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Horrific Brazillian anti-smoking posters

Affect of rampant pesticide use on environment and humans

curiousity says...

Gina Solomon is a specialist in adult internal medicine, preventive medicine, and occupational and environmental medicine. She is a Senior Scientist in the Health and Environment Program of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). NRDC is a national nonprofit organization with over 550,000 members dedicated to the protection of public health and the environment.

Dr. Solomon is also an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California at San Francisco where she is an attending physician at the U.C. Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit. Her work has included research on asthma, diesel exhaust, breast cancer, pesticides, contaminants in breast milk, and threats to reproductive health and child development.

Dr. Solomon attended medical school at Yale and did her residency and fellowship training at Harvard.


Dr. Susan Kegley is an organic chemist with expertise in pesticide toxicology, pollutant fate and transport; environmental monitoring and analytical chemistry; and experience with pesticide regulation, pesticide data sources and the pesticide toxicology and epidemiology literature.

After 14 years of teaching, research and curriculum development in academia, Dr. Kegley worked as a Senior Scientist for nine years at Pesticide Action Network North America, a non-governmental, non-profit organization that works to promote sustainable alternatives to toxic pesticides.

Dr. Kegley started Pesticide Research Institute in 2006.


Tyrone Hayes is a professor in the Department of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley. His research focuses on the role of steroid hormones in amphibian development and he conducts both laboratory and field studies in the U.S. and Africa. The two main areas of interest are metamorphosis and sex differentiation.

His work addresses problems on several levels including ecological, organismal, and molecular questions. Studies examine the effects of temperature on developmental rates, interactions between the thyroid hormones and steroids, and hormonal regulation of skin gland development.

What's That Smell? It's a MINK Roast! (Parody Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

In the world of fiction and fantasy there are many lands that one can visit and become content in. Never Never Land, Narnia, Azeroth, and Middle-earth. Just to name a few. However none of the afore mentioned lands have as much believability as Lithuania. Why do some believe this made-up fairy tale land exists? Maybe you've seen maps, or WikiPedia says it's a 'real' country. Or maybe MINK himself has said there is such a place.

LIES! all of it. MINK actually lives in what is commonly referred to as a 'flat', for English chaps, and a 'crappy studio apartment' in the United States. There he waits for the BBC to show his favorite episode of terrahawks and crying when Doctor "Tiger" Ninestein dies for the 25th time.

There he sits with garbage littering the floor. A cigarette in one hand and a asthma inhaler in the other. His hair is matted and hasn't been washed in months, his whiskers ensure that even the lowliest of prostitutes that he frequents insist on him wearing a plastic bag mask. The only release he has from life is when he can go to Videosift and pretend he lives in the magical land of Lithuania. Where he pretends to make music that families love.

The poor sad fool. Should we pity him?... most definitely. Should we feel sorry for him?... Not really. Should we confront him about his fantasy land?... I could only serve to crush his spirit, which would be easy if he hadn't sold his soul to Hanna Montana for tickets to her concert.

Roast IV Begins Monday! (Parody Talk Post)

MINK says...

Here I am in all my hyperallergenic middle class vegetarian stereotypical glory.

1. What do you do when you are not on the computer?

eat vegetarian food, fuck a vegetarian, buy vegetables, that sort of thing.
And make music, but that's on a computer... so.... but I play trumpet... Into a computer.

2. Approximate the percentage of time you work and you play on a computer.

like all the freaking time. since i was 5. asthma (see hatred of cars below)
but mostly design or chatting to people back home, i am not a hardcore leet geek hacker or something.
i like any sport that's wet, but i don't live near a lake or sea, so i don't do much sport.
I DJ, with proper records, dnb, dubstep, triphop... no computer. Then i upload the mix into a computer.

3. If you had a time machine would you travel to an era in the past or future? Explain.

depends if you can guarantee my safety, if so, i would like to see the future. but not my own future.

4. What is your ratio of pairs of shoes to undergarments?

1 to 20

5. Do you wear boxers or briefs?

i think you call them trunks.

6. Do you have a Mac, PC or Linux?

mac, but honestly it's only half as annoying as a pc.

7. Would you prefer death by firing squad or salmonella poisoning?

yo firing squad for real. what kind of idiot says anything else? i turned vegetarian after bad food poisoning so, no thanks, not again.

8. Do is you add sprinkles, gravy, nuts or a cherry on top?

gravy? on top of what?

9. Are you a tits, ass, or legs man?


10. What kind of pet(s) do you have? Include name(s).

none, i would have a cat if i wasn't allergic and i liked the smell of cat piss, i would call it tony blair. no, i would call it whatever my girl wants to call it (see previous question)

11. What is your favorite kind of taco?

those things that break when you bite them and spill meat all over you which (did i mention) i don't eat?

12. What is your favorite source for news?


13. What is your beer preference? Or other beverage (poison) of choice?

beeeeeer. anything english from a local brewery. Or Svyturys in Lithuania if i want lager, or a real lithuanian live beer, preferably dark. I feel old just typing this. I even like whisky now.

14. Have you ever been arrested?

No. Searched, but they didn't find it hahahahah.

15. Which is your Cheetos preference: Crunchy Cheese or Puffs?

Yikes. You eat that shit?

16. How would you describe your coif: bangs, balding or rug?

bangs wtf?
it's just off the collar, and a bit girly.

17. Is your face clean-shaven or do you have a beard, a goatee or a mustache?

smooth skin: kiss.
scabby red itchy hairy prickly skin: no kiss.

