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The Human Tornado

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Blaxploitation, Human, Tornado, Dolemite, Rudy, Ray, Moore' to 'Blaxploitation, Human, Tornado, Dolemite, Rudy, Ray, Moore, 1976, 70s' - edited by jonny

The Real Rudy

Jon Stewart speaks with disillusioned Neo-Con (Jan 8th)

Generation Kill : The Best Scenes

Rem Lazar - The Campiest Film Ever Created

The Daily Show 9/4/08: Sarah Palin - Vet This!

bamdrew says...

hah, laughed when he mouthed 'San Francisco' and shook his head... randomness...

the last minute is great; "... the most corrosive element of American Society" ... I hadn't seen that clip of Rudy laughing at Obama's post-college community service job... pretty fucked up...

Former POW Says McCain Is "Not Cut Out To Be President"

Trancecoach says...

Dr. Butler was shot down over North Vietnam in April, 1965 and was brought to the Hanoi Hilton prison, two and a half years prior to McCain's arrival. He spent eight years in captivity. Butler is critical of McCain's habitual use of his P.O.W. story to advance his presidential campaign. "John has allowed I think the media to make him out to be the P.O.W., the hero, and in fact there were over 600 just like him who performed just as well." Echoing a similar assertion from General Wesley Clark two months ago, Butler continues, "I think I can say with authority that the Prisoner Of War experience is not a good prerequisite for President of the United States."

Having lived across the hall from John McCain at the U.S. Naval Academy prior to combat, Butler was a close witness to McCain's famously volatile temperament. "He was very sensitive and touchy and just easy to anger," says Dr. Butler. "John McCain is not somebody I would like to see with his finger near the red button." Butler continues, "John McCain's temperament makes it clear that he is not cut out to be President of the United States."

Butler points to the health risks faced by former Prisoners Of War as another cause for concern about a McCain presidency - a concern publicly heightened in recent days by McCain's selection of a political novice as a running mate. "The data show that the Prisoner Of War group are dying at an earlier age and that we suffer lots of residual things that non-P.O.W. group really doesn't have to deal with. And it's imperative that we have someone who is healthy and can stand the rigors of that job."

Other military veterans agree with Butler's criticism of McCain's exploitation of his P.O.W. story. Writes Brandon Friedman, a veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan and author of 'The War I Always Wanted': "To see McCain resort to playing the POW card when answering legitimate questions, in my mind, cheapens that experience. And by cheapening his own experience in war, he degrades all of our experiences in war. He turns the horrific incidents we've all seen, touched, smelled, and felt into a lame excuse to earn political points. And it dishonors us all."

From YT: We are sure this video will draw an onslaught of right-wing attacks, but we bring it to you because it is our job to continue to convey the truth together and give these issues national attention. As Dr. Butler has said, McCain does not have the temperament to have his finger near the red button. Get this video to everyone you know—friends, family members, coworkers, and especially those who don't share your political views. The video is designed to reach them. Get it on your social networking sites like Digg. And get it to every blog, newspaper, and TV station that has ever overplayed McCain's POW story. It is time to fight back with truth!

The mainstream press has already begun to call out McCain for overusing his POW story. And it's cut across all political persuasions. * "Whether he's deflecting criticism over his health-care plan or mocking a tribute to the Woodstock music festival, Senator John McCain has a trump card: the Hanoi Hilton. — Edwin Chen, Bloomberg * "Noun, Verb, POW" — Andrew Sullivan, The Atlantic Monthly * "The McCain campaign's constant invocation of the candidate's POW past is weird bordering on irrational..." — Ana Marie Cox, TIME * "I think they are going to it way too many times." — Howard Fineman, Newsweek

Remember how Joe Biden got the press to refer to Rudy Giuliani as "A noun, a verb, and 9/11"? Well, let's actually take Andrew Sullivan's lead here and get the media to boil McCain down to a similar phrase: "A noun, a verb, and POW." Considering how often the McCain campaign invokes his POW story, isn't that what they're already doing?

Senator Joe Biden at the 30 Oct 07 debate in Philadelphia

Georgian Reporter Shot on Live TV

dead_tofu says...

this is propaganda....why dont they panic more...not a single person seems to be scared of another shot! its just like the georgian president few days ago, running in the streets like rudy on 9/11 and then, out of the blue, panic, where all the bodyguards jumped on him to cover him while there were loads of cameras rolling. footage like that has enormous effect when its shown around the world, so its well worth doing it. anyone who looks at that footage closely, and this one, can easily see that they are both staged......

notice among other thing how he suggests they should run for cover while his bodyguard dont look like there is any danger on the way....

Were we ever this young? (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Were we ever this young? (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Richard Feynman on Social Sciences

Crake says...

"'It's like this: when mathematicians began fooling around with things like the square root of negative one, and quaternions, then they were no longer dealing with things that you could translate into sticks and bottlecaps. And yet they were still getting sound results.'

'Or at least internally consistent results,' Rudy said.

'Okay. Meaning that math was more than a physics of bottlecaps.'

'It appeared that way, Lawrence, but this raised the question of was mathematics really TRUE or was it just a game played with symbols? In other words--are we discovering Truth, or just wanking?'"

- © Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson

my point being that the rigour and internal consistency is not enough, the connection to the real world is essential for it to be called a science... And a lot of the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences or whatever, deny this real world, and just think up thought experiments - they might as well be studying Klingon.

(PS: the taxonomies of disciplines is different from place ot place, so what i'm critisizing is not a certain discipline, but an attitude)

'Lord Of The Rings' bloopers

A Rare Philip K. Dick Interview

Don_Juan says...

Whoa! Gracias ANT - PKD is one of my all time favorite authors (along with Rudy Rucker and Herman Hesse). Although I might have a complete collection of his work, I had never seen him filmed in person before this video.

SciFi Books that should be Made into Movies (Scifi Talk Post)

NeuralNoise says...

Schismatrix - Bruce Sterling. (also the schismatrix related short stories with shapers and mechanists)

More Asimov´s robots, maybe something decent this time

I absolutely agree with god emperor of dune and other dunes, but not the new ones by the son.

Rudy Rucker´s Freeware, Wetware and Software (not sure about realware)

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