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How's Obama doing so far? (User Poll by Throbbin)

kagenin says...

Good stuff from all sides here.

I voted "Pretty good." He's not McCain, and I don't see how he would have handled the economic crisis we're in any better. Granted, that's not saying a lot. But I have a feeling that Obama is treating this better than McCain treated the 8 planes he crashed over his military career. Things are hard, and we've been saying "the end has to be in sight, the bottom has to hit, and then it's only back up from there" for a while now. But I'm still optimistic that things can get fixed soon.

In other important, direction-changing news, Al Franken was finally confirmed his senate seat today. The Democrats finally control both houses with a 2/3rds majority. Unless a democrat decides to turn coat, the threat of filibuster that has prevented the president from taking quicker action is no longer a viable tactic. One can hope that the coalition will finally (and quickly) right the damage inflicted by 30 years of Fiscal Conservative Policy, but I have my reservations. The GOP is all but resigning themselves to the loony bin, and it sure is fun watching that elephant writhe in introspective agony. Even Cantor was saying that he misses Obama reaching out to him like he did earlier in the presidency (even though they gave him nothing for his efforts... priceless)

I don't see the GOP gaining many (if any) seats in either house in 2012. Ensign should resign now if he wants to help his party at all, but he won't because he's a hypocrite and a coward, just like Sanford, and that pride will cost the party his seat (and maybe more collateral damage) when the time comes for him to have to prove to Nevada that he isn't a total fuck-up. Here in California, the only serious contender I'm hearing to challenge Boxer is Carly Fiorina (the fuck-up former CEO of California-based Hewlett-Packard. I went to a school with a lot of HP employees, not one had any kind words for her.)

So we'll have a few years at the very least to see what Obama can do for the country without the GOP being as much of an obstacle, for better or for worse. I'm pretty positive that he can do a lot of good, and that things will happen a little more quickly now that the playing field has change so drastically recently. There's still a lot for him to do for me to want to vote "awesome" in a future poll, but I'm very happy with how he's handling the crisis in Iran (hands-off is the only way to handle the hot-potato. The Iranian people have to make change on their own, but the damage done to the legitimacy of their theocracy is already permanent).

Epic Short Circuit

Epic Short Circuit

Epic Short Circuit

Lost Vegas: Boom turns to bust in south Nevada

High Voltage Arc

High Voltage Arc

High Voltage Arc

jwray (Member Profile)

qruel says...

your statement is needs to take into account the actual levels of mercury.

from the abstract: The samples were found to contain levels of mercury ranging from below a detection limit of 0.005 to 0.570 micrograms mercury per gram of high fructose corn syrup. Average daily consumption of high fructose corn syrup is about 50 grams per person in the United States. With respect to total mercury exposure, it may be necessary to account for this source of mercury in the diet of children and sensitive populations.

this was one of two studies done on the subject. While I know the 2nd study found mercury in more products that contain HFCS, I'm not sure at what levels.


In reply to this comment by jwray:
>> ^qruel:
Since we are talking about Mercury... here's some interesting facts...
Gold mines are the nation's largest source of mercury pollution. Like all mining, separating and processing the gold creates tons of toxic metals, like lead and mercury. Nevada is home to eight of the nation's top 10 mercury polluters. Here is a list of the top 100 Some other sources: Coal Fired Power Plants, Cement Kilns, Incinerators, Chlor-alkali Production, Chemical Plants.

In 2005 the FDA did a study that showed mercury in many food products that contained High Fructose Corn Syrup (due to mercury in the caustic soda and hydrochloric acid used in the manufacture of HFCS), and the FDA did absolutely nothing about it

Presence of "detectable" levels is meaningless unless you name a specific concentration. Nearly everything will randomly contain at least 1 part in 10^20 of whichever stable element you want, which could be measured with a sufficiently accurate mass spectrometer.

Will a cannonball float in mercury?

jwray says...

>> ^qruel:
Since we are talking about Mercury... here's some interesting facts...
Gold mines are the nation's largest source of mercury pollution. Like all mining, separating and processing the gold creates tons of toxic metals, like lead and mercury. Nevada is home to eight of the nation's top 10 mercury polluters. Here is a list of the top 100 Some other sources: Coal Fired Power Plants, Cement Kilns, Incinerators, Chlor-alkali Production, Chemical Plants.

In 2005 the FDA did a study that showed mercury in many food products that contained High Fructose Corn Syrup (due to mercury in the caustic soda and hydrochloric acid used in the manufacture of HFCS), and the FDA did absolutely nothing about it

Presence of "detectable" levels is meaningless unless you name a specific concentration. Nearly everything will randomly contain at least 1 part in 10^20 of whichever stable element you want, which could be measured with a sufficiently accurate mass spectrometer.

Will a cannonball float in mercury?

qruel says...

Since we are talking about Mercury... here's some interesting facts...

Gold mines are the nation's largest source of mercury pollution. Like all mining, separating and processing the gold creates tons of toxic metals, like lead and mercury. Nevada is home to eight of the nation's top 10 mercury polluters. Here is a list of the top 100 Some other sources: Coal Fired Power Plants, Cement Kilns, Incinerators, Chlor-alkali Production, Chemical Plants.

In 2005 the FDA did a study that showed mercury in many food products that contained High Fructose Corn Syrup (due to mercury in the caustic soda and hydrochloric acid used in the manufacture of HFCS), and the FDA did absolutely nothing about it

Sex Slaves: the dark side of the russian economy

brain says...

Nevada law requires that registered brothel prostitutes be checked weekly for several sexually transmitted diseases, and monthly for HIV; furthermore, condoms are mandatory for all oral sex and sexual intercourse. Brothel owners may be held liable if customers become infected with HIV after a prostitute has tested positive for the virus.[7] Women work a legally mandated minimum of nine days for each work period.[8]

Since 1986, when mandatory testing began, not a single brothel prostitute has ever tested positive for HIV. The mandatory condom law was passed in 1988. A study conducted in 1995 in two brothels found that condom use in the brothels was consistent and sexually transmitted diseases were accordingly absent. The study also found that few of the prostitutes used condoms in their private lives.[10]

Huge Electric Arc (9 seconds)

Huge Electric Arc (9 seconds)

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