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Amazon Prime Air Service - 30 minute Amazon Deliveries

aaronfr says...

In general, when it comes to new technology or scientific breakthroughs, anytime I hear that something will be ready in "just" 5 years, I know it is laughable. If we had actually achieved everything that was predicted to be ready in 5 years, the world would be radically different.

Secondly, this is very effective marketing, but in a subterfuge/propaganda sort of way. Everyone is talking about Amazon, its vision, its radical attempt to change the way things are delivered, etc. just in time for the holiday shopping season. What more could a brand want?

But what are we not talking about? Amazon's work conditions for and treatment of its seasonal workers (of which my aunt and uncle are two) and Amazon's business model being built upon a shell game of tax avoidance.

Amazon is waving some shiny new thing in your face that will never come to fruition so that you don't open your eyes to what they are really doing right now.

Januari said:

I really have to wonder if this isn't just marketing. The number of issues, logistic, financial and legal... makes it hard to see how this can be viable just yet. Course i know nothing about the tech so maybe it's better than i realized.

jack reacher-never call a girl a hooker in a local bar

Treehouse of Horror XXIV Couch Gag by Guillermo del Toro

artician says...

Anytime a creative person hails back to their past creations, I check out. Still good and funny-ish. Just good and funny-ish for the masses.

Never get Busted Again

Let's talk about Syria (Politics Talk Post)

radx says...

I know very little about Syria beyond what is part of the major consensus narrative aka "history". But it's an interesting discussion to have, so my vote goes to "horrible idea", and here's why.

It's a civil war between bad guys on one side and bad guys on the other side, with civilians, as always, caught right in the middle of this meatgrinder. Foreign supporters of both sides keep adding fuel in the form of cash, weapons, training and personnel, all for their own geopolitical gains, of course. Nobody truly gives a fuck about the population, never has.

If any action is supposed to to be carried out for the benefit of the local population, the refugees and regional stability, I'd say two basic questions need to be answered first:

1) What's the situation?
2) What actions by exterior forces can improve this situation?

Judging by most articles these days, the modus operandi instead seems to be based on two entirely different questions: what actions would benefit our geopolitical/economical situation and what should this conflict's narrative look like to support our intentions.

If you look at all the major players involved, it seems clear to me to be a "stay-the-fuck-outta-this" situation.

US, Israel, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia + Emirates vs Syria, Russia and Iran. Egypt and Lebanon are "involved" on both sides -- Muslim Brotherhood and Lebanese Sunnis against Assad, General Sisi (neutral?) and Lebanese Shia pro Assad. Not to mention Al Qaeda against Assad and Hezbollah pro Assad.

Anytime the US finds itself on the same team as Al Qaeda, the situation needs to be reevaluated. And don't even get me started on those barbarians that cut off people's heads and eat their hearts in front of cameras.

And what's the primary geopolitical angle here? To cut the connection between Iran and the Lebanese Shia (Hezbollah)? I figure if they get isolated, they might lash out - violently. And those guys are much more capable than the rabble that makes up significant parts of the Syrian insurrection.

Once the Alawites and Shia in Syria get chopped up by those "rebels" after Assad was removed, things will get ugly real fast.

My suggestion: stop treating Iran like a pariah and start talking. Their regime might be a disaster, but the Persian people are well educated and much closer to our Western way of life than anyone else in that region. Get them, the Russians and the Chinese involved.

Then again, that's the White Man trying to solve the Brown Man's problems from the outside -- has that ever worked? Besides, it would reduce the threat of terrorism and war -- that's bad for business.

John Stossel Gets Schooled on the 4th Amendment

Yogi says...

You reflect a lot of peoples opinions with this. Those who are terrified of terrorist attacks and let themselves get whipped up into a panic state anytime they push the propaganda button.

Oh those aren't happy natives those are blood thirsty psychos redskins we have to destroy to feel safe.

Those aren't nice Chinese laundrymen they're trying to kill us, we need to launch a chemical attack against mainland China (true story).

Those aren't black slaves we're keeping under our boots, they want to rape your daughters we can't give them freedom!

Those aren't peaceful villagers they're Red Communist bastards that are coming for us like a HOARD!

And so on and so on and so on. This country is terrified of everything, and usually the boogie man it makes up is the very people or country that we have under our boot. If we take our boot away for even a second they'll destroy us and everything we hold dear. There were people arming themselves and wearing Camo during the FIRST Gulf War because they were terrified of Saddam Hussein showing up on our doorsteps.

This culture of fear is what they use to justify everything, it's all about Security. Guess what, it doesn't have anything to do with security, because they know very well what they can do to make us more secure, even more than our magical country already is. They're not doing it, they have never done it...they're not protecting us, they only protect themselves FROM US.

This isn't an attack or anything you bring up a very good point which tons of people do during these debates. I'm getting really tired of the most protected society in the world not responding to those who actually pose a threat to not just our survival, but humanities as a whole.

