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Iraqi Home Video of 2005 Baghdad Bombing

Football-Helmets and pads are for pussies... =)

Asmo says...

>> ^uzema:
A lot of these guys don't seem nearly as buff as football players, plus those shorts are gay.

Heh, you should see "Aussie Rules" (Australian Football), the shorts get shorter.

In rugby, there is only one team (so no offense/defense/special/kicking teams) so the players have to cross train more. The backs and wings are the faster players, then you have front/second rows which are the big guys.

Pity I only have one slot atm or I'd toss up this one.

Aussie rules this is. Basic rules, kick the ball to the other players, if you catch on the full (a mark) you get a free kick forward. Sometimes called "aerial ping pong". First half of the clip are marks, second half are hits. ; )

Defenders of Wildlife Goes After Palin on Aerial Hunting

deedub81 says...

Federal legislation (PDF) does have a loophole for predator control, permitting state employees or licensed individuals to shoot from an aircraft for the sake of protecting "land, water, wildlife, livestock, domesticated animals, human life, or crops." (This doesn't just apply to wolves; coyotes and foxes are sometimes gunned down from aircraft, especially in Western states.) Since 2003, Alaska has issued aerial wolf-hunting permits in select areas where moose and caribou populations are particularly endangered. The idea is that by killing the predators, the airborne gunmen can ramp up the number of moose and caribou that human hunters can take home for supper.

Palin's idea of paying $150 for wolf forelegs never materialized because it would have been an illegal use of bounty payments, which were outlawed in Alaska in 1984.

I don't personally agree with Airborne Wolf Hunting. This is not a humane method of controlling a population. It's unethical in my opinion.

Defenders of Wildlife Goes After Palin on Aerial Hunting

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'sarah palin, wolves, hunting, aerial hunting' to 'sarah palin, wolves, hunting, aerial hunting, defenders of wildlife, ad' - edited by LadyDeath

The Gladiator spider casts a net to catch its prey

chilaxe says...

[Early spiders] were probably ground dwelling predators of other primitive arthropods. Silk may have been used simply as a protective covering for the eggs, a lining for a retreat hole, and later perhaps for simple ground sheet web and trapdoor construction.

As plant and insect life diversified so also did the spider's use of silk. Spiders with spinnerets at the end of the abdomen (Mygalomorphae and Araneomorphae) appeared more than 250 million years ago, presumably promoting the development of more elaborate sheet and maze webs for prey capture both on ground and foliage, as well as the development of the safety dragline.

By the Jurassic, the sophisticated aerial webs of the orb weaving spiders had already developed to take advantage of the rapidly diversifying groups of insects

Defenders of Wildlife Goes After Palin on Aerial Hunting

charliem says...

>> ^rychan:
As a dog lover, that's pretty powerful stuff. Is there some context to this? Is there a wolf overpopulation in Alaska? Is this form of hunting actually any less humane than any other?
In my view, shooting such an intelligent animal is fairly inhumane. It's like hunting dolphins. But then it seems silly to say it's OK to shoot moose and deer because they're dumb.

Name one animal as smart as the canine family that humans consume for food.

Sarah Palin Champions Barbaric Aerial Hunting of Wolves

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

LadyDeath says...

I posted that video for people who cares about wolves not for you Carl,so please stop insulting me with your comments,I know you do not like me,and I don't care,you hate most of the videos I post, but your comments are always out of place.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
For someone who doesn't care you sure spend a lot of time leaving me messages.

In reply to this comment by LadyDeath:
lol whatever a lot of people still don't care about your opinion bye

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
Generally only other intelligent people. Thanks for being an example.

In reply to this comment by LadyDeath:
Who cares what do you think

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
I've got my own negative opinions about hunting for "sport". I don't need a propaganda shock-video to tell me what I should think.

LadyDeath (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx says...

For someone who doesn't care you sure spend a lot of time leaving me messages.

In reply to this comment by LadyDeath:
lol whatever a lot of people still don't care about your opinion bye

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
Generally only other intelligent people. Thanks for being an example.

In reply to this comment by LadyDeath:
Who cares what do you think

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
I've got my own negative opinions about hunting for "sport". I don't need a propaganda shock-video to tell me what I should think.

LadyDeath (Member Profile)

Sarah Palin's Awesome Sport of Aerial Wolf-Maiming

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^swampgirl:
^agreed. I told my husband something like this once after he mentioned taking up hunting.
I said, "Sure, bring meat to the table! BUT no high powered rifles and covered perches where you sit and wait for Bambi to come feast on bait down below... You must RUN! w/ only a spear in your hand to dispatch your prey!!!"
He was amused, went out and bought a camo's sat in the closet now for about 4 years unworn.

A high powered rifle like a .30-30 or a .30 '06 will give a MUCH greater chance at a clean quick kill than a spear or a bow.
Wanna sell the suit?

Sarah Palin's Awesome Sport of Aerial Wolf-Maiming

ponceleon says...

>> ^volumptuous:
>> ^ponceleon:think of this: at least half of this country seems to think that they are viable right now...

Make that "less than 25% of the voting age population"
Remember, they only poll registered voters. And 50% don't vote anyway!

Perhaps, but remember, 4 years into George Bush a "majority" of people got together and decided to elect him again... I think it is really dangerous to think that McCain can't win. In fact. I would say that if he does win, we deserve him as a country.

Sarah Palin's Awesome Sport of Aerial Wolf-Maiming

RhesusMonk (Member Profile)

MrFisk (Member Profile)

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