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Two Thousand and Fifty Four Nuclear Explosions (1945-1998)

bigbikeman says...

Nice links! Would be interesting to see that fallout map correlated with cancer prevalence per capita....

>> ^alizarin:

1) They forgot Israel and South Africa in 1979... that would make it 2054.
2) This diagram is awesome.
Looks like the atmospheric vs underground count vs underwater counts are:
US 206/912/5
USSR 223/756/3
UK 21/24
France 50/160
China 22/26
India 0/6
South Africa/Isreal 1/0
Pakistan 0/7
North Korea 0/1
3) The fallout map is fun.
4) The Nevada and Kazakhstan need to surrender already

Two Thousand and Fifty Four Nuclear Explosions (1945-1998)

alizarin says...

1) They forgot Israel and South Africa in 1979... that would make it 2054.

2) This diagram is awesome.
Looks like the atmospheric vs underground count vs underwater counts are:
US 206/912/5
USSR 223/756/3
UK 21/24
France 50/160
China 22/26
India 0/6
South Africa/Isreal 1/0
Pakistan 0/7
North Korea 0/1

3) The fallout map is fun.

4) The Nevada and Kazakhstan need to surrender already

Trailer for Blankfist's feature film -- "Yeardley"

Shepppard says...

Now THAT is some awesome editing.

nominated Best Feature, santa fe film festival.
Winner Best Feature 1st runner up
Winner Best Actor myrtle beach international film festival
Winner Platinum Reel Award nevada film festival

all appear on screen for like .8 seconds

There's also a fifth one on the "In Theaters" screen about official selection of something.

NV Woman Sentenced to Life for Asking Minor for Sex

JayCeeOh says...

Wow... Just fucking wow...

A few points:

The video's description incorrectly notes the date. An extremely minor point, but a factual one nonetheless.

I fully believe that this sentence is, as the defense attorney alluded to, a complete miscarriage of justice. I fully believe that the defendant should have been offered a plea deal. Like the judge, I can not understand why plea deals are offered to some but not others. In this case, it certainly seems warranted.

Someone mentioned that the judge doesn't give a shit, but I wouldn't expect the judge to give a shit. The judge is on the bench to act as an impartial mediator between the prosecution, defense and presumably impartial jury. The judge may very well feel for this defendant, as well as others he has had to impose similar sentences upon. It would not surprise me if this judge (as well as others in the state of Nevada) undergo some form of therapy, be it expensive psychiatry or heavy drinking or primal screaming. I feel for the judge who imposes such an unwarranted sentence and is not left with a scar upon their psyche.

For those America-bashers that are going to use this as another example of how fucked-up the United States of America is (and have attempted already), I say this:
Nevada is just one state out of fifty that comprise this nation.
The United States Constitution grants rights and powers to the individual states in matters where the values and moral compass differs from region to region due to differences in background, ethnicity and national origin.
Nevada was originally settled by Mormons, which are a somewhat extreme sect of Christianity. Some believe the Mormon church to be a cult. It is widely known that the church was founded by a person with a criminal background and that the church as a whole engages in some suspect practices.
That said, Mormons chose to impose their morality upon others within the states they helped found, specifically Utah and Nevada, but also other states to a lesser extent.

The moral standards of Mormons are not considered by sensible-thinking people as reasonable. However, it is also the basis for the laws of the state of Nevada, like it or not. The law and its associated sentences has been challenged for constitutionality and the challenge has failed. I suspect the failure of previous challenges is running up against the same old Mormon guard that still pervades the state legislature, but I have no evidence of this.
Regardless, the draconian punishment that is set in law in the state of Nevada is one glaring (and pretty fucked-up) example of how one group's morality is imposed on those around them through legislative process.
Good or bad, it is how our system of government works.

Welcome to the Republic.

Yes, I wholly get the irony of Mormons imposing a life sentence for this sort of sexual misconduct while they turn a blind eye to polygamy and incestual relations.
However, that is not the subject of this debate, however poignant that irony may be.