VoodooV said:

I can't vote out a terrorist attack.

notarobot (Member Profile)

Rape Victim Speaks Directly To Her Rapist Father

tthesniper29 says...

the real question is:((why this father did this??????????????))
what akind of evil thinking in his mind????????????????????
i can answer>>>>
all of our life became very became important than every thing
we see the naked womens everywhere----we drink anytime
we can't deal with our sons----------we can see the whim of sexuality
in every eye---------where is our spirit????????????

Tingles (Member Profile)

Magnet Screws Fasten Invisibly

renatojj says...

I wish there was something like a magneto-stent that women could have surgically inserted in their falopian tubes that would open or close with the help of an outside magnet like that.

So women would be able to choose whether they want to be fertile anytime they want.

A Brief History of the United States.

dirkdeagler7 says...

I'm not arguing that Slavery wasn't a key factor in the growth of the US economy up to a point. It was a major component of our history and evolution even outside of economic terms.

However since we were not one of the wealthiest countries in the world once slavery ended or anytime soon there after, I don't know that you can attribute the success after WW2 to slavery directly. Our having so much of the worlds wealth after WW2 had as much to do with how much everyone else LOST as it did with how much we HAD (and how much we made off of their loss because we were not slowed economically by war).

Sure you can say we weren't poised to take advantage of a post-WW2 world without slavery but the same can be said about many things including: Territory purchases, agricultural and technological advancements, organized banking, FDIC insured banking, a centralized monetary system, removal of the gold standard, social and political shifts in the get the idea.

In fact some could make the argument that indentured servitude could be given a lot of credit for our early growth as well, which had nothing to do with African Slavery. And also provides evidence that even in the absence of full fledged slavery, the early colonials would have found a way to exploit cheap labor to accomplish their goals and they would not need a native or african population to do so.

Yogi said:

I'm sorry but you are simply wrong. America is rich largely because of it's slavery past which was cotton, which was textiles. It's why we grew so quickly and put ourselves in a place to overtake everyone after World War 2 when we literally had half the worlds wealth. There's plenty of economic history of this that you can research if you care to try.

The fear thing is pretty unique in America but not unique when you compare it to say a authoritarian society. Americans are a terrified people and it's easy to use it. You can look back at the first Gulf War when people were buying guys and camo and readying themselves in case Saddam came to attack the US. Which is insanity. In the Iraq War we were more terrified of Iraq than Kuwait and it's citizens were, and they had been attacked by them and were their closest neighbor. You can also see the fear today about taking peoples guns away, if we don't have guns we're all doomed, the government is coming or al qaeda is coming and we're all gonna die. Most of the rest of the world looks at us and laughs when we react all scared to nothing.

This cartoon pisses me off for one reason. It reminds me about the South Park guys bitching and moaning about how it was put in after Matts interview, so it looked to idiots like they had made it. Apparently that was enough for them to bitch and moan about it, I lost a lot of respect for Matt and Trea because of that.

Immigrants Taking British Jobs - Does The Math Add Up

chingalera says...

Yeah, a refreshing break anytime to hear the cadence, tone, color, of someone who can interpret poetry well...Even better if it's her own work, because as we all know, the cardinal rule of poetry is NOT TO READ YOUR OWN WORK...if you suck at it, which MOST do.

Thank god the poetry slam is DEAD!

robbersdog49 said:

Love the flow, love the message. Great sift.

Everything You Need To Know About Digital Audio Signals

MilkmanDan says...

This goes beyond my knowledge level of signals and waveforms, but it was very interesting anyway.

That being said, OK, I'm sold on the concept that ADC and back doesn't screw up the signal. However, I'm pretty sure that real audiophiles could easily listen to several copies of the same recording at different bitrates and frequencies and correctly identify which ones are higher or better quality with excellent accuracy. I bet that is true even for 16bit vs 24bit, or 192kHz vs 320kHz -- stuff that should be "so good it is impossible to tell the difference".

Since some people that train themselves to have an ear for it CAN detect differences (accurately), the differences must actually be there. If they aren't artifacts of ADC issues, then what are they? I'm guessing compression artifacts?

In a visual version of this, I remember watching digital satellite TV around 10-15 years ago. The digital TV signal was fine and clear -- almost certainly better than what you'd get from an analog OTA antenna. BUT, the satellites used (I believe) mpeg compression to reduce channel bandwidth, and that compression created some artifacts that were easy to notice once somebody pointed them out to you. I specifically remember onscreen people getting "jellyface" anytime someone would nod slowly, or make similar periodic motions. I've got a feeling that some of the artifacts that we (or at least those of us that are real hardcore audiophiles) can notice in MP3 audio files are similar to an audio version of that jellyface kind of issue.

World's Worst Attempt At Parallel Parking

RFlagg says...

I don't know if I'd call it the worst, this one I think is worse

Followed by:

Anytime you can't park a Smart into a space big enough for a large car...

Amazing gymnast performance

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