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CONTRA (NES) (React: Retro Gaming)

spawnflagger says...

This was painful to watch... so much fail, didn't even get past level 1.

My friend and I beat this game as kids, but we had to use the Konami Code.
If anyone could actually beat this game w/only 3 lives and 3 continues, my hat is off to them!

The 2002 PS2 remake (Contra: Shattered Soldier) was one of the few games I gave up on because it was so ridiculously difficult. (and I've beat VVVVVV)

Does Amy Schumer Give You A Reasonable Chub?

New Terminator Genisys Trailer

keeker_8 jokingly says...

So, is this supposed to be a sequel, prequel, remake, or a re-imagining? Anyway here are my responses to each below:

sequel: yay, another sequel
prequel: yay, another prequel
remake: Hollywood must be out of ideas again.
re-imagining: you have got to be fucking kidding me

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in new Disney Live Feature

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'live movie remakes, disney, the rock' to 'live movie remakes, disney, the rock, snl' - edited by xxovercastxx

Chopper Down, Send In The Drone

Poltergeist (2015; Remake) Official Trailer

kceaton1 says...

I don't know about this... It looks like a wait and see. Some of those scenes look like they are trying too WAY too hard; essentially they are trying to scare us using all of the extremely stupid ideas that have been used in all horror films since 2000...

Poltergeist was inventive, and awesome. Not only was it NOT a rated R film, but it STILL imposed a sense of dread that you don't get from many horror movies--because they all rely on two things: the "gotcha" scenes where something unexpected happens too fast for your senses to comprehend...thus it creates fear; and second, make something normal look absolutely not normal (the little girl in the closet for an example).

I hope they can pull it off, but it looks to me like they failed to grasp the reason WHY the first film did do so well. The beginning of the show was hard to even tell it WAS a horror film, and when things start to happen, the family was more in awe and ready to experiment with first (and other signs were passed off as natural phenomena).

This looks like it is straight up: horror. I really hope that is not the case. Poltergeist spent a long time to setup it's scary moments, many of it's most scary moments are actually psychological--because you can see them coming, they never jump out at you (except when things go crazy at the very end). I hope they realize this at least...but as I said, it sure looks like they didn't.

BTW, anyone with the info on it, who is writing it, producing it, and directing it? Otherwise I'll go look it up (and see how bad it is; it already said it was from the producers of Evil that is something to be proud wasn't a good remake...).

Star Wars Battle Pod From Concept to Cockpit

Chappie Full trailer

If 'Rudolph' Took Place Today

Mordhaus says...

Did you even watch the original Rudolph? Santa didn't use the word freaks, but he did say the nose would keep him off the sleigh team. Later when Rudolph was doing amazing in the games, his nose fell off, and Santa was a jerk again.

That said, the whole point of this video is that today we could never have the 'classic' show. Just like we will never see a remake of Blazing Saddles, because people are too ready to jump on the internet criticism bandwagon.

Magicpants said:

It's kind of interesting in that it seems like the creator A) doesn't think it should be a big deal if Santa says "Can't have any freaks on the sleigh team" and B) Imagines Santa would say, let alone think, that in the first place.

Can we replace the "news" tag with "fail"?

sanctuary-frozen-80's metal band still going strong

sanctuary-frozen-80's metal band still going strong

the last starfighter updated trailer

All About That Baste

radx (Member Profile)

enoch says...

yeah i read that article.truthout is on my feed (as are many others) but giroux writes many articles for truthout and i adore him.just like hedges and truthdig.

but i always appreciate when you share interesting articles of information.we all cant be everywhere,so sharing is the best way for all of involved.

i dont know if you ever saw stallones dredd but it was bad..i mean BAAAAD.the remake is damn near paced and really keeps the tone of the graphic novel/comic.

i think you will enjoy it immensely.

radx said:

This article over at Truthout is a rather interesting read, albeit a bit long:

We're riding a global engine of ravenous resource consumption. We all know this can't go on forever, but the thought that it might come to a stop is so terrifying to all of us that most of the time we just want to live in denial.

A bit heavy on the eco-socialism, but a decent read nonetheless.

Also, the interrogation scene you posted convinced me to give Dredd a shot tonight.

Utopia Season 2 Opener The Real Cost Of Having A Child

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