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harpom (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

It's not very surprising when you consider that people who watch Fox News are the least informed, and Fox news shows are the most watched news shows in this country.

I dont know if it's reassuring or not but not all of us are raving lunatics.
In reply to this comment by harpom:
As a Canadian, I can not fathom how this woman is getting any media attention what so ever.
She is bat shit crazy and her views are myopic at best.

It really scares me sometimes being so close to a Country that has such a willingness to go to war, and to imagine a person as stupid as this in charge of the United States.

60 Minutes on the impact of antivaccination lobbying

marbles says...

>> ^Longswd:

British Doctor Faked Data Linking Vaccines to Autism, and Aimed to Profit From It
I only have one thing to say to people who directly trade the lives of children for profit - Bowels in or bowels out?

Documents emerge proving Dr Andrew Wakefield innocent; BMJ and Brian Deer caught misrepresenting the facts

Dr Wakefield demands retraction from BMJ after documents prove innocence from allegations of vaccine autism data fraud

Interview with Dr Andrew Wakefield about the British Medical Journal, science and vaccines (Part 1)

Interview with Dr Andrew Wakefield - the structure of scientific revolutions (Part 2)

Dr Wakefield:
"Will the mainstream media now take this real story, the real facts, and actually do their job as journalists and report the facts? Will they report the truth? I doubt it. Why? Because they're owned. Their salaries are paid, albeit indirectly, in large part by pharmaceutical revenues. And the first thing that will happen when they try and do a story which deconstructs these arguments, the BMJ's arguments, and actually reconstructs them in light of the truth, [is that] there will be a call from their advertisers, saying [no]. So what will the mainstream media do? Will it live up to its job, its duty to the people to report the truth, or will it show complete disinterest? Anderson Cooper has been presented with the same nine questions. What was your story based upon? Show us the facts. Did you do your homework? Now are you going to pay similar attention to these documented historical facts? We shall see."

Anderson Cooper and the First Eagle of the RidicuList

Anderson Cooper and the First Eagle of the RidicuList

Anderson Cooper Attacked By Pro-Mubarak Thugs

Yogi says...

>> ^vaporlock:

Now this thing will probably start getting messy. Obama and Clinton probably could have adverted this if they weren't wussies. Admittedly it is a tough decision betraying an ally. But when that ally has been in power for 30 years and is being faced with overwhelming opposition its time to 'nut up or shut up'. Are you for Democracy or not?

Of course they're not for Democracy. What Obama have you been watching?

Anderson Cooper attacked in Egypt

Anderson Cooper attacked in Egypt

Anderson Cooper attacked in Egypt

CNN: Anderson Cooper on Berman's Birther Bill

CNN: Anderson Cooper on Berman's Birther Bill

reiwan (Member Profile)

CNN: Anderson Cooper on Berman's Birther Bill

Anderson Cooper humiliates a willfully ignorant birther...

oohlalasassoon says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

They didn't used to. The world we live in, at least the civilized part, is too soft to kill off stupid people. People aren't forced to get smart or die. Food, shelter and water are all readily available. Almost makes me want to say "too bad." >> ^oohlalasassoon:
Fact: Stupid people get old too.

I hear ya. Back then, when some dimwit like this said something idiotic, you could smile to yourself and take solace in the fact that sooner or later, he'd get himself eaten by a saber-tooth tiger or gored and/or stepped on by a woolly mammoth.

Ah, those were the days...

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

Anderson Cooper humiliates a willfully ignorant birther...

MarineGunrock says...

They didn't used to. The world we live in, at least the civilized part, is too soft to kill off stupid people. People aren't forced to get smart or die. Food, shelter and water are all readily available. Almost makes me want to say "too bad." >> ^oohlalasassoon:

Fact: Stupid people get old too.

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