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Unbelievable Exploding Plants

Obama Restricts Military Equipment For Police

Payback says...

The manufacturers will be more than happy to ship the artillery. Obama is just not gonna pay for it.

APCs are available to anyone with at least a good credit rating. You can't buy military spec transport, but you can certainly buy BETTER than military spec.

newtboy said:

Really? Where are these available to non-military agencies? I want a grenade launcher mounted to my warthog/drone, just in case my neighbor gets out of control.
I don't think the police are allowed to buy illegal arms on the black market, even if they are allowed to have them....but maybe I'm wrong about that...I just hope not.

EDIT: As to the use, yes, that's disappointing, but one step at a time is better than no progress at all.

The Indestructible Warship: WW1 Beyond the Trenches

radx says...

The artillery was stripped from the wreck of the SMS Königsberg, which was scuttled after a prolonged engagement with British light cruisers and monitors in the delta of the Rufiji River, south of Dar es Salaam. Most guns were used as field artillery, but two of them were carried to Lake Tanganyika and installed aboard the Graf Goetzen.

lv_hunter (Member Profile)

War Thunder - Victory is Ours - Most Epic Game Trailer Ever

radx says...

And to expend on it for a bit, in order for them to use the iconic Tiger, a scenario with plenty of entrenched infantry is much more appropriate than any mobility-based warfare. Great tool to force a breakthrough, even greater tool to prevent a breakthrough.

For instance, the handful of combat ready Tigers deployed with the 502nd during the battles around Lake Ladoga in '43 were used almost exlusively in two roles: either to strengthen entrenched friendly infantry against attacking armor or to throw Soviet infantry out of trenches seized in previous assaults.

The entire area of operations around Leningrad, including the supply lines around Lake Ladoga, was one big trench warfare, with massive use of artillery. Armoured spearheads only enabled the following infantry to advance from one line of trenches to the next. Extensive breakthroughs and large scale encirclements were only possible in the steppes further south. The marshes and dense forests up north reduced everything to a meat grinder.

War Thunder - Victory is Ours - Most Epic Game Trailer Ever

WaterDweller says...

@ChaosEngine I imagine because trench warfare was actually used in a few cases during WW2. From Wikipedia:

"Combined arms tactics where infantry, artillery, armour and aircraft cooperate closely greatly reduced the importance of trench warfare.

It was, however, still a valuable method for reinforcing natural boundaries and creating a line of defence. For example, at the Battle of Stalingrad, soldiers on both sides dug trenches within the ruins. In addition, before the start of the Battle of Kursk, the Soviets constructed a system of defence more elaborate than any other they built during World War I. These defences succeeded in stopping the German armoured pincers from meeting and enveloping the salient."

Israeli crowd cheers with joy as missile hits Gaza on CNN

Asmo says...

Lol, that's a pretty flaccid attempt at selective quotation...

"I had a good laugh at the "50% of the kids have PTSD. Oh the poor dears, perhaps their government shouldn't have zoned their houses in a fucking warzone. At least they have bomb shelters, a warning system, Iron Dome ffs..."

Whereas Palestinian kids have... Oh right, a mortar shell knock minutes before the explosive payload arrives.

I feel pity for innocents on both sides of the line, but I feel more pity for the hundreds of targets of high precision directed artillery/guided missiles and bombs as opposed to the handful of victims of random chance dumbfire rockets...

ShakaUVM said:

This says everything I need to know about you.

Israeli crowd cheers with joy as missile hits Gaza on CNN

Asmo says...

I don't applaud Hamas, I think their actions are as deplorable.

But I understand them.

Similarly, I understand the French Resistance. Or the American "terrorists" (Son's of Liberty) that started the resistance against the British which eventually led to the War of Independence... Of course, those are terrorists that we agree with because they were on the side of good. So we call them a resistance or patriots. The people they killed were obviously all evil ne'er-do-wells who deserved it, innocents were never harmed... /eyeroll

I had a good laugh at the "50% of the kids have PTSD". Oh the poor dears, perhaps their government shouldn't have zoned their houses in a fucking warzone. At least they have bomb shelters, a warning system, Iron Dome ffs...

But you'll have to remind me, where are the bomb shelters in Gaza when Israeli artillery and guided munitions come a knocking? Where's the automated missile defense system shooting down incoming strikes, or the warning system to tell people an attack is imminent? Who's supplying them with first class military equipment?

Have you ever seen one of Hamas' vaunted "rockets"? A home built, hand machined dumbfire which uses ammonium nitrate and sugar as it's propellant, and mostly low grade explosives as it's payload. No guidance, just launch and hope it hits something. Yup, it'll kill you if it lands on you, but they are weapons of desperation, not a serious threat. The 600 to 30 kill ratio at the moment speaks to that.

ShakaUVM said:

What's disgusting is the hypocrisy of people, who applaud the constant bombardment of Israel with missiles, and then rise up in outrage when Israel moves to defend itself.

Israel shows amazing fucking restraint for a country that had hundreds of missiles launched at it.

Hamas fired over 400 rockets at civilian population centers.

