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Aaron McDonald (VideoSift spammer) solves Rubics Cube

Aaron McDonald - Poor Little Fellow (Sift Talk Post)

Aaron McDonald - Poor Little Fellow (Sift Talk Post)

my15minutes says...

>> ^arsenault185:
> The Sift overlord just says "unless someone's Google-fu is better than mine." and you go RIGHT to it.

so, make up your mind, arsenault185.
did i do this out of fear of my 'overlord'? or to massage my own 'Google-fu' ego?

You would do anything for them wouldn't you? He didn't even have to ask, and you went out of your way.

yeah. wasn't that far, out of my way, dude.
and i'd do the exact same for you, were you the one getting fucked with.

Cartman explains the problem of Ginger Kids - Awesome Ending

rembar (Member Profile)

jonny says...

Well, mycroft's answer didn't entirely satisfy me, but as I told him, I don't have the technical knowledge to challenge any further. So I shut up then - usually.

The story with the mcdonald clown is that I banned him for self-linking, he created new accounts to harass me, then another to try self-linking again, I banned him again, and that really set him off. Through the use of proxy server and scripting, he began leaving literally thousands of obnoxious comments on my profile - about 6000 or so in the span of a few hours. At that point, it became an issue of abusing the entire site, and the community responded. should give you some idea of the level of his maturity and intellect.

In reply to this comment by rembar:
I'm a bit late responding, but no, I don't know anything about it beyond Google-fu. Luckily, it seems like Mycroft covered things pretty well. the way, what went down with this Aaron McDonald fella?

In reply to this comment by jonny:
Do you know anything about this?

Aaron McDonald - Poor Little Fellow (Sift Talk Post)

jonny (Member Profile)

Aaron McDonald - Poor Little Fellow (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

If it helps, his buddy Baer is in the other YT video, and the HOT sister's boyfriend "TJ" is a profound wingnut from Bedford, PA.

"There is no peace in retreat"---President Bush

Looks like the sister is dating one of Aaron's friends, and they are into gun pr0n.
Aaron McDonald is. so i was like bored and so i was testing the accuracy for the guns. so i put the target on my shelf and sat on my bed. i used 100 shots each. the pistol got 64% my pistol got 91% caleb's shotgun got uhhh 97% and somehow my shotgun got 102%...go figure. so yeah that was cool. later dude. i'll be in florida for the next week

Sorry about the guilt by association, but tell you brother/friend he is a loser.

Aaron McDonald - Poor Little Fellow (Sift Talk Post)

Aaron McDonald - Poor Little Fellow (Sift Talk Post)

Aaron McDonald - Poor Little Fellow (Sift Talk Post)

Arsenault185 says...

>> ^my15minutes:
oh, and i noticed one little detail that his sister should've left out, if her brother's going for the douchebag hall of fame. tsk tsk tsk.
"Hometown: Imler where i've lived my whole life"
there's only one town in the US, that comes up in a GoogleMaps search.,+PA&ie=UTF8&ll=40.229218,-78.508301&spn=4.814
Imler, Pennsylvania.
a tiny, tiny little town. i'd be surprised if their phone book were thicker than a comic.
can't be all that many McDonald's there, now can there, dag?

>> ^MarineGunrock:
There's only nine. And of those, only three are married couples that are of the age to have young (early 20s) kids.

Wow, look at you guys. The Sift overlord just says "unless someone's Google-fu is better than mine." and you go RIGHT to it. You would do anything for them wouldn't you? He didn't even have to ask, and you went out of your way. I'm not sure if thats sad, or we should all be patting you on the back for a job well done. Nah, I'll just go ahead and say its sad.

Aaron McDonald - Poor Little Fellow (Sift Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

>> ^karaidl:
I'm sorry, but wasn't I once called creepy and stalkerish for... you know... this is exact same thing you guys are all doing? Why the hell are we posting pictures of the dude's sister??

I've found that the application of the term creepy is directly related to if the girl's ass you're touching wants some deep d from you or not.

Aaron McDonald - Poor Little Fellow (Sift Talk Post)

my15minutes says...

>> ^karaidl:
> I'm sorry, but wasn't I once called creepy and stalkerish ...

musta' been before i got here, so i can't comment on that, but...

> Why the hell are we posting pictures of the dude's sister??

we're not. we're gleaning information from his pics and info.
and hers, only to the degree necessary, to track down her soon-to-be-grounded-again broodmate.

and having a little fun at their expense. which doesn't even come close to the shit he's apparently been pulling, all day.

she's obviously not any kind of accomplice, witting or otherwise. just a breadcrumb trail to him.

so, if anyone here, took any comment i made, to be more than the 12 seconds of harmless mild amusement, that it was intended to be? lemme' know, and i'll happily edit it out.

Aaron McDonald Solves the Rubik's Cube in Under TWO MINUTES!

jonny (Member Profile)

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