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SNL -- The mad tea party (with Steve Buscemi)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

jonny says...

It's just one of those turns of speech that is firing on all pistons, so to speak.

btw - I wanted to ask if it's possible to put the published date back onto videos. I definitely see why folks wanted to forget everything but the posted date for finding dupes, but there's no sense in throwing the baby out with the bath water. You can still include the published date as popup text over 'posted by' or even as an added line of text in the user visible 'post-title' section when a video is published. It's definitely still useful to be able to see when a vid was published versus when it was posted without having to scan through the comments for each promote.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Well thank you very much. It's an honor just to have been nominated.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
This has earned a place in my fictitious list of all time best ever internet comments.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
And yes, you have the ability to ignore videos. It's a great feature called don't visit VideoSift any more.

If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing!

Teacher Sells Ad Space On Tests Due To Budget Cuts

lucky760 (Member Profile)

coreburn says...

I'll see what I can figure out, it must be something on my system then if it's only me. Just odd that this is the only site I'm having problems with. And it makes it hard to test because I have to wait a few days to see if anything works and I stay logged in.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Weird. Let me know if you find anything to be the reason for this.

We set our login cookies to expire a while into the future so if there's nothing else on your computer deleting your cookies, I can't imagine why you'd have a problem. You should be logged in until you click logout...

Hmm. Perhaps if you don't visit the site for a week or two it might cause it. Does that sound like what's been happening?

In reply to this comment by coreburn:
The full login is the one I'm using, not the popup one. I'll do some more checking in my settings but just seems strange that every other site I use I pretty much stay logged in forever as you said, but here I always seem to be logged out after about a week or a few days. Also I don't let any scanning software clear my cookies and I don't clear them manually and Firefox is set to keep them till they expire.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
That's kind of strange. I've not had to re-login since I first logged in months ago.

If Firefox isn't prompting to save your login info in the pop-up login box, go to the full login page and perhaps it'll work there.

In reply to this comment by coreburn:
Getting so tired of having to login every few days... It wouldn't be so bad if the login form would allow browsers like Firefox to remember the password. Seriously of the hundreds of sites I use online the login system here is the most annoying of them all... #2 would be Digg, but at least on Digg I can have my browser autofill my username & password for me, here I don't even get the prompt from Firefox asking if I want it to remember my login. Sometimes it feels like it lets me stay logged in for just enough days that I get used to being logged in when I get home just so that I'll try to vote on something when I'm not...

lucky760 (Member Profile)

coreburn says...

The full login is the one I'm using, not the popup one. I'll do some more checking in my settings but just seems strange that every other site I use I pretty much stay logged in forever as you said, but here I always seem to be logged out after about a week or a few days. Also I don't let any scanning software clear my cookies and I don't clear them manually and Firefox is set to keep them till they expire.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
That's kind of strange. I've not had to re-login since I first logged in months ago.

If Firefox isn't prompting to save your login info in the pop-up login box, go to the full login page and perhaps it'll work there.

In reply to this comment by coreburn:
Getting so tired of having to login every few days... It wouldn't be so bad if the login form would allow browsers like Firefox to remember the password. Seriously of the hundreds of sites I use online the login system here is the most annoying of them all... #2 would be Digg, but at least on Digg I can have my browser autofill my username & password for me, here I don't even get the prompt from Firefox asking if I want it to remember my login. Sometimes it feels like it lets me stay logged in for just enough days that I get used to being logged in when I get home just so that I'll try to vote on something when I'm not...

campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

NetRunner says...

Thanks, I'll have to try that next time.

In reply to this comment by campionidelmondo:
Just go to the video you want to sift and get the embed code. There should be an URL in the embed code which is the src property of the iframe (src=...). Copy that URL and navigate to it in your browser. You should now see a page with only the MSNBC player on it. Assuming you use FireFox (I do, so I don't know the exact way to do this with a different browser) go to Edit -> Select All in the toolbar (or press CTRL+A) and then right click somewhere on that page and click View Selection Source from the popup menu. You should now see the source of the page including the embed object code () that you can submit here.

