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Cop Lying To Obstruct Newsman From Filming

newtboy says...

With the constant flow of proof that cops lie, cheat, and steal daily, and the complicit nature of their superiors allowing them to hide the proof of their crimes, they have forced society into requiring douche reporters chasing the douche cops to capture independent proof of their criminal behavior....proof they can't erase or deny exists.
Notice how easily this douche cop comes up with multiple lies to detain the videographer, intentionally interfering with his job, to protect his cohorts ability to lie to citizens without a record, because undoubtedly all their body cams are turned off.
Also notice how, when those body cams are replaced secretly with cams that only appear to turn off, but keep recording, they consistently capture abuse of power if not outright falsification of charges, like the one just caught framing over 120 for drug possession in a single year.

Cops have made their own job tougher by insisting on being able to legally lie, and being a cadre of criminal liars who think they're above the law, and are all too often right about that thanks to apologists and those willing to turn a blind eye.

Jesusismypilot said:

Like the police don't have enough of a tough job, now they have douche-reporter chasing them around and getting in the way.

What is the Second Civil War

newtboy says...

President of wallbuilders llc?
Wallbuilders llc-a right-wing advocacy and media organization that promotes alternative versions of history attempting to frame the United States as a fundamentalist Christian nation, despite the founding fathers unanimously and clearly stating it is not one.

Chinese magician performs world’s best magic trick

JiggaJonson says...

LPT if you use the , (comma) and the . (period) keys on your keyboard, you can go frame by frame in youtube videos.

That said, sometime in the middle of the 31 second mark is where those white card things appear in front of him. Happens in less than 1 frame.

Before you cry "VOODOO!!!" though, you can slow watch his vest being sucked away into his ?pocket? his ?pants? idk, but it's being rolled away like a window shade.

All that being said. If I saw this live I would NEVER have caught any of that and this is still an amazingly skillful magician.

b4rringt0n (Member Profile)

A.I. that can generate videos from a single image

newtboy says...

So, be prepared for hundreds of these by the next election, and for real videos to be called fakes by dishonest people.

Obfuscation of reality is a crime against humanity these programmers have made simple and easy. Because they didn't include an unremoveable watermark on every frame it generates announcing it's a fake, I wish they could be charged with a crime.

What Happens To Good Cops?

newtboy says...


And people still have the gall to question those of us who don't trust police and claim there are no good cops. The excessively few who were good are quickly threatened by other cops and driven out of law enforcement, while the blatantly criminal cops get promoted and congratulated.

What Happens To Good Cops?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Prove Apple wrong about data recovery and get banned

ant (Member Profile)

Kid Physically Threatens Teacher For Not Rounding His Grade

psycop says...

I don't know if you've seen the sort of thing I'm talking about, but the usual formula is you see a video with a title like "Bully picks on the wrong guy" or something, then you watch the video and what you see is someone getting their head kicked in, and you feel good. Then you have an entire comment section with "That's what you get for being a bully" etc. But nothing in the video actually shows him being a bully.

So if the title had been "Man is attacked completely unprovoked and suffers life changing injuries" the judgement would be very different. Maybe you just watched a crime and enjoyed it.

I find it really strange that people will argue back and forward about the details of the content of the video, but never question the framing. It's "a given" he was a bully etc. because some text at the top said so, we just discuss whether it was appropriate.

So in this video, maybe the situation was exactly as described, but I don't know what information I'd use to get to that conclusion. And nobody in the comment section really seems to be trying.

Why don't we see him asking for his grade to be marked up? Wouldn't that be the money shot here? Kid makes outrageous request, which for some reason I edited out, then behaved terribly... maybe they didn't get their phone out in time... who knows? Not me.

This is not one of those 'instant karma' videos I mean, I'm just drawing the parallel with the context free clip, followed by collective righteous feeling and judgement.

BSR said:

Just to clear things up, when is violence deserved again?

BSR (Member Profile)

psycop says...

I don't know if you've seen the sort of thing I'm talking about, but the usual formula is you see a video with a title like "Bully picks on the wrong guy" or something, then you watch the video and what you see is someone getting their head kicked in, and you feel good. Then you have an entire comment section with "That's what you get for being a bully" etc. But nothing in the video actually shows him being a bully.

So if the title had been "Man is attacked completely unprovoked and suffers life changing injuries" the judgement would be very different. Maybe you just watched a crime and enjoyed it.

I find it really strange that people will argue back and forward about the details of the content of the video, but never question the framing. It's "a given" he was a bully etc. because some text at the top said so.

So in this video, maybe the situation was exactly as described, but I don't know what information I'd use to get to that conclusion. And nobody in the comment section really seems to be trying.

Why don't we see him asking for his grade to be marked up? Wouldn't that be the money shot here? Kid makes outrageous request, which for some reason I edited out, then behaved terribly... maybe they didn't get their phone out in time... who knows? Not me.

BSR said:

Just to clear things up, when is violence deserved again?

That's snow Dog

BoneRemake (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

I have. He is currently trying to build a wooden frame to convert a road bike to an indoor bike, utilizing old Rollerblade wheels and two by fours. I made some changes to the profile to bring back some memories of the good ol' days.

bareboards2 said:

Has anyone heard from BoneRemake lately?

I miss him. He can be a pill and yet he often showed me his creative and caring side.

"Nice Shoes"

BSR says...

Yeah, I've even stepped through it frame by frame because some things just flash by. Thanks eric.

eric3579 said:

and back with another *promote cuz i've watched it so many times.

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