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10450 (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Sure. Go to the video you want to be first on your playlist and select the tab that says 'playlists'. In the popup menu, select 'new playlist'. Enter the information it asks for and save. Now go to the second video, click on the 'playlists' tab and select the playlist you just created in the popup menu. Continue this process until your playlist is done. Then copy the embed code and exchange it for the one you are currently using for your BSG vid.

In reply to this comment by Nemeskiz:
Heya, Im responding to the comment you made on my sift: "Kevin Smith moderates Sci Fi's Battlestar Galactica panel."

You mentioned that I could make it play all 3 vids in a row, Im still learning new things about this sites commands as I go by. Would you care to explain or link me to a guide where I can see how to make a list as you described? =) Super Secret Beta Update (Sift Talk Post) Super Secret Beta (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

Also I recommend adding in the autoplay=1 to the embeds when they pop up where possible. And on the popup embed window you might also want to include a direct link the to video page like or (I realize on most embeds you can click the player to go there, but it might also help out SEO)

In the pop-up window maybe also display the text description from the page, but I understand not wanting to scrape or store extra stuff, and I'm not sure about how kosher that is.

Also the grab embed area would be good to add the little javascript that highlights and copies it automatically when you click in the box like some other sites have.

But definately a snapshot of a video sites rank/votes/views would be useful.

Rottenseed: Gay or Straight?

How do you use Social Media? (Sift Talk Post)

Fedquip says...

I used to be a "Total Farker" way back in the day, I stopped when I started my own website because. Yeah, I hate Facebook invites, I have about 50 of em piled up and I refuse to read them. I was also tempted to start the online poker but when you read the fine print, its quite disturbing, in fact when you install any app into your facebook you give whatever company owns the app "Access" to your "personal information" - Facebook and their apps have plans on using that "personal information" for future advertising endeavors (this is why they have received Billions in funding recently)

Twitter is useful for me because everybody I work with uses it. I receive peoples personal updates in real time and its pretty much replaced my use of RSS feeds. I subscribe to BBC and NYT for example and new headlines just popup when they come in.

Sift Entropy (Sift Talk Post)

Kreegath says...

I think the current system works well enough, it's (as has been stated) more an issue of tagging.
Punishing people for posting a dupe would be stifling to the sifting community. It's not like people post dupes knowingly, and a looming threat of punishment would most likely do nothing except to keep people from posting videos.
A reward system also seems unnecessary to me. If a video is a dupe then it'll be discovered either while it's unsifted or when it gets promoted to the sift. This particular stage in dupe spotting is a system that has worked very well in the past and which doesn't really need a carrot to make people comply.
What I do believe would be a good idea is to have a dupe button, which opens a popup window where you can paste the link to the original sifted video. The site then checks who voted for the dupe and not the original, then transfers their votes from the former to the latter before discarding the dupe. Of course there's the risk of someone abusing it, but in reality I don't think that's any problem at all any more than the discard invocation has been thus far.

Rick Astley (1987) Never Gonna Give You Up

Officer Salvatore Rivieri orders a litre of cola.

You Suck At Photoshop - Vol 4

help! Have new computer; refuses to recognize videosift (Blog Entry by oxdottir)

Thylan says...

bring up a DOS style comand prompt on the new machine (unless its running vista in which case i'm possibly out of my depth)

Typing "cmd" into the run box on the start button popup will do it.

In there, type "ping"
and see what it reports. you can compare ti with what your PC reports.
also try "tracert"
and again compare

then also try with:

Even Bill Gates thinks Vista sucks !

ant (Member Profile)

The Sarah Connor Chronicles Trailer

dag (Member Profile)

calvados says...

Hey Dag, as of a few minutes ago I keep getting scads of error popups every time I load a new "Sifted Videos" page. It looks almost like a scripting problem, not that I necessarily have any idea.

The Politics of Posters | The Online Version (Sift Talk Post)

winkler1 says...

Please add me. How would it work - a popup video when you click a word?

Those posters are awesome. (Though some phrases are obscure-triple canopy? ) That tall vertical format is impossible to print though..where is a dot matrix printer when you need it?

These ideas could be delivered in a digital picture frame..they are cheap and could have text+graphics in a slide show.

Related idea - timelines using DHTML and javascript showing direct quotes of the moving goalposts in Iraq:

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