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Anderson Cooper humiliates a willfully ignorant birther...

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Anderson, Cooper, texas, birther, obama, birth, cert' to 'Anderson Cooper, texas, birther, obama, birth, cert, leo berman' - edited by xxovercastxx

Anderson Cooper humiliates a willfully ignorant birther...

Anderson Cooper humiliates a willfully ignorant birther...

bcglorf says...

>> ^mxxcon:

why would The Coop waste his show's time on this lunatic?
don't give the voice to the fringe lunatics

Normally I'd agree whole heartedly, but in this rare case the fringe lunatic is an elected member of the Texas House of Representatives. This is the one exception where I believe the self-discrediting lunacy of someone needs to be as widely known as possible.

vaporlock (Member Profile)

Anderson Cooper humiliates a willfully ignorant birther...

Anderson Cooper humiliates a willfully ignorant birther...

Anderson Cooper humiliates a willfully ignorant birther...

Anderson Cooper humiliates a willfully ignorant birther...

Anderson Cooper humiliates a willfully ignorant birther...

Truckchase (Member Profile)

Anderson Cooper humiliates a willfully ignorant birther...

mgittle says...

>> ^Porksandwich:

You can tell when people have a weak argument or an opinion based on a false point in back and forths like that. They change topics, try to talk over disagreeing arguments (get louder, keep talking, repeat points), and exaggerate their points (most people agree, congressional reports say, nobody will send me the facts). He obviously has another reason to believe as he does, and has latched onto the birth record and weak evidence to create a more publicly acceptable argument. I know where I believe his argument is coming from, and if he were younger and lived long enough I'm guessing we'd see a pattern form.


I think it's a problem with religious thought...if everyone can believe and fear all sorts of magical stuff is the "truth" based on no evidence, they it's easy to get them to believe and fear all sorts of political stuff that's a hell of a lot closer to the truth.

Anderson Cooper humiliates a willfully ignorant birther...

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Two more years of that radical marxist and done. That's all that matters now.

Nah try 6. Republicans have no one to challenge him and if anything the Tea Partiers are going to come up with their own candidate and just split the vote like hell.

It's not that it's a's that Obama represents those in power right now.

vaporlock (Member Profile)

CNN: Cooper on A. Graysons Misleading Campaign Ads

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'cnn, anderson, cooper, alan, grayson, campaign, election, democrat' to 'cnn, anderson cooper, alan grayson, campaign, election, democrat' - edited by xxovercastxx

Gohmert Melts Down on Anderson Cooper Over "Terror Babies"

Fletch says...

Dubya graduated from fucking Yale! YALE! Talk about obliterating a veil of class and superiority. It's like, if you can't graduate from Yale... don't even attempt community college. >> ^braindonut:

>> ^shponglefan:
How do people this obviously retarded get into positions of power?

This dude was a judge... Honestly, people like this call into question the validity of an education being any indicator towards intelligence.

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