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First 360 Barrel Roll in a 4 Wheeled Vehicle

Payback says...

To be fair, TMWTGG was ramp-to-ramp. But also, this video was not ground-to-ground either, it was ramp-to-ground.

I'm 100% sure I've seen a barrel roll using hydraulic/explosive rams. THAT would be ground-to-ground.

wtfcaniuse said:

*cough* the man with the golden gun *cough*

Was also done before than in '72.

Mercedes gets hit by a train

Snohw says...

So she tried to ram a train when it crossed the tracks?
Those things are quite easy to spot from a distance, no breaks?

seems she tried to break, but man she would have seen it ahead if she didn't go 160mph...

Raw video of DC shoot out today and how it started

albrite30 says...

Just so you know, the cops never knew there was a baby in the car until after the woman was shot dead. It is true that the capitol police should have wedged her in. They made a mistake and it ended with two police officers hurt from being thrown when the lady tried to ram them and get away. The mistake they made was assuming that she would behave like a rational person and get out of the car when confronted by 4 officers with drawn weapons. She didn't. And you gotta give them credit for not firing right away like most cop encounter videos these days.

Yogi said:

Wow those are some retarded cops. They have multiple vehicles and instead of wedging her in they just get out and start shooting. Could've killed a fucking baby.

Retrain those shitty cops please.

Raw video of DC shoot out today and how it started

Raw video of DC shoot out today and how it started

Speed Test Comparison Between All iPhones Ever Made

EMPIRE says...

Don't do it. Stick with Android, just change the brand. I highly recommend one of 3 chinese brands. either Jiayu, Oppo, or Xiaomi.

I know, I know.. Chinese phones, they must suck right? wrong. These 3 brands are not only really good, they have a much lower price.

I have a Jiayu G3 Turbo, which cost 199€ and it outperforms a Samsung Galaxy s3. 1280x720 resolution, Gorilla Glass, Quadcore 1.5ghz processor, 1gb ram, 4gb internal memory, and a decent design.

It comes rooted, and it works great. Investigate one of these 3 brands. Supposedly the Oppo Find 5 is a very high quality phone, but it costs a bit more. Still a lot cheaper than a samsung or iphone

Yogi said:

I've never owned an iPhone, I've always been droid all the way. But I'm looking into buying the 5s because my Samsung G3 just sucks. Also the people badmouthing Apple just seem like such haters I don't know why anyone listens to them.

Everyone I've known with an iPhone hasn't ever had a problem with it, they work very nicely so I don't get the big deal. People are dying just as much to build your Samsungs and LGs than they are your Apples.

Threading A 35mm Film Projector.


ChaosEngine says...

What they're proposing is essentially similar to how desktop PCs work.

You have a central motherboard and then you swap in and out components.

But there are several problems with this:

First, a technical challenge: You can't simply rearrange the blocks like that. The connections between the cpu and the ram and storage and power are all different and for good reasons.

Next, upgradability: later this year, I will upgrade my primary work/gaming PC. What it really needs is a new CPU. But a new CPU means a new motherboard and probably new RAM. So I don't see this being as upgradeable as they think.

That said.. those are solvable problems compared to the main issue. Economics.

What is the incentive for Apple, Samsung, HTC, etc to produce one of these, or even parts for one? They would essentially commodify their own products and reduce any point of differentiation.

oritteropo said:

Having repaired my iphone, this isn't actually that different to what we have now, except less integrated and uglier and more prone to the incompatibilities and bugs that @ant points out.

It could be made to work, provided there was a firm standard that everybody adhered to... it wouldn't necessarily be as good as they say, and isn't the only possible solution to the problem... for example, manufacturer refurbished phones are another solution, third party remanufacturing would also be technically possible if politically challenging.

Incredibly detailed bronze sculpting - How it's Made

Incredibly detailed bronze sculpting - How it's Made

Hey, this bottle belongs to you!

newtboy says...

