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Unarmed child shot in the back while running from police

newtboy says...

Sure....then you just get killed in custody or framed and jailed for life.
Even in the highly unlikely event you find an honest police department, you have to fight the charges they think you might deserve with money and lawyers you don't have (the one they give you will have 200 open cases and 3 minutes to work on your case and will tell you to plea guilty), all after sitting in jail for years waiting for trial because you don't have $200k for bail.... sounds great.....after you. (You have to be black or Latino first though).

You know how you fix that, prosecute every small infraction any officer might be guilty of and remove the criminal cops permanently, like once fired for cause you get bared from any law enforcement job for life. We'll have to replace 2/3 of them and retrain the rest, but we still should, the police as they are are a gang of armed thugs that every now and then do a good deed so they can point to helping grandma get home when caught shooting kids in the back and pretend the former excuses the latter.

Esoog said:

You know how to fix that? Don't run away.

Unarmed child shot in the back while running from police

newtboy says...

That's the point, they reportedly had no clue what was true when they shot beyond a kid ran guns, no active shooting, no identification who was a shooter.....nothing but a car description and a scared kid running away.....a reasonable response if you don't want to die in custody or be framed.

Doesn't your last mean cops should expect to die by the gun and quit complaining? ;-)

MilkmanDan said:

, IF the stuff about him clearly having just been involved with a drive-by is true. Live by the gun, expect to die by it.

Trump Holds Rally Amid Aftermath of Family Separation Policy

newtboy says...

Oh @bobknight33, you slurp up the moronic lies every time.

Obama didn't separate those children from their families, they came alone.
Were they held in "cages", technically yes, for up to 72 hours (but usually less), but not for up to 20 days after being separated from their families. Obama was lambasted none the less by both parties and quickly made efforts to minimize the incarnation of children, Trump has maximized it while minimizing our ability to process them by not supporting the funding of more immigration judges.
Also note, Obama era "cages" had walls, not just open chain link, a small but psychologically significant difference.

"You don't like parents and kids separated, you don't want them detained (indefinitely) together either...what do you want?!"....really, she and the right are too dumb to come up with any other alternatives? That's impressive stupidity.
How about more immigration judges so families can go through the legal application process within the legal time frame instead of just warehousing them indefinitely and making the process longer and harder, breaking US and international laws in the process in the hopes they'll give up and just go home to die.

Liberals, and all other humans with a conscience, have been fighting this policy since day one, no one saved their moronic a lie....but I expect nothing less from oan, whose hyper bias and aversion to fact is more apparent than Fox.

The Trump family separation policy was the distraction, distracting you from the ever increasing conviction rate in the Russia probes and our precipitously falling international standing.

bobknight33 said:

Liberals are hypocrite. This is nothing more than shifting the narrative from the damning IG report.

Woman Gets Thrown Out The Way By An Elephant!

entr0py says...

I don't know man, if you play it at 0.25 speed the frames seem to add up. That's some accurate ragdolling she accomplished.

Janus said:

I hate to be that guy, but the speed at which she flies back seems a bit suspect.

Greatest Japanese Bank Heists in History

newtboy (Member Profile)

MagLev Trains Pass At 700 km/hour (434.96 mph)

BSR says...

Stop the video at 1:09 and then tap the period key to advance frame by frame. I believe it's the repeating design of the train and the sync of the video that causes the illusion. Camera vs naked eye is like digital vs analog. Pattern vs blur.

BTW, put some underwear on your eyes, please.

DataSchmuck said:

There's a weird ripple effect going on in the top left corner of the window when it passes. Can anyone explain what that is? I'm guessing something to do with frame-rate of the camera vs speed of the passing train? Or would you see it with the naked eye?

MagLev Trains Pass At 700 km/hour (434.96 mph)

DataSchmuck says...

There's a weird ripple effect going on in the top left corner of the window when it passes. Can anyone explain what that is? I'm guessing something to do with frame-rate of the camera vs speed of the passing train? Or would you see it with the naked eye?

Dog Excited About Chicken Cooking in Oven

...but can it run Doom?

Coppers amazing affinity with magnets

nanrod (Member Profile)

Restored 1967 Footage Of Saturn V Space Rocket Launch

bareboards2 says...

@ChaosEngine @Buck

My dad was in the Air Force. He was chosen for a particular program -- to be a Range Safety Officer on launches.

Once he got his Masters in Engineering at MIT on the government's dime, he was stationed at Cape Canaveral.

His job was to have his hand on the key that would blow up a missile when it went off course. The course was set so that if it went bad, the pieces would fall safely into the ocean. If it started to veer off course, you had to blow it up quick.

He was stationed at Cape Canaveral from something like 1958 to 1966. About that time frame. Early days, when they didn't know quite how to do a successful launch -- and he blew up a lot.

More than any other person -- and no one will catch up with his record, because it is no longer early days.

He got a Saturn. He blew up a Titan. He blew up a lot of Missilemen missiles.

He mostly worked on the unmanned launches. Only one launch (that I know of) was manned -- and he almost had to blow it up. He was sweating that one -- because of the stakes of blowing early or blowing late and no good result if you make the wrong choice. There was a wobble ... and he waited ... and it corrected.

But yeah. A Saturn.

After Cape Canaveral, he was stationed at Vandenberg Air Force Base, NW of Santa Barbara. The west coast equivalent of the Cape.

PM me your email, and I'll send you a SERIOUSLY cool cartoon that was a gift when he left the Cape. Sitting astride a rocket that has obviously been launched from Florida, with silhouettes of all the missiles he blew up -- with HASHMARKS for how many of each.

It is seriously cool.

Why you never ask Dad to baby proof the house.

MilkmanDan says...

Honestly, if he mounted a 2x4 or something as a rest / mini table on the top surface with some (removable) wood screws, rounded the sides with a jigsaw so the door could still enter the frame, and painted it to match the bottom half, I think she'd end up actually liking it. And it wouldn't add much at all expense.

I agree with the sentiment that she's a saint for putting up with him. On the other hand, I really like the cut of his jib too. And he actually did a nice straight smooth cut on the door...

Liberal Redneck - On Guns

jwray says...

1. Mass shootings are <1% of the murder rate, and murder is <1% of the death rate. Getting wound up about mass shootings is as dumb as getting wound up about terrorism. They're both very small in relation to how much people freak out.
2. We already have lots of gun control. Especially in places like California, where the killer bought most of his guns legally and passed a background check.

3. Bump stocks were the real problem. Even the NRA is open to restricting bump stocks. Let's do that.

4. Let's not go overboard with the Australian solution. Australia's murder rate almost halved from 1990 to 2015, and people erroneously give the buyback credit for that, but in that same 25 year time span the US murder rate went down even more (from 9.4 to 4.5 per 100,000) The murder rate went down everywhere in that time frame due to banning leaded gasoline that causes brain damage. Also due to some smaller factors (more abortion, better software for predictive policing).

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