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Ron Paul re: "FEMA Concentration-Camp" Lie with G. Beck

volumptuous says...

Here's Ron Paul's words:

"I don't think all the answers are in"

"I think there's justified concern"

So, he supports the idea that maybe something is there, and he appears on Beck's TV show to talk about this, and this is not him promoting this idea?

And let me know if I'm wrong, but during Katrina, wasn't FEMA the group who was the least effective as opposed to the most Orwellian? And how does appointing the head of the Arabian horse association somehow dictate the principles of FEMA?

If you remember, it was the Air Nat'l Guard who were allegedly confiscating weapons, and locking down city sectors, not FEMA. Then Bush's FEMA led by the exact-opposite person who should have been in charge, horribly failed, and you want to not blame Bush's retarded appointment and completely absent response plan, but some secret dark forces that FEMA operates under? That's why Katrina sucked?

Sorry, but this FEMA concentration-camp conspiracy has been debunked for almost twenty years, and don't you think that an elected official --one who many regard as incredibly intelligent-- should know this, as opposed to me, some ordinary internet loser?

Wait, what?

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Oscar Peterson, Nat King Cole, Coleman Hawkins

Oscar Peterson, Nat King Cole, Coleman Hawkins

Oh God, We're Running Out of IP Addresses!

wax66 says...

Total FUD. We could live on IPv4 forever. Will we? No, IPv6 is pretty mature now, and I've set up quite a bit of hardware and software for it, not just tunneled. But do we need it? No way. Worst case scenario is the ISPs have to start kludging. NAT every client past their IP allotment. Let people 'stand in line' for a real IP if they need it. Whatever, it's still not going to bring the Interwebs to its knees.

As for hosting, the web already has too many useless web sites. Hosting providers may just have to be slightly conservative and use more vhosting... oh noes! Net difference to the end user? None.

Dining with Terrorists - FARC

vairetube says...

all i remember reading about FARC in a nat. geo article is that they insist on prostitutes being disease tested before working towns... enforced? who knows... good idea? sometimes you find them in the jungle (along with medicines you can steal and patent).

even with their leadrs getting killed, these guys are still goin strong... must be in someones interest, or not interesting enough to the watchers in charge... drugs involved.. definitely.. CIA subversion... probably.. tee hee

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

MarineGunrock says...

1) I daydream often, but retain full situational awareness
2) There's a 90% chance that I can kill you from 500 yards.
3) I have very little patience for stupid people on the road.
4) I have what are probably the world's flattest feet.
5) I can make farting noises with my neck/shoulder.
6) I can puff my neck out like a bull frog.
7) I can grab my uvula and pull it to the front of my mouth. It grosses people out.
When car alarms go off, I often fantasize about taking my rifle and shooting them.
9) PTSD is a bitch.
10) I'm only 23 and have owned four vehicles.
11) Two of them were/is a Volvo.
12) Children annoy me.
13) Except for my nieces and nephews.
14) I hate big cities.
15) I graduated in the bottom 12 percent of my High School class.
16) I was #9 in my MOS school in the Marine Corps. (Suck on that, Blankfist )
17) I love video games.
18) I'm a huge fan of Star Trek TNG and Voyager.
19) The first internet connection I had in my house as a kid was through, and I had to hide it from my parents and drag a phone line across the house to use it.
20) I'm a firm believer that all people who regularly buy bottles of water need to be punched in the face.
21) Won 2nd place in a NASA/Nat'l Science teacher's assc. "Design a spacecraft" contest when I was in grade school.
22) Got pissed that I didn't win first to get that trip to space camp.
23) People thought I was going to shoot up the school in High School. It worked to my advantage because the assholes that congregated in the middle of the hallway would part like the Red Sea when I walked down the hall.
24) I often get irritated at people and proclaim that I should be Supreme Chancellor of the World so that I could outlaw fat girls in belly shirts, guys in skin-tight pants with white plastic sunglasses, Emo, cheap beer, bottled water, cigarettes, slow drivers, people that don't pay attention to cyclists and anyone/thing else I am currently pissed at.
25) I didn't know I could count this high.

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

Sarah Palin Confuses Supporters With Hecklers

NordlichReiter says...

If you aren’t for the troops you are against them, that's a fascist stance.

If I want to be against the troops on one subject I will be, if I want to be for them on another I will be. That is the rights afforded to us in the constitution, however these soldiers have defended that right in WWII, and have not since then in a major war.

Even with Vietnam, Korea, the first Gulf war, there were some good reasons to go, but with all of the modern wars... those reasons die out fast. Because war is incoherently wrong, and so ingrained is us as a people.

Every time I go to the theater I see National Guard, showing a Dale jr, kid rock, and a Nat Guard (not a typical guardsmen but some hand picked Thoroughbred)on the wall.

