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American propaganda at its best....and wins an Emmy!

blankfist says...

This translation was incorrect! This video is the propaganda! This was not what President Ahmadinejad was saying. You have to fact check this stuff, boys! This is what he was saying:

I think that the Israeli government is a fabricated government. I want a girl with a mind like a diamond. I want a girl who knows what's best. I want a girl with shoes that cut and eyes that burn like cigarettes. I want a girl with the right allocations. Who's fast and thorough and sharp as a tack. She's playing with her jewelry. She's putting up her hair. She's touring the facility and picking up slack. I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnng jacket......

What can I say? The Ahmadinejad likes him some Cake.

American propaganda at its best....and wins an Emmy!

ShakyJake says...

Wow, what an underhanded manipulative piece of work this has been. The "Warmonger" Ahmadinejad is making a rational argument about a solution to the problem in Isreal, but has his words edited in such a way as to seem the villain? What makes it worse is the way Wallace is almost apologizing to the audience for giving this "villain" so much fame in an interview. Iran certainly isn't a bosom buddy of ours, but this is a pretty disgusting pretense even so.

McCain Gets The Facts Wrong... Again

McCain Gets The Facts Wrong... Again

kronosposeidon says...

Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, bin Laden, what's the difference? They're all brown, and they're all MOOSLIMS. That's all you need to know if you're John McCain.

All he needs is another 5 years (his marketing team learned that 100 years wasn't going over so well) to straighten out this whole mess, which coincidentally would require us to re-elect him in 2012 to see his plan succeed.

I think I'll have that beer now.

bamdrew (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Why I would never vote for Barack Obama (or Hillary)

1. Gun grabber. Any government official who thinks the people cannot be trusted with a firearms cannot be trusted with government power. I'm appalled a Constitutional lawyer wouldn't recognize the 2nd Amendment.

2. Anti-capitalist. When explained point blank that lowering/keeping capital gains tax low brings more revenue to government, he dismissed it outright.

3. Close alliance with anti-Semitic, anti-White pastor and former Weathermen terrorists. Yes, you will be judged by the company you keep.

4. the lack of experience he brings to the job

Doesn't have a distinguished record (could be argued he's too new) and the guy can't even go one-on-one in a debate with is he supposed to deal with nutjobs like Ahmadinejad? Will not reveal his plans for the military, budgetary or otherwise.

5. Gives good speeches that fall short on substance and specifics. The "impartial" mainstream media has let this guy have a free pass and will continue to do so. Also, he seems to take offense when pressured to answer difficult or unpopular questions. That's the opposite of transparency.

I don't think socialized medicine is a good idea, but for those who do, what specifics has he laid out already to achieve his stated goals?

I wouldn't think you'd be incredibly supportive of McCain as candidate, are you? I thought McCain would be okay until his last year and a half of pandering, dumbing down his message and watering down his ideals to get the anti-liberal side of the conservative party onboard.

No, I'm not supportive of McLame, and the proof is, the only way I'd vote for him is if the other guys ran Barack or Hillary against him.

I know why Barack is popular, he appeals to the imagination and engages emotions (just like religion does). But from my POV, the people looking to him for salvation are reacting to a (not) surprisingly false and negative presentation of reality, courtesy of the monolithic media (no, not Fox).

In reply to this comment by bamdrew:
Basics of why I'm voting for Barack Obama.

1. he's an grounded idealist; identifies goals and outlines realistic paths to achieving them in the ridiculous environment of Washington D.C.
-(maximize transparency in federal government! have all parties (including health care providers) involved while moving in stages to universal healthcare! get out of Iraq by pressuring their government to make hard decisions! increase community service with college scholarships! etc.)

2. the experience he brings to the job
-(Constitutional Law professor from a middle-lower class family, raised by single mom and grandparents, attracted to community service literally through the joy of helping others, history of reaching across the aisle and not only respecting but understanding opposing views, etc.)

3. is not a "good" politician; refuses to bullshit for votes
-(treats American citizens like intelligent people, doesn't change his message to suit the audience, directly challenges parties to understand one another and find compromise, etc.etc.etc.)

I wouldn't think you'd be incredibly supportive of McCain as candidate, are you? I thought McCain would be okay until his last year and a half of pandering, dumbing down his message and watering down his ideals to get the anti-liberal side of the conservative party onboard.

Actually I still think Obama as Pres/McCain as Vice would be cool, as long as nothing happened to Obama.

In reply to this comment by quantumushroom:
America can take all the criticism dopes like Dan can churn out and a whole lot more. It's just when these empty shirts (or in this case, hoodies) are called on their bullsh*t by presentations of facts, they backpedal while throwing out the same old, same old: "America bad. Life unfair. Racism."

