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2008 was the year man-made global warming was disproved (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

CaptainPlanet420 says...

Wow haven't you little greenpeace younglings given up? First you call it global warming, then when the earth cools and new ice forms, it's climate change. Now you're just beating yourselves up, cause everyone somewhat intelligent knows the earth warms and cools over time. What's next, the evil of Earth Stasis?! The climate economy isn't dong anything, helllppppp!!!!1111111

CrossFit - Kipping Pull-Ups

StukaFox (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

Aha! Nice.

In reply to this comment by StukaFox:
So a planetoid strikes a perfect glancing blow on early Earth, which rips the planetoid apart but doesn't blow protoearth into smithereens.

The result of the collision is that Earth receives an addition of iron to its core, which in turn generates a stronger magnetic field, thus keeping the solar wind from stripping off our atmosphere, a la Mars.

The collision also imparts a slight axial wobble to Earth, allowing for an uneven heating and cooling of the planet, generating weather systems in our atmosphere and supplying a near-constant temperature that's perfectly suited for complex amino acids to form chains.

Finally, the remains of the collision hang in our sky, providing us with a fairly workable asteroid shield, tides -- and at the right moment in time, -perfectly- block the sun, allowing a group of astronomers to confirm the predictions of a Swiss patent clerk and thus understand the fundamental nature of the universe.

Your god is an awsome god? My science makes your god look like a toddler.

The origin of the moon

StukaFox says...

So a planetoid strikes a perfect glancing blow on early Earth, which rips the planetoid apart but doesn't blow protoearth into smithereens.

The result of the collision is that Earth receives an addition of iron to its core, which in turn generates a stronger magnetic field, thus keeping the solar wind from stripping off our atmosphere, a la Mars.

The collision also imparts a slight axial wobble to Earth, allowing for an uneven heating and cooling of the planet, generating weather systems in our atmosphere and supplying a near-constant temperature that's perfectly suited for complex amino acids to form chains.

Finally, the remains of the collision hang in our sky, providing us with a fairly workable asteroid shield, tides -- and at the right moment in time, -perfectly- block the sun, allowing a group of astronomers to confirm the predictions of a Swiss patent clerk and thus understand the fundamental nature of the universe.

Your god is an awsome god? My science makes your god look like a toddler.

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

13516 says...

I can't believe these comments and questions that CNN are making/asking! It is like they are trying to make Biden angry and they just fail horribly; Biden actually has the decency and cool to answer intelligently and respectfully while still presenting his distaste for the questions asked, in an entirely respectable fashion. He even says "With all due respect" when responding to the ridiculous Marxist comment; respect that was not even deserved on CNN's part here.

Is CNN really such a right-wing propaganda tool? I thought that was just a popular belief or a joke but I am shocked by this. Here in Finland it is not even a news agencies place to ask subjective and ridiculous questions, they just report the facts and that's that. If people want to read crap, they'll buy a gossip magazine.

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

13516 says...

Biden seems like a very intelligent and cool-headed guy. He makes Palin look incredibly artificial and automated, like a doll with a string coming out of it that you pull to make it talk those same 5 lines of dialogue

GameTrailers: Little Big Planet Review

Palin Explains Why Raped Women Should Be Forced ToBear child

westy says...

Bloddy hell far to mutch to read i do not come on the sift to read a book after each vidoe.

RIGHT if people insist on having a indepth debate about something and you actualy want to come to a conclusoin ore at minimum better your understanding of it you realy cannot debate on sutch a brad thing with out defining things clearly befor hand. as an example there is clearly a difrence between a morning after abortoin and say snapping a babbys neck as it pops out the vagina. my piont anny way is that this thing started as some people making borad comments about difrent opinoins to do with aborsoin in the context of a vidoe post that is fine and cool and ovously everyone reeding knows its a vidoe coment and so exspects a degree of lose ness if you like. however if you start arguing eachother lay down your argument specificly what you meen and maby agree with the other parties like a protocal for the conversatoin.

now if your still with me after reading that i commend you.

some new thoughts i got from reeding all this chit chatter and things i hadnot thought about before that i think are worth pionting out.

* aborting a babby can be as tramatic as keeping the babby from the mothers perspective

( this will differ from person to person but the piont is abortoin still sucks and is not a true FiX to the situatoin intemrs of what the mother of the fetus babby is fealing and it would be false for a pregnent person rape victim ore not to think of abortoin as a fix its mearly a optoin with its own varables and outcomes ) < i have thought of it before but not in the same light >

* I will personaly contribute to an alredy inapropreatly long vidoe comment list.

* please lern how to argue properly people (might not be you cba to read back again)
and dont use stupid argument techneeks its retarded
at least a cuple of people contributed with consice interjectoins like dags initail post.

1964- The First Monolithic Concrete Dome Built

How To Upgrade Your Webslang To Web 2.0

schma says...

And another thing: please stop creating endless rants in a near-british accent, illustrated by vaguely coherent, simplistic graphics. Just because Yatzee pulled it off with his zero punctuation series, doesn't mean it's hip and cool when you do it.

If you spent less time on each phrase in your so called instructional video, you'd cover a lot more of them.


Tag Team Kitteh's Will Power Your Electrics...

Playgirl Comes to the End of Its Road

gwiz665 says...

I had a whole angry message all typed up, but seeing as everyones apologized to everyone by now, there's not much reason to post it.

I will make a couple of small follow-ups anyway.

Obsidianfire: Calm down, man! It's no fun reading comments like the one above. If you can't contribute to a healthy environment you should take a break and cool off. I would hit on her just to piss you off if this were any other site... but I like it here.

Karkarlee: 2 things: Fight your own battles and this is the Internet. That last part is important, because it WILL get worse, so you might as well get used to it. Your reply to moodonia was just fine; you don't need to send the attack dog after him.

"Lay offa Justin, he's just trying to protect me in the way most guys I know do - by defending at all costs, reputation included." Reputation lost.

Littlered: The veiled attacks are not welcome, even if the rest of the comments are accurate.

RadHazG's got it right>> ^RadHazG:
This entire thread is a perfect example of why everyone should READ YOUR PREVIEW first, before clicking that all important "submit" button. I find reading over my comment, and the comment I'm responding to one more time before I click that button prevents alooooot of unnecessary posting and/or possible offense on my part.
Type your post, cool off, read it over real quick once and glance at whatever your responding to. It will save everyone alot of headaches.
Oh, and remember, this is the INTERNET! Take everything you see and or read with a big ole grain of salt, and don't forget to bring your sense of humor along for the ride!

Thinker247 Thoughtfully Reaches Gold! (Happy Talk Post)

Renewable Energy From The Deep Ocean

Mysling says...

So, as far as I've understood, they are essentially creating energy by cooling the warm upper waterlayer, and heating the lower waterlayer.

As charliem pointed out, the climatic effect of this has to be thoroughly studied before it is even partially viable. Isn't the climate of every coastal country severely dependent on the flow of the major warm and cool watercurrents? As well as most marine life migratory patterns?

Seems like a very dangerous force to mess with. I would by far prefer for the effort to be focused on nuclear- or sun-based alternatives.

The Hellecasters

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