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Girlfriend takes dumb to a whole new level

MrFisk says...

"If you give a man a slice of pizza, you feed him for a meal.
But if you teach a woman to slice a pizza into twelve slices, you'll feed her for a day and a half." -- Sun Tzu?

gozadon said:

So, why not just show her a different way of thinking about it, teach her, instead of making fun of her?

Girlfriend takes dumb to a whole new level

Girlfriend takes dumb to a whole new level

The Remarkable Way We Eat Pizza - Numberphile

Bill Maher: New Rule – Don't Romanticize Socialism

ulysses1904 says...

Maher can be funny now and then but it's hard to watch these clips where you have to sit through the audience reaction, like he's announcing the honor roll and there's a round of applause after every name.

Re: GoFleeceMe. There's some guy in the next county who sells pizza out of a revamped school bus. He's having engine trouble and set up a GoFundMe page to ask for help with the engine repair costs because he supposedly gives pizza away to people that can't afford it, or "feeds the hungry". So the donors feel like they are supporting a good cause and to some he's probably viewed as some modern day folk hero.

But to me there's just something off about that whole thing. It would be naive to take it just on his word that he routinely gives away pizzas to those that drive up and can't pay. Be a real local hero and start a food bank drive, where everything can be tracked. And pay your own business expenses like grandpa used to do.

Why You Literally Can't Overcook Mushrooms

Why You Literally Can't Overcook Mushrooms

Half-Contra (Contra NES Remade In Half-Life 2 (HL2))

ravioli says...

OmG.. Reminds me of the Nintendo allnighters at a friend's apartment in the old days. PIzza and poutine. Old NES plugged into the CRT TV.

Honest Trailers - Star Wars: The Force Awakens

radx (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Well, sure, but it was at least slightly amusing that a fund run by David Cameron’s father avoided paying tax in Britain (as far as I can tell just about legal, but very shady) and watching FIFA squirm (again) could provide some amusement too.

Maybe my outlook is coloured by living in a country where although we don't have a huge problem with corruption (at least compared to Brazil, or the US) we can very much appreciate the Brazilian saying about corruption inquiries ending in pizza...

radx said:

The fact that a German lawyer by the name of Jürgen Mossack co-founded MossFon might motivate same folks to at least dig deeper into MossFon, which would be a start.

Stop Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils

newtboy says...

There's a huge difference between a candidate that doesn't align perfectly with one's ideals and candidates diametrically opposed to one's ideals. You will NEVER find someone that aligns perfectly with your ideals except yourself.
If ALL candidates on the ballot are diametrically opposed to your ideals, the best solution is to write in the name of the candidate that DOES align at least mostly with your ideals, the second best idea is to simply not vote. Casting your vote for someone you think will be disastrous in order to deny someone you think will be apocalyptic is a terrible way to vote, IMO. I understand it, but I disagree with it.

If we order pizza, and the choices are limited to 4 types of mushroom pizza, or pizza with mushroom, onion, and sausage, and you are deathly allergic to mushroom, sitting in the corner and pouting and refusing to eat, while complaining to the room that they inappropriately completely excluded you from the process is the right choice.
Yes, it would be better to become more involved at the 'choose the toppings' level, but not everyone has that ability, and doing so is no guarantee of success.

If neither nominated candidate offers even some of what you want, what then?
I don't advocate not voting at all, but voting for the slightly lesser of two evils is not the only choice, supporting candidates that don't have a chance of winning THIS TIME can set up the next election so they do have a's a long game, but still better than 'boycott', and better than voting for certain disaster, even if that disaster is inevitable.
The notion that YOUR candidate is the only right choice and everyone else is being manipulated just might be reality in this instance, and not naïve in the least. Voting for someone just a step below apocalyptic seems naïve to me. If you think that the candidate is the only right choice BECAUSE that candidate is your choice, and not because they exhibit the qualities and positions you think are absolutely necessary, unlike all other candidates, then I agree, that's immature and naïve, but I don't think many made their decision that way.

TheFreak said:

We can't only vote for candidates that align perfectly with our ideals. We can support those candidates but if they don't make it to the general election then you vote for the candidate that most closely matches your values. I cannot even conceive of the level of self entitlement I would need to feel to endorse the idea that only my first pick is deserving of my vote.

We can order one pizza. I want sausage but I do not like onions. Everyone else wants onions. I sit in the corner and pout and refuse to eat.

The only mature position is to encourage people to do more to actively support their preferred candidate. That is positive action. To advocate boycotting elections when you don't get your way is untenable...because everyone CAN'T get their way. You have to accept that your views will not always be in the majority. You have to be prepared to get some of what you want if you can't get everything.

This notion that YOUR candidate is the only right choice and everyone else is being manipulated....its just immature and naive.

Stop Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils

TheFreak says...

We can't only vote for candidates that align perfectly with our ideals. We can support those candidates but if they don't make it to the general election then you vote for the candidate that most closely matches your values. I cannot even conceive of the level of self entitlement I would need to feel to endorse the idea that only my first pick is deserving of my vote.

We can order one pizza. I want sausage but I do not like onions. Everyone else wants onions. I sit in the corner and pout and refuse to eat.

The only mature position is to encourage people to do more to actively support their preferred candidate. That is positive action. To advocate boycotting elections when you don't get your way is untenable...because everyone CAN'T get their way. You have to accept that your views will not always be in the majority. You have to be prepared to get some of what you want if you can't get everything.

This notion that YOUR candidate is the only right choice and everyone else is being manipulated....its just immature and naive.

Heckler Gets Stomped

TheFreak says...

I believe the intention of the joke, which was not lost on most people, is that it takes less effort to 'make' a child than to order a pizza.

Disagree? Next time your wife is 9 months pregnant and complaining tell her to suck it up. I mean, she didn't hear you complaining when you did your part. Sure your back hurt, you were tired and you just wanted it to end...but were you demanding a foot rub? I think not.

Heckler Gets Stomped

nock says...

That's why the joke is funny. The absurd juxtaposition of pizza delivery and childbirth with the proposition that the pizza delivery is the more difficult act is why this is comedy.

No one would laugh if someone got on stage and said, "Boy, childbirth sure is harder than pizza delivery".

diego said:

to be fair, she almost certainly objected to the idea that being pregnant and giving birth takes less effort than ordering a pizza.

his exact wording was that it takes more effort to order a pizza than to have a kid. i understand the joke fine, but pregnancy, wanted/planned or not is quite a bit more effort than ordering pizza- and thats without addressing the actual effort it takes to "have a kid". i think its normal for a mother to get defensive with this joke, and it does seem like he was fishing for the response.

Heckler Gets Stomped

diego says...

to be fair, she almost certainly objected to the idea that being pregnant and giving birth takes less effort than ordering a pizza.

his exact wording was that it takes more effort to order a pizza than to have a kid. i understand the joke fine, but pregnancy, wanted/planned or not is quite a bit more effort than ordering pizza- and thats without addressing the actual effort it takes to "have a kid". i think its normal for a mother to get defensive with this joke, and it does seem like he was fishing for the response.

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