How about some new material? This poor-me victim crap is plenty stale. Last time I checked, Whites were paying the same $4-a-gallon for gas as everyone else.

Nowhere on earth have Whites done so much for a Black minority than America, spending over a trillion dollars in 50 years on what amounts to 13% of the population. How about a little gratitude? Just a little? They're still practicing slavery in North Africa and tribes (Hutus/Tutsis) are still pointlessly killing each other over there; any White colonial remnants left decades ago, can't blame them.

Voting for Obama and his odious doof of a pastor? As long as you're not doing so out of White guilt or Black entitlement...and if not those what do you got? O-Bam's "principles" are socialist, ultra-left-wing to the left of Ted Stumblebum Kennedy. There's nothing else there in the way of plans or leadership, except to raise taxes. I don't think I'm being unfair here, if you know something I don't about Obama's experience and quals, do tell.

The White House is the absolute last reward anyone should receive for having a victim mentality.

Do you feel the Tension? Or is it Manufactured?

NetRunner says...

The tension's real alright. Yesterday they sent a second aircraft carrier to the Gulf.

Of course, the tension is somewhat one-sided like what you feel when walking past a neighbor's house with two big pit bulls chained out front, barking at you.

Mullen pretty much says "sure, the Army & Marines are tapped out, but the Navy and Air Force aren't". That means we can't invade Iran, just flatten it with bombs.

That's not war, that's terrorism.

The shame is that with proper diplomacy Iran could be a pro-democratic ally in the middle east. After all, they are a Republic. Ahmadinejad was elected. He has term limits even, and is up for re-election next year. Check out the Wikipedia page for Iran.

Iran is the superpower of the Middle East now, mostly because we flattened Iraq. Bush refuses to speak to him, other than to toss out threats about a nuclear program that our own intelligence groups say doesn't exist.

The media is still serving as the propaganda arm they've become. Question is, are people gonna buy it? Are people going to stand idly by as we invade another country, when we're already exceeding 60% in polling wanting us to end the last war?

Bush wants Iran to start the war for him. That's why there are two aircraft carriers in the gulf, harassing all Iranian vessels. Hi jinx at sea is the oldest, best way to start a war. That way he can say "we're just defending ourselves!"

deedub81 (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I admittedly have not studied up on Ahmad... but I do understand the prejudice that exists in Iran.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
You bring up some good points, but I learned about leaders in the Middle East denying the holocaust a long time ago. It wasn't propaganda, I heard it straight from the horses mouth in speeches and such.

My good friend Sadiq Husseinzada has text books from Pakistan and from Iran. He grew up in Pakistan. I don't read Farsi so I'm taking his word for it, but he told me that they teach that the Holocaust is a debatable event.

The fact that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is an Anti-Semite is not in question, nor is the fact that he's kinda cooky. That being said, I don't think we should EVER go into a country to prevent something from happening. That's like arresting somebody that expresses hatred toward 7-11 because you thought they might someday rob one.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
^Even if that were true, it wouldn't make the mass murder of Iranians any less of a holocaust.

The 'wipe Israel off the face of the map' canard this is pure propaganda.

I'm going to check on the text book thing and get back to you. Just keep in mind that there is a major propaganda campaign underway to dehumanize Iran and justify an attack. I'd suggest you be more skeptical about government/corporate media claims about Iran.

Reality check. Did you fall for WMD's and yellow cake?

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

deedub81 says...

You bring up some good points, but I learned about leaders in the Middle East denying the holocaust a long time ago. It wasn't propaganda, I heard it straight from the horses mouth in speeches and such.

My good friend Sadiq Husseinzada has text books from Pakistan and from Iran. He grew up in Pakistan. I don't read Farsi so I'm taking his word for it, but he told me that they teach that the Holocaust is a debatable event.

The fact that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is an Anti-Semite is not in question, nor is the fact that he's kinda cooky. That being said, I don't think we should EVER go into a country to prevent something from happening. That's like arresting somebody that expresses hatred toward 7-11 because you thought they might someday rob one.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
^Even if that were true, it wouldn't make the mass murder of Iranians any less of a holocaust.

The 'wipe Israel off the face of the map' canard this is pure propaganda.

I'm going to check on the text book thing and get back to you. Just keep in mind that there is a major propaganda campaign underway to dehumanize Iran and justify an attack. I'd suggest you be more skeptical about government/corporate media claims about Iran.

Reality check. Did you fall for WMD's and yellow cake?

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

deedub81 says...

Funny you should mention " holocaust " when speaking about Iran.

