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Father uses truck to stop Car Chase

Volkswagen Golf GTI + 30 GoPro Cameras + Tanner Foust

ForgedReality says...

An amazing camera. You obviously know nothing about it. What other camera this size can you record 4k, or mount absolutely anywhere? (Although, I wouldn't use the GoPro suction mounts, they suck. Get a RAM Mount. AMAZING tenacity!)

artician said:

Fuck "GoPro". It's just a goddamned camera.
Also, you completely missed the point of the "Yo dawg, I heard you like..." meme.

Tailgating is bad, okay!

Retroboy says...

The guy in the filming car is playing the soundtrack to Dirty Dancing. For this reason, clearly he's in the wrong.

(Seriously though, we needed to see the five or so minutes of footage before this short clip to make any sort of informed decision as to who was the bigger idiot. And it was the THIRD guy, not in the video and who rammed into the other two, who was entirely at fault.)

Tailgating is bad, okay!

VoodooV says...

personally I think it's the fault of the guy who rammed him in back. Clearly wasn't paying attention as the truck driver had plenty of time to stop, then so did the guy behind him...especially since the ramming occurred many seconds after the truck slowed down.

Michael Sam Gets Drafted Into NFL - Reaction

Payback says...

"Picked in the last round of the draft, Michael Sam is the first openly gay man to play in the NFL. The Rams were also the first NFL team to sign an openly black man in 1946."

A friend of mine back in high school came out as black, it wasn't all that surprising to most of us who knew him. He was always sayin' black things, like "watchootakinboutwillis" and "Hi Mr. C!" and "Say 'what' again. Say 'what' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say 'what' one more Goddamn time!"

Mac Pro No (Funny)

spawnflagger says...

I like this commercial, but Boxx workstations are basically just a rackmount server with nVidia quadro/tesla cards and a remote PCoIP card. If money is no limit, I can build you an 80-core workstation with 2TB ram and 200TB of storage. (probably about 6kW of power required). You'd have to run Windows 2012 Server to support that much ram though (8.1 pro only supports 512GB)
EDIT: with recently released Xeon E7v2, can have 8*15-core, so 120 cores, and 4TB ram...

Most of their arguments are ATI vs nVidia and Windows vs Mac OS X.

I got to unbox a MacPro two weeks ago, they are quite nice, small, easy to open (flip 1 switch, then lift). What's different about seeing them in person is how shiny it is - all the images made it seem kinda flat black, but it's very glossy. The internal SSD could sustain 900+ MB/s (both read and write) on the Blackmagic benchmark tool. Really impressive. Attach a thunderbolt Drobo, and you are set for storage capacity.

Selfie in Front of Passing Train Goes Wrong

moonsammy says...

The conductor was actually protecting this dimwit - right behind the conductors leg is a protruding metal piece, which is what would have been ramming into Selfie's head had the leg + boot not been there.

Kobayashi pranks the New York Cosmos

A10anis says...

I leave it to the good people of videosift to decide if this "prank" is amusing.
Do we find the obese family in the next booth, ramming as much food as they can into themselves, amusing? To me it is visually disgusting, morally reprehensible, and utter gluttony.

Nintendo 64 (N64) - Did You Know Gaming? ...

spawnflagger says...

I never heard of rand-net modem cartridge, nor the video capture cartridge, but did know about most of the other factoids. I was sad that they never released Mega Drive in the US, but with only 6 titles I don't miss it.

It's crazy to think smartphones have way more graphics power and at least 60x as much ram. But what iOS or Android game comes close to Mario 64, DK64, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, or Conker's Bad Fur Day ?

15 Inaccuracies Found in Common Science Ilustrations

mxxcon says...

I'm surprised browsers are able to render so huge page. Yes it's mostly empty, but still, allocate some ram for so much scrolling...

spawnflagger said:

That Solar System to Scale" page wins the "best use of anchor tag in HTML" award.

(although it's not actually using anchor tags and instead uses CSS, spans, and still get the idea.)

Titanfall Gameplay video @ 1440p

spawnflagger says...

If the next-gen console games supported keyboard and mouse, I would have bought one. It's up to the developers to include KM control, but most don't - citing that it would be unfair in online multiplayer. I think just having a flag/tag that users could search for "gamepad only" online servers would solve that problem. I think there were only 2 PS3 titles that supported USB Keyboard+Mouse (Unreal Tournament and something else). Or even if they allowed KM for single-player campaigns, games like Killzone and Resistance would have been much more enjoyable to me.

So I upgraded my PC to an 8-core AMD FX-8320 + 16GB ram + GTX 750 Ti for less than the cost of Xbox One. (my projector's only 720p, so don't need a high-end GPU to get good framerates)

fuzzyundies said:

I am a graphics coder at Respawn. I understand where the claim of a "decade-old-engine" comes from, but I assure you we entirely rewrote the renderer backend and heavily modified the rest.

I'm not an authorized spokesman so I can't confirm anything that we haven't already talked about publicly, but pretty basic insight confirms what I've said: for example, all modern PCs and consoles use DX11-class GPUs and the "decade-old-engine" you mention only supported DX8 and DX9.

Anyway, I'm really glad you like the game! We've worked hard on it and hope it does well.

Titanfall Gameplay video @ 1440p

VoodooV says...

That thing is running 4 Titans and 64GB of RAM?


Of course that's the other absurd end of the spectrum. As much as I love the PC platform for how it's so upgradable.

I will never understand the need to show off the capabilities of a rig that extreme if it's not even close to what what your typical person will experience.

The typical person will never have a titan...much less 4 of them. The typical person doesn't max out the memory capability of their motherboard unless it's really old.

and what's a setup like that cost? at least 5 grand?

I can't say too much though, I think I'm going to build an obscene rig for when Star Citizen comes out...but it still won't even touch this.

Polish Excavator Fail of Epic Proportions

chingalera says...

I dunno man, the non-linear antics of monkeys seems to be on the rise in both frequency and absurdity-Some folks are just dying to get off-planet by any means evidenced in the amazingly lame-brained practice of eating a hamburger with one hand while driving and texting with the help of their other opposable digit with no concern for just how close they are to getting consciously rammed by some shitty car from behind

PalmliX said:

Maybe it's just proof that more of us have cameras to capture these dumb moments that have always existed.

Mieders Alpine Coaster - Frustrated Guy Crashes

LucasLand says...

what a born loser. it sucks to have to slow down but to ram he on purpose is bulls hit. you can hear her at the end. she was just a child and she was crying. I wish charges should be brought on him . lets find out who this scum is

Fried potato on a stick

zor says...

Good idea, but design fail on the machine. They should have made the ram a hollow tube so you push the stick in then pull it out to expand the swirl as the ram pushes. The stick would still center the tater. Needs to be vertical, too, so it will fit on a cart. Also, what a waste of time/safety dropping the whole stick in the fryer! Needs some work but I'm hungry so the video did the job.

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