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ulysses1904 (Member Profile)

ulysses1904 (Member Profile)

"Convenience Store" sketch from Kids in the Hall

ulysses1904 says...

Yeah none of their monologues ever worked for me. They were all just filler and none of them were memorable like the sketches. I saw them in Boston in 2000 on their first reunion tour. We drove through a freakin blizzard to get there but that made it that much more special. We thought they were done for good after 1994 so it was cool to see them.

Anything they have done since is painful to watch so I bought the complete series on DVD and just skip the monologues.

SquidCap said:

I really should make my edited version of the series.. Cut out every single Scott Thompson gay monologue out. Not because i hate gays or Scott but having a 7 minute touching monologue in the middle of 20 minute comedy sketch show just does not work. Plus i hate the fake lisp, no matter if it's woman or man.

"Convenience Store" sketch from Kids in the Hall

SquidCap says...

I really should make my edited version of the series.. Cut out every single Scott Thompson gay monologue out. Not because i hate gays or Scott but having a 7 minute touching monologue in the middle of 20 minute comedy sketch show just does not work. Plus i hate the fake lisp, no matter if it's woman or man.

Meanwhile 3

enoch (Member Profile)

DIY Milling machine playing MacGyver theme.

EMPIRE says...

What sacrilege is this? McGyver would spit in the general direction of a milling machine. He would create anything with a pocket knife and a rough sketch on a napkin.

crafting a Patek Philippe 5175R Grandmaster Chime Watch

artician says...

The Gist:

Guy in business suit looking thoughtfully out of window.
(Doubtful anyone who designs fine consumer goods, *actually designs consumer goods*, wears a suit). Maybe its supposed to be you! You avant-garde millionaire, you!

Person sketching watch designs. This is probably semi-close to reality, though they don’t show the hundreds of designs the visual designer creates that are dismissed at whim by the aforementioned, assumed (but inevitable even if not shown) suits.

People fiddling with plastic representations of what one would assume as the model for said watch design. Maybe realistic, though with the caveat that two people are sitting there going over said physical design, in any serious discussion concerning the actual physics of the end product. I can *not* imagine that nearly the entirety of this process today, both visual and mechanical design, are not done digitally.

Okay, there’s some CG. Because CG is the next step, rather than the first, least expensive step in any design process today. Who wants to quickly model everything in a matter of hours when you can fabricate expensive, physical material for iterative testing?

Holy shit, was that guy just looking at a wood cutout? I can’t even think of a shitty, sarcastic/realistic remark about that one. I might have misunderstood that shot.

Alright, now we’re machining shit. You can’t really fake that with a few grand for marketing. That’s the real stuff. (1.5m in)

No, they don’t sand/polish things by hand during the fabrication phase. That’s entirely too inaccurate and subjective to the assembler to leave up to human hands. (But hey: it’s a 2.5 million dollar piece of metal, so lets make those buyers feel good about their money spent).

Oh look: gemstones! (???) That's kingly.

More faux machining that is veritably inferior to quality mechanical assembly.

Oh shit, someone just turned a nob!

3.5 minutes in, and we see some actual hand-polished work that is legitimately viable to perform by hand.

Hey lets sand those nodules off the finished pieces, and micro-inspect those printed markings, because nothing about us says “accuracy” without a fallible human to do it. Also: what are they printing shit on there for? Was it pushing the price to $3mil to engrave the timestamps on the faces? That better be the highest quality electroplated coating, but even then I can't imagine that's superior than a tactile, physical representation.

Now they’re hand-engraving the sculpted ornamentation, but it’s one more point I can gladly give them because those kinds of human touches let you know at least some sort of artisan was involved. I can appreciate that, though realizing what I just said causes me to reflect on the inaccuracies of mass-production, and why we would take one over the other…

More microscopes. (Because if one notch is off, it’s back to the furnace for you!)

Awe shit, payday. A guy in a suit looking confident is walking towards your building!

Finally, the gear assembly. It certainly looks fantastic, photographically speaking. I can’t help but notice that all that detail is lost to hundreds of textural indentations or are due to stylized alternating polish/grinding. However, I’m confident that spending $2.5mil on this product would get me the absolute, most accurate, unnoticeable details (hand-made!) within a micro-millimeter of accuracy. Those indentations are like chrome on a street-racer in the 90’s: the more you have, the greater they perform.

