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newtboy says...

I think it was just yesterday I read someone here say that soon we'll be casting a remake of The Seven Samurai with an all Western cast....and here we are.

Ghost in the Shell VFX Behind-the-Scenes

RedSky says...

I treat movies like these (like Oldboy, Edge of Tomorrow) as basically adaptations of foreign stories to Western society. It's not at all a surprise that Western audiences will generally want a Western lead, and studio execs know this. Besides what would be the point of remaking the anime/manga verbatim (besides converting anime to live action)? The original stands by itself.

What bothers me more is the inevitable dumbing down of the material. You can bet philosophical discussion on the boundary between human and machine, dualism and emergent bandwagon will be replaced by actions, explosions and CGI.

Ben-Hur Trailer

Ben-Hur Trailer

Ben-Hur Trailer

GHOSTBUSTERS - Official Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

I have zero problems with an all female ghostbusters. It's actually a lot more interesting than just a straight remake.

But all they've done here is gender flipped the roles. It looks like a carbon copy of the original right down to the token black character.

bobknight33 said:

So they decided to remake a great move with all woman.

Feminism for feminism sake is not always a good idea.

GHOSTBUSTERS - Official Trailer

Pete's Dragon Official US Teaser Trailer

George Takei Warns Against Imprisoning Based on Appearance

Penn & Teller - Can They Split a Bullet With a Butter Knife

Xaielao says...

Actually blade thickness has a lot to do with cutting power. Having a nice sharp edge at a good angle helps with the bite of the blade - and a host of medieval and ancient swords had that - but blade thickness impacts how deeply a cut can go, the thicker the blade the harder the hit will have to be.

It's why your kitchen knives are measured in milometers. Beyond that thickness of a blade has a large impact on its weight (katanas are a shorter blade but heavier than most longer swords), how long the hilt needs to be (and katana hilts were significantly longer than the remakes of today) and more.

One might think the thickness is there for durability and certainly the blades were durable, it's why there are still some of the originals around today, but the real reason is Japanese steel wasn't very good and full of impurities while at the same time the Europeans were mass producing steel of a significant higher quality. I hear the Japanese folding process vaunted as the height of sword-making but the real reason they folded the steel wasn't because it was a superior process - it wasn't, pattern-welding was and it was used in Europe as far back as a millennium earlier - but because it helped spread those impurities throughout the steel. That extra thickness helped keep the impurities from ruining the blade as well.

The katana... it's beautiful, fun to wield, unique looking, has a treasured past but it just.. isn't.. a very... good.. sword.

Jinx said:

I'd hazard that it doesn't make much difference how thick the sword is as long as it has a reasonable edge angle made of something harder than the bullet. I'd contest that Katanas aren't good for cutting (weight of blade + curve), but yeah, the whole mythos about them being extraordinarily more sharp than other swords is bullshit. I've read that the reason for blending high-carbon steel with softer steel was more a matter of scarcity of high-carbon steel than deliberate design.

jmd (Member Profile)

The Summoning of the Skylark

Damascus doesn't quite look like it used to...

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