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Crazy naked Russian rampage - Russian drugs are the best!

Crazy naked Russian rampage - Russian drugs are the best!

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

October 27, 2010

Ann Coulter

With the media sneering about the Tea Party candidates being a bunch of nuts, how about we take a look at some of the Democrats running this year?

We've got Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank, who personally presided over the housing crash after getting that gay prostitution business behind him. Of course, Frank's actions are nothing compared to Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul's alleged participation in a college prank. Now, THERE'S a scandal!

California Sen. Barbara Boxer refuses to say whether a newborn baby is a human life. When Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Penn., asked her on the Senate floor a few years ago whether she believed a baby born alive has a constitutionally protected right to live, Boxer was stuck for an answer. Her nonresponsive replies included these:

"I support the Roe v. Wade decision. ...

"I think when you bring your baby home, when your baby is born -- and the baby belongs to your family and has all the rights. ...

"Define 'separation' ...

"You mean the baby has been birthed and is now in its mother's arms? ...

"The baby is born when the baby is born. That is the answer to the question. ...

"I am not answering these questions! I am not answering these questions!"

(Also, I think she said: "Please call me 'senator.'")

That's not Patty Murray-stupid, but it's still pretty stupid. How many late-term abortions are you planning to get, Californians, that it's worth being represented by such a cretinous woman?

Even if you are under the misimpression that Boxer's Republican opponent, Carly Fiorina, is somehow going to outlaw abortion in California, Carly will cut your taxes so much that you'd be able to fly to Sweden for all your abortions and still come out ahead!

Liberals are indignant that Sarah Palin writes speech notes to herself on her hand. This week, Alex Sink, the Democratic candidate for governor in Florida, was slipped a debating point by her makeup artist, texted by a campaign aide in violation of the rules during a debate with her Republican opponent, Rick Scott.

Oh, those thick Tea Party candidates!

Last weekend, Illinois governor Pat Quinn -- Rod Blagojevich's running mate -- stood silently as his supporter, state Sen. Rickey Hendon, blasted Quinn's Republican opponent, Bill Brady, as "idiotic, racist, sexist, homophobic."

Hendon has repeatedly made headlines over the past few years for his inappropriate behavior toward female colleagues. Once -- during a Senate debate -- he asked Sen. Cheryl Axley if her hair was naturally blond and then publicly propositioned her.

Another time, Hendon tackled Rep. Robin L. Kelly, knocking her to the ground after a House-Senate softball game she had come to watch in office attire.

Of the impeccable Brady, Hendon wailed: "If you think that women have no rights whatsoever, except to have his children, vote for Bill Brady. If you think gay and lesbian people need to be locked up and shot in the head, vote for Bill Brady."

Even the Chicago press was shocked by this, calling on Quinn to apologize. Quinn has "renounced" Hendon's remarks, but refused to apologize.

But watch out for the Tea Party candidates! There are some real loose cannons in that bunch.

Also last week, Rep. Ron Klein, Democrat of Florida, hysterically claimed he had been "threatened" by one of the Vietnam Veteran bikers supporting his Republican opponent, Allen West.

The man who had allegedly "threatened" Klein is 60 years old and goes by the terrifying name of ... "Miami Mike." Mike told the Miami Herald that he had simply e-mailed Klein, saying that he deserved to be voted out of office and, in addition, he needed "a good ass-kicking, which I'd be more than happy to do even though I'm a lot older than you."

As Miami Mike said: "A threat? Give me a break. He cannot be scared of what I wrote. If he is, he is just a real baby."

Apparently so. Klein turned Mike's e-mail over to the Capitol police, where they promptly burst out laughing and then ordered framed copies of the e-mail.

Speaking of little girls in pink party dresses, Keith Olbermann has repeatedly claimed that Allen West "disgraced his uniform." Weirdly, he never gives details of how he thinks West did that. (Maybe Olbermann could check on war-zone protocol with fake-Vietnam War veteran Dick Blumenthal, who's running for the Senate from Connecticut by lying about having served in Vietnam.)