You would be singing a very different song if your home town came under constant bombardment. 50% of Israeli kids living near the Gaza Strip have post traumatic stress disorder. Fuck Hamas and the horse they rode in on.

Cops tazed father trying to save son?

artician says...

The police are not in the right any time they prevent another consenting adult from making a decision about his life, or the life of a dependent.
I can't believe the kid died. I would visit that precinct with the biggest bouquet of roses after I was released. And by roses I mean artillery. Many people live solely for their children, and this was entirely unacceptable.

EDIT: the one thing that does bug me about this, though I'm sure the story can't convey all the circumstances, why would any responsible parent vacate their home before thinking of the safety of their child?

Anyway, yay life!

Russian Darts

New Album Is Out! (Blog Entry by Fusionaut)

Fusionaut says...

You're spot on with my influences. I don't know why but music from that era speaks to me the loudest. There's trumpet on three of the tracks so there's a BIT of brass. The reason that there are no woodwinds on this album is pretty much due to money. More musicians means more moola! I also wanted the piano and guitar to be providing the melody as much as possible. Unfortunately, there aren't any EWI players around my parts. Edmonton's not exactly the Mecca of jazz

Well about the military thing, I'm actually in the Canadian Army and my job title is "Musician." Everything I do with the Artillery is music related. Although, every year we need to go the rifle range to make sure we still know how to use a rifle and our fitness is tested once a year as well.

Also, glad you enjoyed it! Let me know when you crash that event

chingalera said:

Listening now-You were definitely influenced heavily by that whole Joe Zawinul/Return to Forever groove-Got a question: Read yer bio and I'm wondering if you're only an employee of the RCM as the piano-player or are you military?

Another question: All that rhythm but where's the brass and woodwinds?! Not even an Akai EWI 3020?....Whassups?!

Quite listenable, makes me wanna crash a pretentious social event!

The largest caliber rifle ever produced. .905 caliber

Barseps (Member Profile)

Why Soldiers Seem to Fire when They Can't See Their Enemy

BicycleRepairMan says...

I thought suppressive fire is standard military training. As a soldier, you are in combat like maybe 1% of the time during an actual war. Firefights are usually short. Its mostly waiting and patrolling and sleeping and more waiting. even in high-intensity wars like vietnam or WW2. More recent wars are even slower. So during those minutes or hours of actual fighting, suppressive fire is key to victory. It keeps heads down until backup/artillery/airstrikes can be called in. My combat training in the army was like 80% suppressive fire. I was in recon, so we mostly had fire-while-retreating scenarios where alternate halfs of a team fires and retreats.

Actual Gun/Violent Crime Statistics - (U.S.A. vs U.K.)

chingalera says...

You misunderstand the motivation for the language of stereotype used to describe the general dynamics of alcohol in Great Britain, i.e., a pub at every intersection-Hey man, alcohols' the last legal drug here in the states as well for the same reason: Governments and international criminals (same same, but different, as they say in Thailand) control the drug trade around the world. They limit which drugs may be manufactured or sold. They make incredible amounts of money doing so.

Governments and international criminals also corner the market on guns and artillery and ammunition and do their best to control the distribution and manufacture to insure one thing: Control and centralization of power.

We're not suggesting Brits are more prone to drunkenness and brawling than the same sort of tits in the U.S. I am simply suggesting sane remedies that do not involve baby-out-with-bathwater solutions to some seriously flawed fundamentals: societal and cultural evolution should be determined by sober consensus without emotion instead of this bullshit, "But what about the children?!" line of reasoning promulgated by criminals in power...A line that is trumpeted by so-called representatives and used as a tool (kind of like a gun is a tool) along with the complicit and effective tool of propaganda called market television, or major media, or whatever label for abject disinformation and agenda-pumping that benefits a few that some people who see owning guns as horrifying, have bought into.

The way to keep your children safe form psychopaths is to reinvent society and gradually change culture in a direction that heals the planet instead of raping it. Less fucking insane parents mean less fucking insane kids. Fuck licensing firearms, how about licensing parents before they plop out another?

How do you cure a country like North Korea, whose people for a few generations have been systematically trained in totalitarian shit-think?? It's a job no one wants to think about. As long as planetary ass-rape is the direction we are headed, guns guns guns my easily-insulted brother, and less shit-think. I'm not a fucking idiot, but my government is being run into the ground by cunts and assholes and douchebags who have most of the control over most of the guns and drugs! See how simple it is??

Guns violence by a FEW + International media coverage with a view to convincing people that guns (OF ANY KIND OR CAPACITY) are the problem = what should be an insult to your intelligence at the very least, and a goddamn warning shot across the bow that World Police State is what the cunts really want for humanity.

Gun control happens shortly after a gun is manufactured, unless you want to accidentally hurt yourself or another utilizing another kind of control. Self-Control maybe??

dannym3141 said:

You're a fucking idiot and i'm ashamed i have to share the same species with you. However i respect your right to an opinion - that one was just mine.

"less brain-dead drunks who are prone to brawl anyway"
-- I find it touching that you chose to highlight the aggression and neanderthal nature of the british people, using aggressive and neanderthal behaviour and language.

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