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Sketch (Member Profile)


chingalera says...

They only hit about 1 out of 7 sketches anymore-Quite frankly, Will Farrel is about one the most un-funnny comedian's on the planet.

Babymech said:

Wow... if you let the video just play on, they follow this up with a cringingly worthless 'balls'-sketch. I was almost worried SNL was going to be something I had to start watching again.


Babymech says...

Wow... if you let the video just play on, they follow this up with a cringingly worthless 'balls'-sketch. I was almost worried SNL was going to be something I had to start watching again.

Rudest kid's show ever

L0cky says...

This wasn't the actual show, it was a sketch for something else. Can't remember what though.

It is the actual cast though.

Boy at the bus stop in Norway

Dentist Fight!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'funny, video, sketch, webseries, comedy, dentists' to 'funny, video, sketch, webseries, comedy, dentists, dentally challenged' - edited by Trancecoach

Greatest Classical Music Joke EVER told (Family Guy)

X-rays at the dentist

Jupiter Ascending -- new film from Andy and Lana Wachowski

Ex-Men: Nightcrawler

chingalera says...

Ignorance is bliss perhaps-The mob rules even in China-Most comedy is sub-par brycewi19, it's not like anyone's ganging-up on you and your defense of the art is commendable. That the writers on this show are lazy or their juices aren't flowing so well might indicate that the quality of cocaine available nowadays is sketchy

All I need to see is one sketch from this guy's show to know I wouldn't be able to watch five minutes of it without cringing. Thanks, Videosift!!

brycewi19 said:

I disagree. I find them all quite amusing.

It's a nice break from all the serious political and police brutality videos that bum me out fairly consistently.

It's all in good fun.

Rollerball pen with conductive ink and magnetic components

Rollerball pen with conductive ink and magnetic components

Rollerball pen with conductive ink and magnetic components

Rollerball pen with conductive ink and magnetic components

siftbot says...

Invocations (related= cannot be called by skinnydaddy1 because skinnydaddy1 is not privileged - sorry.

Key & Peele: Proud Thug

chingalera says...

Indeed, and while I have watched their show on cable TV at a friends place and was able to keep milk from coming out of my nose through the thing, it did have more than a few moments of hilarity.

Unlike Archer, a piece of genius that keeps me in complete stitches enough to warrant a repeat, and another.

Key and Peele rate with some of the best sketch comedy ever produced.

lucky760 said:


"Life is for pussies." Hahaha.

Key and Peele have the best hit-to-miss ratio of any sketch comedy around.


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