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LadyDeath (Member Profile)

Sarah Palin Champions Barbaric Aerial Hunting of Wolves

MrFisk (Member Profile)

Sarah Palin Champions Barbaric Aerial Hunting of Wolves

Sarah Palin's Awesome Sport of Aerial Wolf-Maiming

volumptuous says...

>> ^spoco2:
That is cruel, but no upvote as it uses the term 'God's creatures'...

Well, for a non-theist like me, there is no such thing as a "god's creature".

But, for people like Palin (i.e. fiendish snake worshippers and end-timers) it just adds to the hypocrisy that she'd hunt and kill one of her gods' creatures.

Thousands join human art petition - Amnesty International

For What It's Worth

10768 says...

I liked the video. The percentages cited are extremely misleading however, taken out of context. Let's assume the numbers are correct.

WWI was largely fought along static lines: trench warefare. Civilians fled the battle areas, and were largely "safe" once they departed. Both sides largely respected the non-combatant lives.

WWII was more dynamic, with armies on the move coming into contact with civilians more frequently. Aerial bombing campaigns were conducted on a massive scale, with accuracy often measured in miles. Naturally more civilans could become casualties.

Viet Nam involved ever more ill-defined battle lines: communist insurgency tactics and deliberate siting of resources among civilians. This was done as a deliberate strategy to attempt to place these assets beyond our reach. Even with vast increases in arial weapon accuracy, there was inevitable and tragic collateral damage.

The current war in Iraq has involved similar tactics, but employed more ruthlessly by an enemy not burdened by our Western sense of morality. Suicide bombing, deliberate targeting of civilians, use of human shields. The Islamic insurgency bears the burden of the casualty ratio. US and coalition forces have unfailingly striven to minimize loss of innocent lives, where possible.

The Truth About Aerial Hunting of Wolves in Alaska

Enzoblue says...

It's good that they're getting on top of this, but how many hunters who own airplanes can there be? That vs the huge huge area up there, I don't think the wolf pop is in danger anytime soon, from aerial hunters at least. Still a cruel hunting tactic from some seriously lazy men.

Death on the Sift... (Philosophy Talk Post)

blankfist says...

>> ^choggie:
If I die, I'll send a messenger back to piss everyone off-If you kill me, well, that's another thing altogether-for that we send minions...

Choggie would become the Crow. But, not the cool guitar playing goth-esque Brandon Lee kind. No. He'd just be a crow on your window sill annoyingly cawing and waking you up and dropping aerial turds on your newly washed car.

What Hitler Wants - Soviet Propaganda

Farhad2000 says...

The Russian German pact is one of the most interesting blunders by both powers prior to the outbreak of hostilities.

A core principle of Nazi ideology was the rejection of Communism and Bolshevism, yet cordial relations were maintained between Hitler and Stalin with regards to craving up parts of Eastern Europe. Right before the outbreak of Operation Barbarossa, various Russian spies sent information of tank and troop formations forming along the border. However Stalin dismissed those, believing Hitler would never attack him. This resulted the huge capitulation on the Eastern front, lots of military and aerial equipment was destroyed as no order came from above about the impending attack.

Hitler was after the Caucus oilfields, a resource the Nazi's were lacking in continuing their war effort, however instead of focusing on that one singular strategic goal Hitler started getting more involved in fighting political battles going after Moscow and Stalingrad. Deluded optimism based off earlier successes.

Numerous German officials and officer remarked at the start of the operation that invading Russia was a grave mistake, as the NAP allowed for single front warfare against France and England without opening another front with the Soviet Union.

Battlestar Galactica: Great show, or GREATEST show? (Scifi Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

BSG is great. I was nudged into watching it by Pyrex and Raven, I finally gave in and got the first season. Within the next 3 days I watched Seasons 1, 2 and 3.

I love the characters, the psychological mind games of the Cylons and the incredible dog fighting scenes which look amazing even though it's CGI, they actually use proper aerial camera angles and it comes off looking very realistic. I don't know about the whole God angle they are perusing.

I think I will wait till the seasons over until I watch the whole thing in one sitting. I hate being dicked around waiting for the next episode.

Oh and am surprised you think Lost didn't out stay it's welcome in the first season, its the stupidest show I have ever seen. First it's flashbacks and now it's flash forwards! Oh and never rely on the characters to ask the important fucking questions!!! Oh look a polar bear and a murderous black cloud! Oh and the statue of a foot! The writers of this show are nothing but money grabbing cunts... they will never ever finish the show in any satisfying way... everyone who is following it is just building themselves for a huge disappointment ala end of X-Files when T1000 became an FBI agent post Duchovny.

Fighter Jet movie preview - Into The Fire

rogueWRX says...

After a French-built fighter jet disappears from an air show, ace pilots "Walk'n" Marchelli (Benoit Magimel) and "Fahrenheit" Vallois (Clovis Cornillac) are called upon to foil a terrorist plot. On a top secret mission to shoot down al-Qaida kamikaze planes, the flyboys barrel into thrilling dogfights against F-16s over desert terrain. Breathless aerial cinematography using actual military pilots distinguishes this Top Gun-style thrill ride.

F-5 Tornado in Canada

jonny says...

Fujita scale ≠ wind speed. It is based on damage assessments.

From the Fujita Scale wiki entry:

The Fujita scale (F-Scale), or Fujita-Pearson scale, is a scale for rating tornado intensity, based on the damage tornadoes inflict on human-built structures and vegetation. The official Fujita scale category is determined by meteorologists (and engineers) after a ground and/or aerial damage survey ...
Though each damage level is associated with a wind speed, the Fujita scale is a damage scale, and the wind speeds associated with the damage listed are unverified.
See also the NOAA website: F-scale, Enhanced F-scale

Issykitty (Member Profile)

kulpims (Member Profile)

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