First, you again label me with your convenient labels knowing absolutely NOTHING about me. You make the mistake of assuming I'm an average consumer/waster/litterer. You would be wrong. I've never once thrown litter out my window or elsewhere since I was an adult, including cigarette butts and water bottles. In fact, I have bought fewer than 5 bottles of water in my lifetime. I grow my own food for the most part, and I don't buy much, so my garbage output is severely limited. Even my driving habits are below average, well under 5K miles per year.
(You have it backwards, in your scenario the asshat wants to shove his shit into my ass because I don't want it on our roads. If you think that's OK, I just don't know what to say except stay the hell away from me and mine!)
Second, you seem to be up in arms that someone would have the unmitigated gall to call someone else out on their illegal, immoral, and incredibly rude behavior by returning the offending litter, and your knee jerk reaction is to say you would do something worse to that jerk that had the gall to call you out and return your litter? Hmmmm. That's not a reasonable or logical reaction, and is what I expect from 5 year olds and meth heads.
The guy throwing shit out the window repeatedly after someone went to the extreme of going into traffic to retrieve the litter and return it has the death wish, he's poking an unstable bear (OK, really 2 unstable bears) while ensuring no one would come to his aid when it all goes wrong.
Interesting, in private you agree with me on many points, but when I call you out in public for making ridiculous statements attempting to be a little fucking thing (another way to say an annoying object, which is exactly what you have told me you are trying to be) you go off in unintelligible tirades. The hilarious thing about this one is we both seem to be suggesting similar responses, just by different parties. It seems if I don't agree with you 100%, I must disagree with you 100% (in your mind) and therefore must be insanely unreasonable.
Repeatedly littering when numerous others have gone above and beyond to stop you is insane, out of control, rude, and illegal, and is asking for some other idiot to take things a step farther out of control. Ramming one of their cars was BEGGING to be ripped out and beaten, he was just lucky the guy he hit wasn't the same kind of hot head. You think everyone besides you is insane, uneducated, and completely lacking self control, so how does antagonizing them and escalating the already hot situation do any good for anyone?
I just can't understand how anyone with the intelligence to type can defend the litterer in this. Even if you think everyone in the situation was wrong to some degree, the litterer A. started the situation B. was doing something both illegal and immoral C. repeated this action and D.escalated to vehicular assault. You really need some serious mental gymnastics ala Eric Cartman to make him the one who was wronged or righteous.

chingalera said:


Uhhhh, you justify a pontificant attitude towards litter (personal responsibility for an individual's garbage output meaning "FUCK ALL" in the grand scheme of planetary pollution from first-world putties like yourself) and call foul on the person who would justifiably be inclined to shove your shit back up your ass should you feel so inspired to preach to litterboys and littergirls, your sermonnette in the form of object lesson?

WHO has the death wish here skippy, the do-gooder bleeding-heart-for-the-planet moron or the guy minding his own business throwing shit out of the car window?

I'd enjoy for you much to teach me a lesson while motoring about the evils of littering over and over like this dick-cheese here did....(reminding myself never to PM someone again with a view to understanding, common-ground, or civility)

Please, continue this thread with more of your impeccable reasoning and insight

"your insane, out of control, rude and illegal behavior"

My ass sir, and since I can't direct a fuck off anywhere in particular because it might be "breaking the rules", I will make an observation: What becomes glaringly apparent here is that you see the world as you wish to see it, not unlike everyone else for the most part....

Hey, this bottle belongs to you!

newtboy says...

I'm not Jesus, but I'll answer for him. ;-}
If I were the litter bug, I would have been embarrassed at having it pointed out by the first guy that returned the bottle and I would have apologized for my bad behavior, I would not have A. indignantly thrown the bottle back out repeatedly or B. gotten out and put it in his grill (as you suggested).
If I were the returner and the litter bug got out and approached the front of my car with the bottle like you said you would have, I would have 'accidentally' let the brakes off and squashed him.
Many people don't think about the consequence of their actions, to themselves or others, so many would be willing to get out of their car to return the litter. It didn't seem dangerous to do so until the litterbug rams the other car. A returner picking it up and tailpipeing it would be far safer than the litter bug putting it in the returners grill, the litterbug wasn't paying any attention to what was happening behind him, but the returner would have seen him coming a mile away.
It's about being passionate about litter, teaching douchebags a lesson, and ignoring the danger, not about being passionate about dying.

chingalera said:

Jesus! Accuse me of unrighteous inclination and "react" rather than respond to my sentiments. I offered my thoughts to the situation from the POV of the litterbug, not Johnny (death by road rage) Webcam (although in the litterbug's place, IF it was a dick like you described, I'd most-likely be fucking up his grill with my rear bumper in reverse, because I don't leave a car when peeps are obviously unstable).

SO, what you're saying is that yourself as the litterbug, would have done something similar in response to the situation as I would have?

If you take me for someone who would illicit a reaction from an unknown motorist then end-up somehow mysteriously out of my vehicle between mine and theirs while they are still inside their vehicle well, maybe you'd do this, but I ain't goin' out like that.

Who the FUCK, is as passionately insane about dying to get out of their car to teach a stranger a lesson about littering? The litter-police guys' a dick, plain and simple and the litterbugs' a cunt for throwing his trash out so brazenly.

...oh and yes, my name is chingalera that, "little fucking thing over there."

fissionchips (Member Profile)

Worst Twerk Fail EVER - Girl Catches Fire!

rebuilder says...

The natural instinct for some is to keep the head as far from the ground as possible. Collapse your arms and do it wrong, you'll end up ramming your noggin into the ground with your whole body behind it.

I've "instinctively" found myself doing both (at different times). Controlled falls hurt a lot less.

Velocity5 said:

When people are doing a handstand and they fall over, isn't their natural instinct to collapse their arms, so they go into a roll?

Brutal Doom Version 19 Trailer

Phreezdryd says...

I had the AMD 386DX-40 which was cool at the time, but don't forget that having enough RAM was also crucial. A minimum of 4 megabytes. I seem to remember RAM being rather expensive.

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