@~8min, I’m pretty sure no one works like that at their desk. That posture would kill you in a month.

They know you can’t spin the head of a watch while it’s on your wrist, right?

Awe! It’s got 5 ringtones! That’s way more than any other watch I’ve even heard of! Except everything that doesn’t cost $2.5mil.

If I can take anything away from this that’s even remotely positive, it’s that at least millionaire shitheads are now being just as suckered as the rest of the consumer base. Let me sell ONE of those watches, and I would have enough money to overtake their business within a year, except for that I don't have the greed, dishonesty, and overall lack of morals that it would take to set up a quality factory, and trick such dickheads into buying (even superior BS) products.

Key & Peele - Mattress Shopping

lucky760 says...

I absolutely LOVE the new intro to the show. Every time it starts I'm already busting up LMFAHS. The looks on their faces are utterly priceless.

And I'm glad they changed the format to having them driving in a car as their segues instead of them on stage talking to an audience.

Best sketch comedy on TV.


Jim Jefferies on gun control

Unreal exchange over Canada’s involvement in Iraq

radx says...

Some pranksters must have replaced the instructional videos on the workings of parliament with Monty Python sketches...

Maybe if Mulcair had professed his membership in the People's Front of Judea, Calandra might have stayed on topic.

Key & Peele: Office Homophobe

Sarzy says...

I'm not even saying you're necessarily wrong -- but that's the darkest, most cynical possible interpretation of that sketch,and I sincerely doubt it was the intent.

scottishmartialarts said:

Well how else are we supposed to read it? The sympathetic character looks and acts "normal", and the viewer is led to assume that he is straight, with the twist at the end being that he's gay too, albeit a kind of gay that straight people won't find threatening, i.e. just like any other average guy except for whom he dates. After this revelation, the unsympathetic, annoying, obnoxious, flamboyant gay guy turns to himself and says "I'm not oppressed: I'm just an asshole!" In other words, gay people allegedly don't experience oppression and those that feel that they do are probably just obnoxiously flamboyant, like this guy, and hence deserve any negative reaction they get.

Don't get me wrong. I'm well aware that this is just a comedy sketch, and likewise anything even approximating the flamboyant man's behavior would be completely inappropriate in the workplace. But that said, I find it deeply disturbing that the implied messaging here is "if gay people just looked and acted like straight people, except in the bedroom, no one would have any problem with them."

Key & Peele: Office Homophobe

scottishmartialarts says...

Well how else are we supposed to read it? The sympathetic character looks and acts "normal", and the viewer is led to assume that he is straight, with the twist at the end being that he's gay too, albeit a kind of gay that straight people won't find threatening, i.e. just like any other average guy except for whom he dates. After this revelation, the unsympathetic, annoying, obnoxious, flamboyant gay guy turns to himself and says "I'm not oppressed: I'm just an asshole!" In other words, gay people allegedly don't experience oppression and those that feel that they do are probably just obnoxiously flamboyant, like this guy, and hence deserve any negative reaction they get.

Don't get me wrong. I'm well aware that this is just a comedy sketch, and likewise anything even approximating the flamboyant man's behavior would be completely inappropriate in the workplace. But that said, I find it deeply disturbing that the implied messaging here is "if gay people just looked and acted like straight people, except in the bedroom, no one would have any problem with them."

Sarzy said:

That is a messed up message to take from that sketch, and honestly wouldn't have occurred to me in a million years.

Key & Peele: Office Homophobe

Sarzy says...

That is a messed up message to take from that sketch, and honestly wouldn't have occurred to me in a million years.

scottishmartialarts said:

So gay men need to be completely indistinguishable from hetero men, else they are assholes who deserves any poor treatment they get? Granted there is nothing work appropriate about the "flaming homo" character's behavior, but it's hard not to be a bit disturbed by a message that boils down to "don't ever threaten what other people consider normal, and if you do the consequences are yours alone".

Let's settle this like gentlemen

EvilDeathBee says...

One of the best British sketch shows.

Also, keen eared viewers will recognise the gentlemen in the middle as the voice of Ford Prefect in the Hitchhiker's Guide radio series

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