They play the kid rock song that angers:

"So Don’t Tell Me Who's Wrong And Right When Liberty Starts Slipping Away
And If You Aint Gonna Fight Get Out Of The Away
Cuz Freedom Is So Free When You Breathe Red White And Blue I'm Given All Of Myself Cuz Thats What I Do"

I’ve got no problem with that, but when they show it with footage of some middle eastern country I have to take it as pushing an inherently wrong view of where liberty is.

Its like the commercials that have our soldiers in desert camo marching with their heads turned with cool shades on like stereotypical Nazi celebration march, with the stars and stripes in the background. I have come to dislike this view of our country very much.

I would like them to show the true side of war, so that the people who don't know the duality of these things can see what a GSW really looks like.

Other countries have a right to liberty, but its not our Liberty that we are fighting for in Iraq. Our liberty is fought for inside the beltway, and in courts all over the country, and even in the territories of the united states (Puerto Rico).

Sarah Palin says Pipeline is "God's will, so pray for that"

12932 says...

While I haven't formed an opinion regarding this Alaskan nat gas pipeline, I do think CNG - as a substitute for Middle East oil in powering cars - has some merits. Knowing now, thanks to Student Council, Alaskan Gov Palin, that this $30B project has the endorsement of GOD himself (or herself, just to hedge my bets) my opinion in its favor has solidified. I assume that HE (SHE) also has a reserved cabinet-level post in the potential McCain/Palin administration, perhaps Secretary of DOE (given HIS/HER energy credentials) or higher. Seriously, folks, if Obama's former pastor Jeremy Wright is scary, this should should be mortifying! Obama's strategic error is over-estimating the average American voter's intellect (yes, Barrack, we ARE stupid!), and I suspect McCain will win by a narrow margin - with or without help from the Supremes. If so, I WILL, MOST DEFINITELY, PRAY FOR HIS HEALTH!

Cop Attacked at the RNC! Civil Disobedience Prevails!

Asmo says...

MG, I entirely respect your viewpoint, but I do recall a post not terribly long ago where you yourself said that if the government ordered the armed forces (Marines/Army etc, not just Nat. Guard) against the populace illegally, you would check out your weapon and armour and go AWOL, as would many of your fellows.

So I respectfully put it to you that the difference between you and the protesters is that your threshhold of intolerance towards and increasingly fascist government has not been met yet.

We all have limits on what we would accept. The problem is that if you give enough away, one day you will turn around and no longer have the option of CD, you will need to arm yourself for your own safety and liberty.

As I said earlier, this entire issue was a self fulfilling prophecy that the Gov. has, either deliberately or through continued ineptitude, brought to fruition.

If deliberately, what will they actually baulk at? Do they even deserve to govern at this point?

If inadvertantly, do they not deserve to be put on notice that they're the problem, not the protestors..?

Cop Attacked at the RNC! Civil Disobedience Prevails!

volumptuous says...

MG: The FBI has been very involved in the raids and arrests in St.Paul.

"Deputies coordinated searches with the Minneapolis and St. Paul police departments and the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

here's a woman holding a flower, being peppersprayed in the face by police in riot gear:

Helicopters, humvees, nat'l guard, FBI, riot-cops, tear gas, beatings. What more do we need to understand that these people don't give one shit about our constitution?

You keep saying "he could have had a valid reason" every time you see the cops abuse their power, and inflict violent rage on people. Why assume this ever again, when proven wrong, time and time again?

As I read elsewhere today:
"In Denver, the police prepared for protests. In St.Paul, the police prepared for the apocalypse"

I'm Home YAY! (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

Issykitty says...

Yay! Welcome back, SwampyG! We'll have to post some travel blogs about our trips.
DFT and I were in Montana for the month of July, and it was beautiful and the weather was very nice too (highs in the 70s-80sF). The only things that sucked were the GINORMOUS mosquitoes, and the discovery of my extreme sensitivity to the high elevation. I felt nausea and sick for 2 whole days when I got there, but it suddenly went away... and then hit again when we visited Glacier Nat'l Park, which is even higher than where we were staying!

Yellowstone Untouched

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

It is really wonderful here. People really ARE more friendly and welcoming in this part of the country! I think it helps that this is one of the most beautiful and inspiring places - in terms of spectacular scenery/ nature- that we have ever experienced. Going To The Sun Road - in Glacier Nat'l Park - was soooo amazing. I will definitely post a blog to display many of the pictures from our trip when I get back.

And how is King Kronos doing? I see SHENANIGANS going on in the emptying of my pqueue, and don't think I haven't figured out who's responsible for it. Shenanigans, I say!
Can't wait to get back to the kitties and share the places of our travels. I feel kind of guilty leaving them for this long, but I know they're in good hands. My friend who's watching them calls me about every other day to keep me posted. I am ever so grateful!

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Boo! I see you. How's Montana treating you and pa?

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