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Giuliani drops out! - Doomsday clock set back 2 hours.

Doc_M says...

Bye Bye angry guy. Thank God. Rudy won't make VP either... almost for sure. Both races are down to the most central, moderate candidates. This gives me a happy face being a centrist. Of all the GOP candidates, the only ones I wanted to lose outright were Paul and Guiliani (Paul for his isolationism and some of his really extreme ideas none of which would ever get through congress anyway, Guiliani for the fact that I think he has too great and too short a temper and too military an attitude... perfect NYC mayor, awful USA pres.)... and I got both wishes. McCane is as liberal as republicans get and Romney is pretty balanced on the right. Obama is pretty Left, but Hillary is on the fence. We're looking at a moderate V. moderate election. My only remaining serious concern is that Hillary might win. God help us, in my eyes, that's the freaking end. Obama? I like him even if I don't agree with his issues.

Latest polls say McCane beats both Hillary and Obama by 6-8 point margins in a 1200-person poll. They didn't publish Romney numbers. As for VP options, Hillary won't take it, Edwards will, Kucinich is still too left and too unattractive for most public voters. On the GOP side, Thompson would be all about it being a real conservative and more than a tad on the laid-back side, Paul is too controversial and oppositional, and Romney and McCane are at each others' necks, so Thompson looks like the perfect VP on the right. My money says Obama/Edwards V. McCain/Thompson with McCain winning. Any takers?

Giuliani drops out! - Doomsday clock set back 2 hours.

THE Ron Paul Rebuttal

Keith Olberman on Rudy's Campaign Ad...

Keith Olberman on Rudy's Campaign Ad...

Ahh...Rudy's Moment of Zen

kronosposeidon says...

Could Rudy be any more of a tragedy-exploiting whore than he already is? Every time I think he can't get worse he proves me wrong. Thankfully his presidential aspirations appear to be withering on the vine. I wonder who God will tell Pat Robertson to endorse now?

'Lord Of The Rings' bloopers

Jon Stewart speaks with disillusioned Neo-Con (Jan 8th)

ABC Host shames NH Republican Candidates (46 secs)

moodonia says...

As a foreigner, I confess to being fascinated with U.S. politics. I did note with dismay Rudys cheap shots at Ron Paul in earlier debates. To me Paul seems to have a deeper understanding of foreign policy issues than any of the other candidates for his party nomination. They just reel off simplistic soundbites "They hate us cos of our freedom" etc. So it was with some pleasure I noticed that Ron Paul got something like 7% more than Rudy in Iowa.

I express no preference for who I think would be best, not my place to say, but I do think Rudy would be worst. The man seems like a classic slimy politician, at least to me. Ok now I have gone too far. Apologies Rudy fans!

(I watched the TV movie where James Woods played Rudy and thought "Wow, Guiliani is a swell guy". Shows what I know! )

Can you say "Scare Tactics"?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Rudy Giuliani, election, ad, president, fear, mongering' to 'Rudy Giuliani, election, ad, president, fear, mongering, 9 11 tourettes' - edited by MarineGunrock

Who is the craziest GOP candidate? (Election Talk Post)

Rudy Guliani : Radios and Firefighters on 9/11

rougy says...

"However, in private testimony before the 9/11 Commission in 2004, Rudy gave a very different version of how much he knew about terrorism when the World Trade Center was attacked. That testimony isn't scheduled to be released publicly until after the 2008 presidential election..."

(Villiage Voice, 10/27/2007)

"Photography at the World Trade Center site, where thousands of curious New Yorkers and tourists have gathered with still and video cameras since the terrorist attacks, was banned by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani."

(, 09/26/2001)

He couldn't risk somebody getting a shot that would expose the lie of which he took part.

Rudy Guliani : Radios and Firefighters on 9/11

Farhad2000 says...

The latest cover of the American Conservative depicts Rudy Giuliani in a fascist uniform. Ali Eteraz notes “it’s interesting that paleoconservatives feel this strongly against Rudy.”

Glenn Greenwald has a piece in the magazine arguing that, as NYC mayor, Giuliani “developed a reputation as a power-hungry, dissent-intolerant authoritarian, obsessed with secrecy and expanding his own power.”

Keith Olbermann: The NORAD 9/11 audio tapes

Keith Olbermann: The NORAD 9/11 audio tapes

Constitutional_Patriot says...

NORAD has the ability to see trajectory based blips on their radar that are not using a transponder. These are usually highlighted on their radar screens as an unidentified craft. Dick Cheney was in control of NORAD by executive order just a few months before 9/11.

Confusion? - Yes...
Deliberate? - Unknown
NORAD Commander (Cheney) was in the basement of the Pentagon having an unusual conversation with an airman right before the crash in the Pentagon as reported by Mr. Mineta.

Was the Pentagon truly defenseless? Highly unlikely - details of air defense capabilities for the Pentagon are top secret.

False flag operation? Motives do exist according to the PNAC's desire for a "New Pearl Harbor" in order to expedite "their plans"(Wolfowitz,Cheney,Rumsfeld to name a few on the PNAC "think tank"). Pres. Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to attack Iraq and quickly abandoned the "search" for the "elusive" Osama Bin Laden.

We were quickly told how the "terrorists" pulled such an amazing feat off with extremely crude weapons and was supposedly orchestrated from a cave halfway around the world. 6 of the 19 accused terrorists are still alive today, so this story doesn't add up, among other flaws in the official story.

We want to believe we were told the truth.. that our government would never lie to us and commit or enable such a heinous crime, however many top level government and military officials have gone on the record protesting the official story.

Any logical criminal investigator would have to agree that the official story has many holes in it. Some evidence still exists but much of it was quickly shipped with armed guards to be permenantly destroyed in Communist China thanks to Rudy Giuliani.

It doesn't look good for this administration, however many people are refusing to look at the inconstencies of the official story.

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