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It Begins: GOP wives talk about their husbands. Romney.

Drachen_Jager says...

Strapping your dog to the top of your car for a long trip on the highway isn't the easy decision and it's not the popular decision.

Oh and it also demonstrates what a raging psychopath you are and how little you value any life other than your own.

Putting that aside, even, he's a corporate raider who's thrown more Americans out of their jobs than any president before him.... Since you can tell what kind of President he'll be by how he led his life??? So, vote Mitt if you want to lose your job, your health care, and watch your loved ones carted off in roof-top carriers for that long trip to 'the vacation home'.

Are you Tom or Tom's Friend? - Vintage Motorcycle Video!

Guy throws up apple, catches it, then eats it in one bite

budzos says...

I forget most of the shit about TF2 insert a Heavy quote here. (the guy looks like the Heavy from TF2). Look at the size of those mitts.

freeD Yankee Stadium

shatterdrose says...

Probably none, or simply render times. My guess is their goal is to allow a frozen moment, such as when the runner comes into home, to show from various angles that A) the ball was in the mitt but B) the runners foot was already on base. Mostly, but not limiting the view angles you can more clearly see the action while if the motion was still ongoing while the camera moved, it'd cause a jarring effect on the viewer and make it even more confusing as to what really happened.

It's why JJ Abrams shakes the camera a lot. It helps hide the flaws in action scenes such as where people don't actually stab each other or hit each other etc.

Esoog said:

Im at newb at this kind of stuff. Why do they always have to freeze the frame to do the transition? What limitation is preventing it from being done on the moving video?

Between the legs catch

Ron Paul "When...TRUTH Becomes Treasonous!"

Candidate Obama vs President Obama on Government Surveillanc

dystopianfuturetoday says...


We are great at throwing tomatoes from the mezzanine, but what would we do if we found ourselves on stage when the lights come up. Who knows? Who cares? Let's throw more tomatoes! ....and I say this as one who has thrown many a tomato at Bush, Hillary, McCain and Mitt Romney.

If the way we do national security is a problem, then it's systemic, because the NSA pretty much done nothing else but collect intelligence 24-7 for the last 60 years.. They've used the system as it was intended to be used, yes, but they've also abused the system.

I'm sure there will be much caterwauling in 2016 about invasion of privacy, but once the dust settles, the crown will still weigh heavy with the burden of national security, and President Hillary, or Ryan, or Rubio, or Paul will find themselves backsliding into old way out of sheer necessity.

Same as it ever was.

If there is a problem with the way we do national security, we aren't going to fix it by calling people cunts and dramatically intoning high school level literary allusions. If we are going to fix it, it will require thought, discussion and hard choices.

Let the rest of them throw tomatoes while you and I fix this fucking system. What do you say, old sport?

President Choggie, how would you restructure the NSA in such a way that it can remain effective at it's job whilst minimizing potential for abuse?

renatojj (Member Profile)

BobsBlitz (Member Profile)

Colin Powell calls out Republican racism

What I found when looking for "Jim Carrey on crack"

Tax the Rich: An animated fairy tale

messenger says...

All that might be true if the very rich made most of their money off regular job-type income, but they don't. They make it off capital gains. Those funds are literally taxed at poverty rate. Rupert Murdoch and Mitt Romney, are the classic examples. If we take their word for it, they pay less than working class people while earning millions each year. Do you think that's right?

bobknight33 said:

The rich pay a higher rate than the poor.

Tax Bracket Married Filing Jointly
10% Bracket $0 – $17,400
15% Bracket $17,400 – $70,700
25% Bracket $70,700 – $142,700
28% Bracket $142,700 – $217,450
33% Bracket $217,450 – $388,350
35% Bracket Over $388,350

These are just Federal Tax rates. Then add state and local and you could end up paying over %50 in taxes. Is that fair?
At the top rate if one was earning 400k then they would pay 140k just in Fed tax. That's a big chunk of government cheese.

My CEO pulls down a base of $3million a year. That would give him a $1 - 1.5 million in Federal / State and local tax.

Sure he makes a lot but he also pays a lot.

The left would say that he needs to pay more of his "fair share" .

Even though I think he could pay more I believe that he is paying his fair share.

I am sure he hires the best accountants to take every possible deduction, as you and I would do in that situation.

IF you want the rich to pay more then eliminating some deductions form the rich seem like a good approach.

TYT - Obama Going Back on Biggest Campaign Promises

Fletch says...

Not fear. Anger. And he's absolutely right. Obama is a weakling and a pushover, and I didn't vote for him this time (no, I didn't vote for Mitt either), not after seeing how easily he folded during his first four years. No stones, and he's barely a Democrat, much less, Progressive. Gives a damn fine speech, though, doesn't he?

We'll see...

Edgeman2112 said:

Cenk, you succomb to what all old uneducated people succomb to: fear. Plouffe spoke broadly and suddenly the world ends. You're no better than Savage, Oreilly, or Beck.

TYT - Romney: Blacks & Hispanics Wanted Gifts from Obama

Oklahoma Doctors vs. Obamacare

dystopianfuturetoday says...

The Koch Brothers are a pair of uber rich oil magnates that fund far right think tanks like the Reason Institute (which produced this video), the Cato Institute, the Heritage foundation. They also fund far right front groups/astroturf outfits like Citizens for a Sound Economy, Freedomworks and the tea party. They also fund far right candidates like Mitt Romney, Scott Walker and many of the 'tea party' candidates. >> ^CrushBug:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Nice try Koch brothers [snip]
Sorry pumpkin, but I am obligated to downvote this disingenuous Koch-media propaganda.

Sorry, what is a "Koch brother"? In my city, it is the name of a Ford dealership and I am pretty sure that is not what we are talking about.

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