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World's Creepiest Preacher

Breaking Bad For Jesus!

Doug Stanhope on civil unions for gay couples

StukaFox says...

Ok, I'm an atheist. I am as separation-of-church-and-state as you get. I thought the prayer was beautiful and touching. I thought the sentiment contained was one that all people, believer or non-believer, straight or gay, could understand and respect. Yes, it was a prayer in a government function. If the preacher left out "In the name of Jesus Christ", I would have had no problem with it.

I understand the rage of the guy getting on his soap box. He's totally right about opening a government function with a prayer. But I also think it's a battle he didn't need to wage. Had the preacher said "Gays are bad because God says so," then get up on that soap box and rail and rant. But calling out a basic invocation for respect and understanding, regardless of the supernatural aspect, just made him, and by association all atheists, look like nutters spoiling for a fight whenever someone mentions God, regardless of the context.

Reverend Billy -- Shopocalypse is upon us

Epic Rap Battles Martin Luther King Jr V Gandhi

Paul Mooney ~ On White People & Hip Hop

shang says...

Mooney is hilarious, the thing with him you have to realize is he's not 100% genuine. He's the black troll, and made his entire career out of trolling.

he used to get on the Morton Downey Jr. show just to incite fights (pre white trash Springer show from the 80s) back when Morton got more ratings than Geraldo Rivera's show, until Rivera got hit with a chair live on air breaking his nose.

Morton Downey Jr would smoke on his talk show and flick his cigarette but at guests the would fight with him anyhow Mooney's "black troll" and the "so called" civil rights preacher Al Sharpton used to troll as well he hated jews and gays in the 80's on the Morton Downey show.

Here's Al Sharpton's old "character schtick" on the show:

Mooney went on the hone and perfect his "negro troll" character, and has made an entire career out of it, watch the Morton Downey Jr documentary you can actually see a much different mooney back then just starting out with this schtick.

Atheist TV host boots Christian for calling raped kid "evil"

shveddy says...

You are an a-godzilla-ist and that is entirely a practical concession to the fact that you can't really afford giant monster insurance considering recent statistics for giant lizard attacks and indeed going through life avoiding Tokyo at all costs is just kinda a bummer - imagine all the fresh sushi you could miss out on.

You can't actually prove that there never was a Godzilla or that there never will be a Godzilla and you can only assume (not demonstrate) that there is not a Godzilla planet orbiting one of the stars a few galaxies down the way.

All you can really say is that Tokyo is still standing and that all the various accounts of Godzilla's antics across the myriad of B-movies and hollywood blockbusters that feature him as a character seem to have no basis in reality for various reasons. You move on with your day, smile a bit and never really bother to duck for cover.

And that's all we're saying about God. To my knowledge, that is the bleeding edge of audacious claims being made by anyone who is even vaguely respected - simply that we can't take religious claims seriously any more, so we are going to move on with our lives, only dealing with religion directly when it decides to be a bit too influential for our tastes.

But fine, based on the secondary predicate principle and a lengthy philosophy 101 essay with no shortage of verbal meandering through Descartes, et al., atheists kinda sorta make a claim of some sort. What's your point.

And if you think that the atheist experience simply trawls the bottom of Christian intellectualism then who would you have them debate, Ray comfort? Matt Slick? Perhaps you?

More than anything, the most disgusting trait of Christianity is that it equates child rapists and children as equally sinful in the eyes of God. There are certainly various arguments saying that different consequences will be felt here on earth, or perhaps that there is an arbitrary age of innocence, etc... But almost universally, Christians agree that the following scenario is at least possible:

Rapist rapes child, we'll start with that.

The child struggles through the resultant torturous anguish across a lifetime, starts a support group, mans a hotline, works in the community to support fellow victims, increases awareness and so on while loving his/her family and friends, making mistakes periodically and occasionally letting loose at a concert or something. The child (now an adult) is unfortunately just a minimally observant Jew and never really gave Jesus any consideration, so when he/she gets hit by a drunk driver at the unfortunate age of 34, he/she is tormented in hell for the rest of eternity.

