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The Daily Show - Three Birds and a Stoner...!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'TDS, daily show, hash, fire, italy' to 'TDS, daily show, hash, fire, italy, John Stewart' - edited by Gratefulmom

A Brief History Of Laughing At Trump

RedSky says...

People talk about how much dollar value media exposure he got for free, but I think it's more the lack of criticism by networks afraid of losing access to him. That and being afraid of alienating the viewers who support him.

Instead you get the usual news equivocation of opposing views as equally valid and the treating of his policy ideas as serious proposals no matter how loony.

Similar to the Daily Show under Stewart, polit-satire shows like Colbert are able to get away with more direct criticism because it's under the umbrella of 'it's comedy, so everything is fair game' so I wouldn't equate him with more general TV news coverage.

Plenty of written coverage has been very good (Economist, Vox, hell even Fox had some good criticism):

But obviously that has a much narrower reach or effect on publicity.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I wonder if civic minded entertainers like Colbert regret all the free air they gave Trump now. I wonder if they feel a little culpable.

Stephen's Tribute To Antonin Scalia

kingmob jokingly says...

He does show the teaching of John Stewart.

Many people do not know but many of the troupe of The Daily Show with John Stewart will go onto form the long awaited third chapter of the Bible. And these champions are John Stewarts disciples. Part Jedi part empathy.

OMG The sarcasm filter is ON.
I didn't know....I didn't say that.

Socialism explained

shagen454 says...

I always find it bewildering that the majority of republicans don't even have that much money but they tow the party line; while the staunch uber-wealthy hate taxes as if they hate US democracy.

The thing is, the uber-wealthy are the ones that have made 1000%+ wealth gains for decades while wages have remained stagnant for the rest. They are the ones that own businesses and have perpetuated this warfare. If they paid *a little more tax* they wouldn't even feel it. But, for the working class a two dollar raise is fucking huge. The system we have needs more regulation, more services, more taxes in order to create checks & balances and to be put on track for more equal standards of middle-class living (you know the class the upper class has all but wiped out with their disgusting satan-esque greed with a Martha Stewart twist) for a vaster amount of the populace.

Stephen Colbert: Trump "knows who the real audience is"

brycewi19 says...

The only thing I don't believe is when he repeats that he doesn't know anything about politics.
I'm sorry, Steven, I know you're trying to be humble and to deflect to your comedian nature, but of course you know politics. You're now doing the same thing Jon Stewart did all these years - pretend to know nothing while absolutely knowing a ton and teaching us all how to think in the system.

You have taken over for Stewart now. It's just the humility is a bit thinly veiled.

Honest Kids Say The Darndest Things

Green Room -- Patrick Stewart as a vicious Skinhead

one of the many faces of racism in america

gorillaman says...

Excellent talk indeed. Stewart Lee called Twitter 'a Stasi for the Angry Birds generation.'

Fantomas said:

I find the current popular trend of online vigilantism in the name of social justice disturbing. Jon Ronson gives an excellent TED talk on the phenomenon.
I really must get around to reading his book.

X-Men Apocalypse Trailer

Jon Stewart returns to shame congress

Jon Stewart Crashes Stephen’s Monologue

Jon Stewart returns to shame congress

Start Getting Used To Saying President Trump

poolcleaner says...

Can we just vote for Colbert to be president? That's what I'm going to do. I've decided that if my vote is truly a personal decision and a reflection of who I feel is the leader AMERICA needs, I'm voting Stephen Colbert. Or Conan O'Brien. I'm still undecided on my vote actually. If Jon Stewart ran, that may change everything.

Animaniac Kama Sutra | Robot Chicken

What Is Art? Follow-Up: What Is Porn?

rebuilder says...

Porn is, as per Potter Stewart in Jacobellis v. Ohio, a thing that you know when you see it. An interesting thing for a SCOTUS justice to say in the 60's, seeing as it implies a certain... familiarity with the subject matter.

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