See how long it takes you to readjust.

why is my video getting buried (Sift Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

1). So the answer is, YES, it is "failing" to indicate page numbers.
Clicking the arrow works, but it is supposed to indicate page numbers.
Example.: on the "Newest Video" page. there are page numbers.
on the "upcoming videos" page - no page numbers.

2). sure okay - It seems to be working now, as you say. I may have been mistaking individual pages with the featured video page which shows the video on the old format. It's distracting jumping back and forth. but I see what you are saying.

3). just doesn't work for me. (as I commented above.)

Thanks for your help though. They may be very little things, but as the SIFT grows and becomes more complex, inconsistencies become more noticeable.

eric3579 said:

Is there a defect with the mechanism?
-No there is not

1). The Sift IS failing to indicate additional pages, I've noticed this quite a bit lately.
-No thats not true. It does but the last page is not a page number but an arrow thingy.

2). I've also noticed that the sift pages can't decide if they want to use the new format or the old one. I seem to get them both randomly on each page - no pattern that I've noticed. This tends to confuse how we are seeing things.
-NO, it works as intended and. New format when viewing individual videos. All other pages old style. Also you can opt out of new format if you would like(bottom of the page)

3). The information that used to be at the bottom of the page, which indicated who has up-voted or down-voted is missing. We can no longer tell who has voted in which direction.
-Newt answered above.

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

It's at 2:10.

(Just asking for a correction it because I kept skipping back and forth around 2:20 to hear it, but there's nothing near there.)

blacklotus90 said:

@2:20: "I just realized I should have been filming this horizontally... I'm sorry"

Anita Sarkeesian: 'What I Couldn't Say'

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Okay Enzo. I've already been thru this with Newtboy.

I don't want to have another pointless back and forth.

I'm not trying to start a flame war.

So please explain what you're citing as "the truth" in that seemingly bias "rational"wiki page.

[I say that because "hate-train" doesn't seem like very objective or academic terminology]

Please explain away this instance of Sarkeesian's theft and misappropriation of a female artist's work.

And this instance of fabricated gameplay footage from Hitman: Absolution.

The footage she uses in her FemFreq video implies that the ENTIRE point of this section of the game is to brutalize women.

When, in fact, the game penalizes players for killing ANY civilians.

Every other legitimate walk-through of this game & mission clearly shows the player completely avoiding the exotic dancers.

Please do your best to avoid semantics and objectively justify this behavior. Thanks

Enzoblue said:

And the truth for the non-cowards:

a knife blade heated by an induction coil

school of life-what comes after religion?

newtboy says...

That's funny, earlier you made that the main point of your argument, now it doesn't matter (maybe because you were dead wrong in your assumption?).
You can say the 'pendulum swings back and forth' all you like, it doesn't make it true. Most religious people never 'swing' away from their religion, and most atheists never adopt religion. You're just plain wrong again on this assumption.
Sweet Zombie Jesus! Atheists have been around longer than theists. It's not a new concept by any means, Christianity is a new concept comparatively. One more terribly backwards assumption.
How can you explain your experience of no real Easter bunny, you can't do it. (EDIT:As I see it, there's more evidence of the Easter Bunny, I've seen thousands of bunnies, and every year those colored eggs appear, that's more factual evidence than I've seen of a god ;-) There's no god, so there's nothing to experience, so nothing to explain. Simple, and done!
Believing in the invisible, capricious, self centered bully in the sky is NOT common sense, it's a complete suspension of common sense.
I see far more religious people complaining constantly over their lot in life, and that society doesn't all follow their beliefs, miserable that they can't 'please god' and blaming all their problems on things beyond their control or understanding. Atheists don't do that, and are statistically happier, better adjusted, more tolerant of others, less criminal people. Which philosophy sounds better?

PS. You owe me an upvote!

lantern53 said:

It doesn't really matter how many people identify as atheists, although I only know one person in my circle who says he is one. I would consider him pretty moral, also.