The rapist, meanwhile, goes on with his (statistically probable) life, perhaps he rapes some more children (also statistically probable) and maybe he then stops at some point, realizing it is wrong and maybe even feels guilty about it. Ridden by guilt, the preaching of a wayward street preacher catch his ears one day. He ventures into church for the first time. He is moved. He proclaims his belief in Jesus and the resurrection. He feels his sins are forgiven and he can feel years of guilt being washed away. Maybe he even admits his history as a rapist to a sympathetic inner circle of confidants, spiritual advisors and friends. He dies of a heart attack, and spends eternity in heaven.

That is disgusting and a god that sets such a system up is disgusting.

Many compassionate people are blinded into thinking this is just and good in an effort to tenaciously preserve their own sense of eternal safety and cosmic worth at all costs. That is less disgusting just because it is an understandable impulse, but it is disgusting nonetheless.

shinyblurry said:

An agnostic is someone who doesn't believe *or* disbelieve in God. An atheist is someone who believes God doesn't exist. If you think atheism means a "lack of belief" then watch this video by one of your contemporaries:

Integrating Psychedelics into Our Culture

shagen454 says...

One would have to be absolutely clinically insane or severely Serotonin deficit (but would that not be the same as clinically "insane"?) if they did not enjoy MDMA / MDA. I can understand why people would not be interested in DMT. It shows one just how little they & we (the general world) know. Comparing MDMA to DMT is like comparing a catholic preacher to a Quantum Mechanics genius that lives on another planet we haven't even visited yet that has lived for millions of years and thinks your ignorance (Not you personally TC, I know you know) is fucking hilarious.

Serious research must be done. The fact that such an extreme divide even exists should be reason enough. I think the American institution must be pathologically insane for even having done so little in the field or else they have and KNOW that society would change for the better and we obviously can't have that happening, now can we?

If everyone starts smoking DMT, now, humanity might evolve to harbor the first generation of telepathic children. Who fucking knows? Whatever the fuck it is, it has been used for ages, it is not Earth like, and it feels like the real "reality", it feels like the future. Though it is apart of everything and every time that has ever existed. It looks a way that I would never ever be able to describe with puny, puny, puny, puny human words. And I used to think LSD was beautiful. PSH!


Why I Hate School, But Love Education

"This is why there are so many lesbians"

Never Before Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

Fletch says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^Fletch:
My last day ever in a church was the day I was confirmed. My mom made me a deal that if I completed the classes and shit I could decide on my own whether to go back. I didn't believe in magic then, and I don't believe in it now. Did it for mom.

Lol, for me, I never realised I had a choice to not be catholic. Growing up in Ireland, you had normal people (i.e. catholics), those dirty protestant kids and that was it. Oh I was vaguely aware that there were other weird "foreign" religions, but it had zero impact on my daily life.
When I made my first communion and confirmation, I felt bad for the protestant kids who didn't get heaps of money from relatives and friends for completing a solemn religious ritual.

I think she thought I would eventually come around if I stuck with it. Her father was a preacher (7 daughters!), and it was kind of important to her, so I at least finished the whole confirmation process for her. Church was always such a tortuous, boring, monotonous affair. I still hate Sundays because I can't shake the memory of blue-haired elderly women with suffocating amounts of cheap perfume on. The lutefisk and lefsa feeds were always awesome though.

Preacher Gives Interesting Gay Rights Speech...wait for it

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'preacher, gay, rights, speech, city council' to 'preacher, gay rights, speech, city council, springfield, missouri' - edited by xxovercastxx

Preacher Gives Interesting Gay Rights Speech...wait for it

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Some Grey Bloke on YouTube Atheists

hpqp says...

>> ^A10anis:

Atheists cannot, even in a jocular fashion, be remotely compared to any cults like those of Koresh or Jones, they are the very opposite. In fact, atheists have no agenda other than freedom from the shackles of dark age myths. They do not want to have to confront religions/cults but have no choice when, daily, the destructive nature of them blight so many lives. If a "believer" wants to be a slave to some god and/or preacher, that's fine, they can do so in private. But they must keep their poisonous, controlling, brainwashing, tenets, out of our schools and government.

I believe the gray bloke is being snarky and referential, namely referring to the misogyny of the second two "preachers" and their hordes of MRA-holes (one would need to be up to date on the FtB/Reddit affairs). Condell must be in there for his perceived xenophobia.

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