18. List your five most cherished possessions.

any video or audio recording i ever made.
banksy print, powerbook, trumpet, erm... i haven't got much else.

19. What religion did you practice as a child?

anglican christianity, but i didn't get it.

20. What is your favorite childhood memory?

can't choose a favourite. i get vivid flashbacks though, normally embarassment or mundanity.
probably best feeling was sailing, in the sun, in a one man boat.
what i didn't like was the time i fell off waterskiing and forgot to clench my buttocks and about 30 litres of water raped me.

21. What was your favorite childhood television show?

terrahawks (gerry anderson... i think i have a sift somewhere)
things that fly out of buildings into space are awwwwweeeeeesssssssommmmeee.

22. What is your most sacred personal rant?

people should fucking create their own shit, and the government should invest more in creativity and education, capitalism alone doesn't work for art.

also cars and outdoor advertising should be banned. especially outdoor advertising of cars.

23. What is a reason not to go to Burning Man?

it's thousands of miles away and the water's expensive?

24. Who is your favorite Sift Hero?

choggie for insisting on creativity, literally with every word he writes.

25. How would your characterize SiftBot: slave, servant or secret overlord?


26. Do you have any image(s) of yourself online that you're willing to share?

if the roast is fun i am willing to unmask myself a bit. maybe some music. but i post as MINK, not myself, so my face is not relevant to the roast.

27. What is your quest?

to make 100% of my money from creativity and to spread that around. sounds lofty, but so does the word "quest". I do hope that after i die, someone enjoys something I made, and they say "hey, that guy made cool shit, shame he's dead". That's all.

28. What is your favorite color?

red. aries. what can i do.

Let the record show that I resent the male meat eating american bias in these questions but i'm like cool with it, you know, you can't help being a freaking yank.

Even Bill Gates thinks Vista sucks !

MINK says...

^thanks for reading

i also don't see much wrong with how he is now choosing to use his financial power. however, it's not "giving to charity"... i mean it's giving to a big investment fund which you control. slightly different. also you can't deny there's a temptation to invest in companies that boost your business, even if they are polluters (forget global warming, pollution gives kids asthma/blindness/cancer etc ffs)

so 95% of this money he "gave away to africa" is invested in businesses of his choosing. Just giving some perspective, you know?

And anyway, the software still sucks, it doesn't matter to me how nice he is, he made sucky software, so he sucks. he didn't make sucky software with the aim of giving all the profit to africa. sheesh.

Breast feeding her 5 and 7 year olds

qruel says...

Bush Administration Favored Baby Formula Companies Over Babies
By Brandon Keim August 31, 2007 | 6:08:56 PMCategories: Government, Health
Back in 2004, federal health officials figured that an advertising campaign could help increase rates of breast-feeding in the United States.

Breast milk, as doctors universally recognize and the FDA makes very clear, is healthier than formula. It's full of ingredients developed by a few million years of evolution to do a baby's body good. Breast-fed kids are less likely to get sick as they grow up, the milk is always sterile, and there's probably a psychological benefit, too.

But the baby formula industry -- a subdivision of the high-powered pharmaceutical industry -- didn't like this, reports the Washington Post, so they put pressure on the Department of Health and Human Services to tone down the ads.

The industry roped in ex-Republican National Committee chairman Clayton Yeutter and ex-FDA official Joseph Levitt to meet with HHS officials. They told then-surgeon general Richard Carmona to stay out of the process, which he did.

In a Feb. 17, 2004, letter to [then-HHS secretary Tommy Thompson], Yeutter began "Dear Tommy" and explained that the council wished to meet with him because the draft ad campaign was inappropriately "implying that mothers who use infant formula are placing their babies at risk," and could give rise to class-action lawsuits.

Yeutter acknowledged that the ad agency "may well be correct" in asserting that a softer approach would garner less attention, but he said many women cannot breast-feed or choose not to for legitimate reasons, which may give them "guilty feelings." He asked, "Does the U.S. government really want to engage in an ad campaign that will magnify that guilt?"

Rather than starkly laying out the risks of not breast feeding -- as focus group testing showed would be most effective -- the resulting ads instead made awkward visual references (dandelions! ice cream scoops!) to breasts and soft-peddle the benefits of breast-feeding. As predicted by the Ad Council, this had no impact on breast feeding rates.

And if this wasn't bad enough, an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality study released two months later April found that breast-feeding

... was associated with fewer ear and gastrointestinal infections, as well as lower rates of diabetes, leukemia, obesity, asthma and sudden infant death syndrome. [...]

A top HHS official said that at the time, Suzanne Haynes, an epidemiologist and senior science adviser for the department's Office on Women's Health, argued strongly in favor of promoting the new conclusions in the media and among medical professionals. But her office, which commissioned the report, was specifically instructed by political appointees not to disseminate a news release.

Top Gear - Hydrogen Powered Car made by General Motors

Constitutional_Patriot says...

Tecnically the car actually runs on electricity since that is the power output stage of the process? The point is that it generates electricity from a process of building and storing energy from H2O. Your correct it doesn't "RUN" on water. I suppose we should just say it runs on electricity. This way we can ignore the whole H2O being converted to hydrogen part even though that is where the "power" comes from.

I had no idea this would be so controversial.. The main point is that the technology exists - Clean energy. Global warming aside, I have asthma and believe me, I would soooo love to see these types of cars hit the market.. if only to breathe a little easier for all of us.

Hugh Laurie guest shot on Friends

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