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Star Wars Battlefront III | 1000 Subscriber Special

Fletch says...

I usually like watching others play video games for some reason. This was horrible. What isn't mentioned in the description is that this is an alpha build of the game. Terrible framerates, graphics, and gameplay. No wonder LucasArts canceled it.

Google Introduces the Knowledge Graph

Ghost Recon Alpha Short Film

ant says...

>> ^Kalle:

Evil russians ...check
fat guy...check
black dude...check
robot killing machine...check
hero death...check
dudes with way to much equipment...check
Only thing missing is the lovestory..


Ghost Recon Alpha (woah!)

Testing a Uranium-glazed Fiesta plate for radioactivity

ghark says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

>> ^ghark:
It's not made that clear in the video, but the reason he says that the plate is safe to store and handle, but not eat off is because Uranium 238 is usually an alpha emitter. Alpha radiation doesn't penetrate skin that well, but it is very dangerous when ingested and the soft tissues become exposed to it. Please correct me if I'm wrong there.

Depends on if you believe in radiation hormesis or linear no-threshold model . Most likely the truth is somewhere in-between (which by default makes hormesis "more" accurate). In the end, though, it is always best to avoid ingesting heavy metals, radioactive or not.
Learning lots about radiation as of late. There is a lot of fear factor behind it, even though our daily lives are pretty much consumed with radiation...NEATO! Bones full of radioactive carbon, potassium, you name it, you most likely have lots of radioactive isotopes of it Once again, truth stranger than fiction

I find the argument between those two models quite fascinating, they both make sense TBH. One interesting thing I found out recently was the enormous difference in radiation exposure between regular x-ray's and CT scans when visiting the doctor. It makes sense that CT scans expose you to more radiation because they make multiple passes to get a better image - however the difference astonished me - a regular chest xray would expose you to 0.06 mSv while a helical CT scan of the chest would expose you to 8 mSV - thirten hundred and thirty three times as much radiation (although the effective dose only ends up being about one hundred times as much). As a comparison point, the typical human is exposed to 2-3 mSv per year, so with a helical chest CT you're getting 3 years worth of radiation in a few seconds.

Testing a Uranium-glazed Fiesta plate for radioactivity

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^ghark:

It's not made that clear in the video, but the reason he says that the plate is safe to store and handle, but not eat off is because Uranium 238 is usually an alpha emitter. Alpha radiation doesn't penetrate skin that well, but it is very dangerous when ingested and the soft tissues become exposed to it. Please correct me if I'm wrong there.

Depends on if you believe in radiation hormesis or linear no-threshold model . Most likely the truth is somewhere in-between (which by default makes hormesis "more" accurate). In the end, though, it is always best to avoid ingesting heavy metals, radioactive or not.

Learning lots about radiation as of late. There is a lot of fear factor behind it, even though our daily lives are pretty much consumed with radiation...NEATO! Bones full of radioactive carbon, potassium, you name it, you most likely have lots of radioactive isotopes of it Once again, truth stranger than fiction

Testing a Uranium-glazed Fiesta plate for radioactivity

ghark says...

It's not made that clear in the video, but the reason he says that the plate is safe to store and handle, but not eat off is because Uranium 238 is usually an alpha emitter. Alpha radiation doesn't penetrate skin that well, but it is very dangerous when ingested and the soft tissues become exposed to it. Please correct me if I'm wrong there.

Chimpanzees and War

Yogi says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

According to the evidence-supported book, Sex at Dawn, which looks at the anatomical and behavioral origins of human sexuality, it appears that, in general, humans are far more free-loving, cooperative, and communal in their behaviors (much like the bonobos) than we are competitive and alpha-dominated (as is found with the chimpanzee).

This is true*

*except for all the examples of people not doing those things.

Chimpanzees and War

Trancecoach says...

According to the evidence-supported book, Sex at Dawn, which looks at the anatomical and behavioral origins of human sexuality, it appears that, in general, humans are far more free-loving, cooperative, and communal in their behaviors (much like the bonobos) than we are competitive and alpha-dominated (as is found with the chimpanzee).

XCOM: Enemy Unknown first look

What Not To Do With Your Pet Rottweiler

jonny says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

Taking a toy from the dog is fine. If the dog is that upset about it then you should absolutely take the toy. Anyone who thinks otherwise knows nothing about dogs. They MUST learn that you are the alpha, and that all humans are above them in the pack hierarchy. People who keep dogs like that are the reason children are mauled and killed by dogs.

Just to be clear, I wasn't suggesting that taking a toy away was the thing "not to do with your pet". It's the way this fool is going about it.

What Not To Do With Your Pet Rottweiler

Drachen_Jager says...

Taking a toy from the dog is fine. If the dog is that upset about it then you should absolutely take the toy. Anyone who thinks otherwise knows nothing about dogs. They MUST learn that you are the alpha, and that all humans are above them in the pack hierarchy. People who keep dogs like that are the reason children are mauled and killed by dogs.

Acrobatic Alpha Male Monkey "Attack"

skinnydaddy1 says...

>> ^dannym3141:

Well i certainly think that the monkey (sorry...Gibbon) probably hurt its feet and to torment a creature like that is sick and horrible and you all suck.

No the window being in the way sucked. Of course if the window had not been the way this would of been entertaining in a different way and more than likely shown up on the news in several cities.

Window seat please.

Acrobatic Alpha Male Monkey "Attack"

Payback says...

>> ^carrot:

WAIT! Don't we need someone to bitch about how the monkey (sorry...Gibbon) probably hurt its feet and how to torment a creature like that is sick and horrible and you all suck?

Nah, it's pretty obvious it has already done this before. Probably the only fun it has all day.

Barseps (Member Profile)

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