NV Woman Sentenced to Life for Asking Minor for Sex

NV Woman Sentenced to Life for Asking Minor for Sex

NordlichReiter says...

You know why the lawyer is crying; because the judge doesn't give a shit. The whole tone of that court is bullshit.

Now I'm going to use ad homimen against the quoted person below. Do you dislike the constitution; your comment would seem to put you in that category. This case is clear cut, the Judicial Branch in Nevada does not have the power to call that law what it is; bullshit. The balance of powers is not working, and it is clear in the judge’s tone of voice; "I wash my hands of this."

Read the 8th amendment.

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Somehow I get the feeling that you would think the ultimatum imposed on Alan Turing was correct and immaculately moral. Read the following excerpt from Wikipedia. Turing’s ultimatum was chemical castration or imprisonment. Bear it in mind that this is the same era where Oppenheimer was persecuted for, what some would say, the same carelessness as Turing.

In January 1952 Turing picked up 19-year-old Arnold Murray outside a cinema in Manchester. After a lunch date, Turing invited Murray to spend the weekend with him at his house, an invitation which Murray accepted although he did not show up. The pair met again in Manchester the following Monday, when Murray agreed to accompany Turing to the latter's house. A few weeks later Murray visited Turing's house again, and apparently spent the night there.[38]

After Murray helped an accomplice to break into his house, Turing reported the crime to the police. During the investigation, Turing acknowledged a sexual relationship with Murray. Homosexual acts were illegal in the United Kingdom at that time,[6] and so both were charged with gross indecency under Section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885, the same crime that Oscar Wilde had been convicted of more than fifty years earlier.[39]

Turing was given a choice between imprisonment and probation conditional on his agreement to undergo hormonal treatment designed to reduce libido. He accepted chemical castration via oestrogen hormone injections.[40] A side effect of the treatment caused him to grow breasts.

Turing's conviction led to the removal of his security clearance, and barred him from continuing with his cryptographic consultancy for GCHQ. At the time, there was acute public anxiety about spies and homosexual entrapment by Soviet agents,[41] because of the recent exposure of the first two members of the Cambridge Five, Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean, as KGB double agents. Turing was never accused of espionage but, as with all who had worked at Bletchley Park, was prevented from discussing his war work.[42]

Your way of thinking is outdated, outmaneuvered and better suited for the middle ages; also misogyny doesn't suit you.

>> ^fjules:

She got sentenced for life because she refused to have her name on the sex offenders list. Basically, it's her own fault.
"wtf with the crying lawyer?"
Good reason why women can't be lawyers.

NV Woman Sentenced to Life for Asking Minor for Sex

NV Woman Sentenced to Life for Asking Minor for Sex

videosiftbannedme says...

From Wikipedia:
Nevada has been ranked as the most dangerous state in the U.S. for five years in a row, just ahead of Louisiana[27][28] In 2006, the crime rate in Nevada was approximately 24% higher than the national average rate. Property crimes accounted for approximately 84.6% of the crime rate in Nevada which was 21% higher than the national rate. The remaining 20.3% were violent crimes and were approximately 45% higher than other states.[29] In 2008, Nevada had the third highest murder rate, and the highest rate of robbery and motor vehicle theft.[27] It should be noted that many of these statistics may not totally be attributed to the citizens of Nevada themselves, but partially to the high rate of visitors entering and leaving the state as well. In addition, the state's most populous county, Clark (accounting for 75% of the state's total population), skews the crime rate for the balance of the state.

...and people wonder why I want to get out of this shithole.

Epic Airbag Ride and Faceplant

Hey Texas, you're fucked! (Religion Talk Post)

Modern Warfare - Drone Controllers At Work

sadicious says...