As a colonel in Iraq, West was interrogating an Iraqi terrorist who knew about a planned ambush. Unable to get him to talk, West shot a gun near the terrorist's head, whereupon the frightened but unharmed detainee spilled the beans.

Because of that, West's men were able to capture a potential attacker and identify future ambush sites. There were no further attacks on West's men.

As West later told The New York Times, "There are rules and regulations, and there's protecting your soldiers." He said, "I just felt I'd never have to write a letter of condolence home to a 'rule and regulation.'"

When the Army considered court-martialing West, thousands of letters poured in defending West and thanking him for what he had done. Ninety-five members of Congress signed a letter to the secretary of the Army in support of West. No court-martial was ever convened.

Liberals won't say that John Phillip Walker Lindh disgraced his country. Washington Sen. Patty Murray thinks Osama bin Laden is a swell guy for building "day care centers" in Afghanistan. But they say a hero like Allen West "disgraced his uniform" by saving the lives of American soldiers.

Yeah, the Tea Party candidates are a real embarrassment.

The Size of Your Gun Matters

The Size of Your Gun Matters

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Ice Cube - Who's The Mack

MrFisk says...

Who's the mack? is it some brother in a big hat
Thinking he can get any bitch with a good rap?
Rolling in a fucked-up Lincoln
Leaning to the side So it looks like he's sinking
Into that leopard interior
This nigga thinks every girl's inferior
To his tongue, get a dumb bitch sprung
As she's selling more butt
Don't even get a cut of the money
His name is Sonny
And he know the play
And hope to od that he don't find a runaway
That's looking to become a star
He'll have your ass in and out of every car
With every on and Rick, sucking every john's dick
Come short of the money, get your ass kicked
You don't like it but you still call him hunk
Last night the nigga put yo' ass in the trunk
You wanna leave but Sonny started talking fast
And it make you wanna go and sell more ass
He's getting rich, you his bitch and it's like that
Now ask yourself
Who's the mack?
Who's the mack?

It is that fool that wanna pump the gas
Give you a sad story and you give him cash?
He starts macking and macking and you sucking
Quick to say I'm down on my luck
And you give a dollar or a quarter and he's on his way
Then you see his sorry ass the next day
Are you the one getting played like a sucka?
Or do you say, "Get a job, motherfucker"?
Every day, the story gets better
He's wearing dirty pants and a funky-assed sweater
He claims he wants to get something to eat
But every day you find yourself getting beat
He gets your money and you run across the street don't look both ways
'cause he's in a daze
And almost get his ass hit for the crack
Now ask yourself
Who's the mack?
Who's the Mack?

Is it that nigga in that club asking
Have you ever been in a hot tub?
I know the game so I watch it unfold
When i see the boy pinned to your earlobe
He's talking shit and you crack a smile
When he tell you that he can go buck wild
For a girl like you and make it feel good
You know it's drama but it sound real good
He started dragging and hopefully he can start tagging
The pussy so he can keep bragging
He say, "I'm 'a leave baby, can you go with me?"
The pussy so he can keep bragging
You wanna do it but you feeling like a H-O-E
You grab his hand, you leave and it's over
'Cause the nigga ain't nothing but a rover
Ya knew the game and you still ended up on your back
Now ask yourself
Who's the Mack?
Macking is the game and everybody's playing
And as long as you believe what they saying
Consider the a M.A.C.K. and with no delay
They are gonna get all the play
But when it comes to me, save the drama for your momma
It's Ice Cube and you know that I'm a
Mack in my own right
When it comes to rhyme and rap
'cause all i do is kick facts
Unlike Iceberg Slimm
And all of them be claimin' be P.I.M.P.
No, I'm not going out that way
I'm just a straight up N I double G A
Next time U get over on a fool
And you did the shit like real smooth
Thank Ice Cube for giving up the facts
And ask yourself
Who's the Mack?

