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Daily Show Sexy Costumes for Halloween

StukaFox (Member Profile)

Religious Fanatic Vs. Pizza God at UCF

Religious Fanatic Vs. Pizza God at UCF

newtboy says...

Cheesus Saves!!!!
*doublepromote spreading the good word.
I noticed the blueberry God lurking in the background waiting her turn.
This should happen every time a street preacher starts spouting off about hell in public. I mean...Cheesus Crust, they're annoying. Great to see one shouted down by personified pizza. (Sorry, I mean deified pizza).

Pizza delivery guy gets insulted, Internet gets revenge

poolcleaner says...

Looks can be deceiving. For example, Pizza Hut looks delicious but it's vile.

Also, notice how the strings of cheese on the sides of the slices are just hanging there and not dripping down? Cold pizza. They should have filmed it fresh.

bitterbug said:

Gah. That pizza at the end of the clip looks vile!

Pizza delivery guy gets insulted, Internet gets revenge

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

The New Wave of YouTube "Skeptics"

Babymech says...

The quotes in that article really drive home the apotheosis of the word 'cuck'. It's a word whose meaning has died and transcended into some generic status that is completely beyond me - everything and everyone is cucked or cucking or a cuckhole. I gotta stop reading this shit and get a cucking pizza while playing No Man's Cuck...

Imagoamin said:

The other major difference are their fans. I don't recall Sarkeesian ever taking out a personal vendetta against a random person and suggesting her fans bombard their business on Yelp with bad reviews and then people on the doxxing boards of 8chan joined in the online attacks.

The Pizza Equation

ChaosEngine says...

And the reason why a large pizza isn't twice as expensive as a medium is because the primary driver isn't materials, it's labour.

making a large takes slightly longer than a medium, but making two mediums takes almost twice as long as a large.

If you could automate the pizza making process, you would see the price more accurately reflect the size, but who wants automated pizza?

joe rogan on game of thrones and vegans

Payback says...

Well, I figure he was trying to point out that the only way vegans can exist is due to the society they live in. If everyone became vegan, society would collapse because of everyone slamming their phones into walls because they found out pizza has cheese in it.

artician said:

Sometimes he has some really awesome points. These are not some of them.

Vegan accidentally eats cheese

Vegan accidentally eats cheese

nanrod says...

The laughing baby is a nice touch. And "only in America. No I think just about everywhere that pizza sauce is made including Italy recipes that include at least some parmesan are not uncommon.

Vegan accidentally eats cheese

Vegan accidentally eats cheese

Girlfriend takes dumb to a whole new level

shagen454 says...

I think she continually glossed over the dudes line, "it's the same [size] pizza." What she was trying to say is that she'd rather have a small pizza over a medium one.

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