The Holocaust of the Jews during WWII is something that is omitted from Iranian text books. Leaders in Iran, including Mahmoud Ahmadinejad say the fact that a Holocaust happened is debatable (or that it is a myth altogether) and that Jews are responsible for every major war in modern and ancient history.

What about THAT Iran?

Or THIS Iran?

...and it took you until this last month to lose your respect for the Clintons?
I lost all respect for Bill when he cheated on his wife, and then committed perjury.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
^Hillary Clinton said she would 'TOTALLY OBLITERATE' Iran. Perhaps she meant that she would totally obliterate them with love and understanding, but somehow I don't think so. Hillary is part of the machine now and she proves it on a daily basis by attempting to tear down our Democratic nominee, while having zero chance of winning herself.

I used to have great respect for the Clintons, a respect that has been obliterated by the disgusting way in which they have behaved over the last month. Hillary's campaign is a sewer that rivals the Bush campaigns of 2000 and 2004. Her spoiled sense of entitlement and gleeful willingness to engage in all manner of deception in order to win lead me to believe that she is no better than McCain.

The backlash she has inspired here on the sift and throughout the nation is entirely of her own making.

The Iran McCain Would Rather You Not See

deedub81 says...

Funny you should mention " holocaust " when speaking about Iran.

The Holocaust of the Jews during WWII is something that is omitted from Iranian text books. Leaders in Iran, including Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, say the fact that a Holocaust happened is debatable and that Jews are responsible for every major war in modern and ancient history.

What about THAT Iran?

Or THIS Iran?

I grew up with an Iranian family next door to us. They were very smart, friendly, loving people. I know that there are many, many good people in that part of the world and in that country. But, the fact of the matter is that the leaders in Iran are Bat Crazy!!! They just make it a little hard for some of us to ignore them.

...and forget about Obama. Ron Paul has more wisdom, courage, and plain 'ol common sense in his little finger than Sen Obama will ever have.

Hillary Clinton on the nuclear deterrence of Iran

jwray says...

Iran's government has already stated they *want to* exterminate Israel

If they actually try to do it, what should we do about that? Try to talk some sense into Ahmadinejad? Beg for mercy? Shoot down the missiles in midair with starwars? And what if none of those work? Sit back and do nothing?

Ron Paul vs Condoleezza Rice

HadouKen24 says...

Oof. I feel that some of Condi's points need to be responded to.

1) Not all "terrorists" are alike, obviously. Condi needs to get it straight that Hezbollah is not Al Qaeda. They are very different organizations with somewhat opposed goals. They shouldn't be lumped together. As Paul points out, it is highly unlikely that Iran would be helping Sunni terrorists, and Condi's answer is just some more of the vague hand waving he was complaining about.

2) Iran Nuclear Program: Iran is currently approaching a major energy crisis. Lack of maintenance and support for their oil refinement infrastructure, combined with increased energy demand, has been having serious effects on their economy. It's projected that within a decade, Iran will not be exporting any oil at all. To help combat the crisis, Iran is now requiring all of its automobile manufacturers to make hybrid cars only. It is only reasonable that they move to nuclear energy. That's not to say that they might not also work on nuclear bombs on the hush-hush as well; it's in their interests. But as things stand, they can't afford /not/ to build nuclear reactors at this time.

3) The supposed unilaterality of the opposition to Iran is not as simple as it seems. To be sure, the craziness of Ahmadinejad does tend to make non-Iranians worry, but the real worry isn't that Iran will bomb anyone. Rather, the power afforded by nuclear weapons would make Iran a far more influential country, with far more say as to how the Western countries interfere in the Middle East. To be sure, there is some truth to Condi's assertion that it's a national security matter; a rise in Iranian power could threaten our petroleum supply. In response, one must answer with the cliche, nonetheless true, that we need to reduce our dependence on petroleum period. A more far-sighted foreign policy would allow Iran to do as it wills in the region--decreasing Middle Eastern animus toward the West and especially America--and simultaneously move toward alternative energy sources in serious way. The Bush administration's lack of concern with alternative energy is well established by now.

Aaron McDonald (VideoSift spammer) solves Rubics Cube

Aaron McDonald (VideoSift spammer) solves Rubics Cube

kronosposeidon says...

Okay, so Young McDonald is a little piece of shit motherfucker. Big whoop. How many videos on the sift are there of George Bush, or Karl Rove, or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? So let it be with this little shit heel.

Let him join the rogues gallery of ignominious ignoramuses. This video has sifted, so it's pretty much a done deal anyway. Deal with it.

A message for those who want war with Iran

bleedingsnowman says...

The Iranian president is little more than a figure head in Iranian politics. Ahmadinejad has trouble ordering a sandwich much less declaring a military strike. Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran, is the only one with any real power, and he's the one expected to act responsibly.

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