The "select all" is neccessary because just viewing the source would only get you the javascript that eventually produces the embed code.

Alternatively you could use the FireFox plugin Firebug to examine the video player on the blank "player only" page to retrieve the embed code, but that would take just as much time and work.

Hope this helps, hit me back if you got any questions.

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
On an unrelated note, what's the trick to getting an MSNBC embed to work on the sift?

NetRunner (Member Profile)

campionidelmondo says...

Just go to the video you want to sift and get the embed code. There should be an URL in the embed code which is the src property of the iframe (src=...). Copy that URL and navigate to it in your browser. You should now see a page with only the MSNBC player on it. Assuming you use FireFox (I do, so I don't know the exact way to do this with a different browser) go to Edit -> Select All in the toolbar (or press CTRL+A) and then right click somewhere on that page and click View Selection Source from the popup menu. You should now see the source of the page including the embed object code () that you can submit here.

The "select all" is neccessary because just viewing the source would only get you the javascript that eventually produces the embed code.

Alternatively you could use the FireFox plugin Firebug to examine the video player on the blank "player only" page to retrieve the embed code, but that would take just as much time and work.

Hope this helps, hit me back if you got any questions.

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
On an unrelated note, what's the trick to getting an MSNBC embed to work on the sift?

Take on Me: Literal Video Version

Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis?

This is what the japanese kids are watching!?! Yu-Gi-Oh

Sarah Michelle Gellar - Jonathan Ross

F/A-22 Raptor stealth fighter jet demo - military porn

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'military porn, bloated budget, popup gun' to 'military porn, bloated budget, popup gun, jet, fighter, aircraft, aerobatics' - edited by kulpims

dannym3141 (Member Profile)

my15minutes says...

it's "The Premiere Of The Big Boss", the 13th selection from the soundtrack to Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story

amazon's listing
their popup directly to the song

as noted in the wiki, edelman also did the soundtrack to Dragonheart, a medieval fantasy with Dennis Quaid. pretty easy to mix up the two titles.
and yes, i've seen both of those flicks. thx again!

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
The song is called "Dragonheart" by Randy Edelman. Can't find a list of what films it's been in though!

Safari Improvements (Sift Talk Post)

oxdottir says...

Comment leaving has definitely improved from iphones. Unfortunately, if we try to expand comments, without going to the new url, there is no way to scroll the comment window (so it is useless unless there are fewer than 3 short comments). We can always go to the video-specific URL, so this isn't major. Also, we can't login from the normal top right button, but only if we go to Videosift/login -- basically anything that involves a popup panel won't work.

These are not huge problems, and I am much happier with the comment-leaving behavior (it's not only more correct--it's also faster).

I cruise the sift on my iphone a lot. There are a couple of things that would make me exceedingly happy, but the most important is when I am watching a video embedded from YouTube, I would really like to be able to get to the YouTube URL. I can't just click the flash the way I can from my desktop or laptop. If I have a YouTube URL, I can watch the flash. If there was some tiny little iphone icon for youtube videos that I could bug to take me to the youtube url, it would make me eccstatic. I realize this is not a very pleasant feeling solution because I can only play videos from youtube. On the other hand, having a link to the embed URL doesn't seem like a bad thing in general. The other thing that I would like is admittedly stupid and I want it only because of the greatest flaw on iphones: I wish there was a page specific search field. Stupid iphone has no search (or copy and paste) function, and if it is a long, active thread, I might really like to see what a particular person has said, or what has been said on a particular topic. A search would be nice to get me to the right spot on a long page. I realize this should be exceedingly low priority--or no priority. But it would make Videosift more pleasant for those of use with those silly boxes (this is much less important than the ability to follow the youtube url).

I don't mean to be demanding. I'm only mentioning what would make me happy. And in any case, the new comment functionality is wonderful: thank you.

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