As I said before, the pendulum swings one way, then the other, much like the sexuality of many in Hollywood.

Regardless, how do you explain the rise of some type of religion in every civilization? Atheism is most likely a late development although I don't have the stats on it. It's a 20th century invention, I'm sure.

When it comes to religion, my faith rests on those with experiential knowledge. There are multitudes of people who have had direct experience of God, they generally coincide, whereas how can an atheist explain his experience of 'no God'. He can't do it.

So to believe in God becomes a common sense decision.

If you don't, that's fine, it's your life, live it as you wish. Each man is his own philosopher. If you are miserable, you have a lousy philosophy.

school of life-what comes after religion?

lantern53 says...

Just like most things, belief can swing back and forth like a pendulum. But that pendulum will never swing one way (toward atheism) and stop.

Because a belief in a higher power is hard-coded into our DNA. Religion is man's attempt to interpret this. Some interpretations are more accurate than others, but 'whatever floats your boat'. There is great diversity in the creation, and great diversity in Man's interpretation of belief systems.

Atheism is also a belief. It requires a great deal of faith. Atheists are the few dissonant chords allowed in the symphony. But if you are drawn to that dissonance, you are out of tune.

The fish doesn't have to believe in the ocean. It's always there and sustains the fish. But the fish can't live outside of it.

Sportscaster responds to racism and hate

dannym3141 says...

And the right are blind to it.

Therefore disconnect yourself from the struggle between the labels left or right and take this external position with me, where we try and weigh out what the best option might be for everyone, given all of the arguments. What a wonderful world it could be!

To you, politics is fighting enemies. To me, politics is helping friends. Perhaps the problem with the world is that there's too many people like you. Takes a whole bunch of understanding between different opinions in order to make a world where people with a billion different perspectives can all get along.

When you're done squibbling about labels, there's work to be done. Some people are casually racist, and some people are not. What rules can we set so that we restrict the effects of racism without restricting fairness? I also don't like some of the ways it's been implemented, perhaps we can find a way that works together?!

Or we can throw labels back and forth for a while. I have a bet on about what your answer will be.. disappoint me.

bobknight33 said:

People see racism even when its not there. The left are masters at it.

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

oritteropo says...

That's really good The previous member menu layout wasn't nearly as usable, and I'm VERY glad to see beggar's canyon linked.

Remaining things I'm still switching back and forth for are:

  • Number of votes of my current vids (the "My Unsifted Videos" pop-up doesn't seem to have a direct equivalent yet in v6 beta).
  • Adding vids to playlists.

lucky760 said:

I've added back in lots of functionality like the ability to edit videos, fix dead videos, view/activate backup embeds, display (prominently) if a video is dead, and created links for beggar's canyon, dead pool, thumbnails wanted, top users, awards, and top badges.

Most of those things now live under the member tab.

CC: @eric3579

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

oritteropo says...

On a phone, the new layout looks quite nice right until you get to the bottom, and then the related and suggested vids are quite messy.

Old style (neater list) -
New style (messier list) -

You could neaten it up either by making the thumbnails smaller, or by only displaying three instead of five videos in each list. Actually the thumbnails seem quite large even on the desktop version.

As there is no way to mouseover on a phone, could the comment timestamps be made unconditional there (or everywhere)?

What makes me switch back and forth between v6 beta and old style is missing list of voters. I would've said number of views too, but I see that's been added (thanks!).

One usability thing - the way the comment box shrinks just before you want to hit submit means you have to chase the submit button around the page. This doesn't help. Moving the controls above the textbox would fix this, although I'm sure you can think of other ways.

I'd like to see Beggar's Canyon back in the "watch" menu, although I'm also open to only having it and deadpool and no thumbs appear only on the front page. It has been used a bit less lately, but as it was initially one of my favourite starting points I feel the need to stick up for it

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Beggar's Canyon