>> ^BoneRemake:
>> ^Jinx:
How is the distance between Nevada and Iraq any different from the distance between a bomber and its target, or from an Artillery gun to its target. Is engaging your enemy only when you see the whites of their eyes somehow more palatable? Who'd have thought the most user friendly interface for shooting people in Virtual Reality would eventually be adopted to real life. You should all welcome it. Is it mere coincidence that collateral from modern wars is much less than from 100 years ago? Do you think thats because of improved weapons technology and training, or do you think its because todays GIs are saints compared to their 1945 brothers?
Yeah, guided missiles are better at not killing stuff.

I believe you are wrong. It is a difference because your taking life without the chance of your being taken. Its no different than playing halo online with some god mode, you get to live while everyone else dies. War in itself is wrong unless your purely defending imho. Look at that I did it without calling you a douche. A sense of pride overcomes me.

This is also much like when guns were invented. The further you are from your enemy when you attack, the less likely you'll witness any harm to yourself.

I believe this is misdirected anger. Being able to click a button and have someone die somewhere else on the planet is scary stuff. The real problem is the imaginary need to do this.

At the end of the day, the people in the position of those in the video likely have the same issue of knowing that they executed x number of people. I play violent video games in bliss, knowing nobody is harmed by my actions.

Modern Warfare - Drone Controllers At Work

BoneRemake says...

>> ^Jinx:
How is the distance between Nevada and Iraq any different from the distance between a bomber and its target, or from an Artillery gun to its target. Is engaging your enemy only when you see the whites of their eyes somehow more palatable? Who'd have thought the most user friendly interface for shooting people in Virtual Reality would eventually be adopted to real life. You should all welcome it. Is it mere coincidence that collateral from modern wars is much less than from 100 years ago? Do you think thats because of improved weapons technology and training, or do you think its because todays GIs are saints compared to their 1945 brothers?
Yeah, guided missiles are better at not killing stuff.

I believe you are wrong. It is a difference because your taking life without the chance of your being taken. Its no different than playing halo online with some god mode, you get to live while everyone else dies. War in itself is wrong unless your purely defending imho. Look at that I did it without calling you a douche. A sense of pride overcomes me.

Modern Warfare - Drone Controllers At Work

schmawy says...

Totally solid point, Jinx. Still disgusting to me, though.>> ^Jinx:
How is the distance between Nevada and Iraq any different from the distance between a bomber and its target, or from an Artillery gun to its target. Is engaging your enemy only when you see the whites of their eyes somehow more palatable? Who'd have thought the most user friendly interface for shooting people in Virtual Reality would eventually be adopted to real life. You should all welcome it. Is it mere coincidence that collateral from modern wars is much less than from 100 years ago? Do you think thats because of improved weapons technology and training, or do you think its because todays GIs are saints compared to their 1945 brothers?
Yeah, guided missiles are better at not killing stuff.

Modern Warfare - Drone Controllers At Work

Jinx says...

How is the distance between Nevada and Iraq any different from the distance between a bomber and its target, or from an Artillery gun to its target. Is engaging your enemy only when you see the whites of their eyes somehow more palatable? Who'd have thought the most user friendly interface for shooting people in Virtual Reality would eventually be adopted to real life. You should all welcome it. Is it mere coincidence that collateral from modern wars is much less than from 100 years ago? Do you think thats because of improved weapons technology and training, or do you think its because todays GIs are saints compared to their 1945 brothers?

Yeah, guided missiles are better at not killing stuff.

TDS: Jon Stewart Rips the Hysterical Democrat Wusses

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Did anyone else cringe at that. Granted the health care bill is terrible, but come on, Americans are getting dragged over the coals for health care, everyone has to be able to see that.

If it pleases you, then rephrase it to say, "Obama's stupid health care bill". Health care reform should take place by lifting government out of the picture and allowing the free market to bring down costs naturally. His radical left solution of government run one-size fits all health care with bribes to Nevada, labor unions, and everyone else he had to bribe to get votes deserves to dies a painful, ignomineous death. And - yes - it's mouldering corpse deserves to be danced over with glee, joy, and fireworks for it is a victory - not a loss.

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