Crazy Police Chase in Los Angeles

Reefie says...

So after getting him out of the car how long would it really take to put the handcuffs on and put him in the back of a police car? I mean one or two punches to subdue an unruly fugitive might be understandable but they're making a barrier to prevent anyone seeing a 2-minute ass kicking. At least British police wait until dickheads like drunk drivers and car jackers are back in a cosy cell...

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Ultramarines - Teaser for Warhammer 40K Movie

moodonia says...

I'm shocked that they are finally making a WH40K animated movie! Recently read a couple of the novels by Dan Abbnett (who is writing the script) and they were great, would really translate to a dark, sci-fi horror with adult themes and epic ass kicking battles.

So I'm expecting they will make a "Judge Dredd" out of it. Cast is impressive so far though:

Terence Stamp
John Hurt
Sean Pertwee
Steven Waddington
Donald Sumpter
Johnny Harris
Ben Bishop
Christopher Finney
Gary Martin

Hit Girl Pwneth 2 (Spoiler)

Sagemind says...

It's a super-hero-fantasy kick-but good-side-always-wins, bad-guys-never-prosper, mixed-up, blood-splattering, vigilante, mob-ass-kicking, Action-adventure film!

...and you're mentioning "Suspension of Disbelief?" -I hate that!

Rioting with a little class. No looting allowed during G20.

Fletch says...

These jackasses join and infect every peaceful protest that gets media coverage. I wish the "legit" peaceful protesters would just take 5 minutes or so and mass gank the SOB's. Maybe they would think twice about pulling this shit if they knew the price was an ass-kicking.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

ToKeyMonsTeR says...

I wish I had a pickle

I don't think I would react that way at all. I care about people that get stepped on by others and not for the person doing the stepping. I don't think that cop should die for what he did but I would love to see some street justice on his ass for hitting a kid, fuck the gender issue. Hell even if it was an adult I'd still be saying wtf.

I just think its fucked up that cops can manhandle people, put people under arrest, or taze someone for talking back or not submitting and becoming their bitch for the duration of the stop. And if someone has the balls to help the person in trouble or the person in trouble resists in any way, the they are fucked. Don't matter if you were right or if the cop was using too much force or anything because if you put a finger on one of them your done. Because in the eyes of most people cops are gods among men.

In my eyes they are just regular damn people with a blue shit and a shiny little badge. And I know lots of people would agree that if you saw someone without that shiny badge treating especially a kid that way, youd want to kick his fuckin ass.

I would also like to say in this case he wasn't dealing with crack heads or dangerous people but kids who just got out of school and jaywalked across the street. It's obvious jaywalking doesn't warrant that type of response and according to the person that said they were there the cop started twisting her arm and then slammed her against the car for yelling back. Fuck that.

I was also surrounded by a group of people once. I got a shitty blame-displacement tongue so I got my ass kicked

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

And I would like two women at one time, a classic car, friends from all over the world who love and adore me, my own country, and a pickle. Sadly, I only have the car and pickle right now...
Your fantasy is a delusion. Think about it... Cops = people + authority... Meaning that if you were a cop, you would do the same thing! Also, imagine one of the attackers pulling a knife. As quick as dead. A crowd gets out of control and one dead cop. But you don't care about the cop, his family or anything. In fact, I don't think you care about the "victims" either... I think you just hate.
I was surrounded by a crowd once and unaided by the local fat-police that refused to help me (I am not a cop btw.) It could have been one dead DeeDaw in a manner of minutes. Thank god for my blame-displacement tongue...
I was also followed by a crack head because I told her to leave my neighborhood after she was in my yard and scared my wife and children. She followed me so close, asked if I was scared in a threatening manner and I was thinking, "You damn right, I cannot stand getting cut." Instead I just glared and she slinked away.

Girl Gets Smacked in Face for Not Giving Her Phone Number

South Korean Robot Sentry

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