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Romney Slams Trump as a Phony and Fraud

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Donald Trump

MilkmanDan says...

I still want to see President Drumph.

The fact that he represents the biggest trainwreck that American politics has ever faced is precisely *why* I hope he gets elected. The system is already a hopelessly broken dog and pony show; maybe the faster we shit on its grave, the faster it becomes blatantly fubared enough to prompt the amount of revolutionary outcry needed to fix it.

Even if *that* doesn't happen, though, Drumph has already started the self-destruct timer on the GOP. That *desperately* needed to happen -- but the impact will be all the better if he beats out the GOP "great white hope" establishment candidates like Rubio. Drudge Report even claims that Mitt Romney will "enter the race" or possibly run as an independent (propped up by GOP $$$) if Rubio and Cruz don't make up ground.

I don't see the GOP surviving much more of this, which is a very positive outcome. So, thank you Drumph, and keep up the good (by which I mean abysmal) work!

Colbert on Trump's Belt Buckle Speech

Bill Maher: The United States of You Don’t Wanna Know

Bill Maher: The United States of You Don’t Wanna Know

Real Time with Bill Maher: 2016 Billionaire Buyers Guide

Mystic95Z says...

You're wrong about Hillary, there is only one Republican I would vote for over her, I sure hope the rest of the Repub dip shits drop out including Mitt Robme, three time looser ftw.....

bobknight33 said:


On the democrat side all there is is Warren. Hillery won't run. Her utter failure at the state department and the fact that she is married to pedophile Bill will keep her out.

I do agree that the republican party is filled with losers. Mit has the best chance. But leave it to Republican leadership to loose the election.

As far as Billionairs buying / swaying / influencing elections and all the left is bash the Koch brothers. - When will the medial look at truth?

The left are buying the elections, not the right.

For the 2014 election
Thomas Steryer gave $74M to the democrats
Koch brothers gave $2.4M to the Republicans.
Even George Soros ($3.8M) gave more to Democrats than Koch.


Mess With The Cat, Get The Fangs (And Claws)

Milton Friedman puts a young Michael Moore in his place

Drachen_Jager says...

That was a totally disingenuous argument from Friedman.

Yes, at some point you must place a dollar figure on human life, but it depends on what is going to be done with the money saved. If you say, we're not going to treat a dozen patients with a rare disease that would cost the state tens of millions of dollars, and instead use that money on highway safety, or to improve healthcare for others, with the net impact that you save MORE lives with the money, that is a valid argument.

What he's proposing is that some billionaire (or at the least, multi-millionaire) should pocket a few million extra they saved by not installing the safety feature.

Not all money is equal. That's easy to prove.

Give a million dollars to ten families that are on the edge of bankruptcy and it will change their lives.

Give a million dollars to Mitt Romney and he'll forget your name as soon as you walk out of the room.

Mitt Romney Weighs In on President Obama's Second Term

enoch says...


just because @bareboards2 is happy that MITT is not our president does not automatically translate that she is happy with our current president.

@VoodooV is right.MITT is just spouting vapid,meaningless politician speak.
obama was just better at it.

but the end result would have been the same if MITT had won.

our democracy is broke and dysfunctional.
the inmates are running the asylum.
and the american public has become aware of this fact.

things are building up to maximum nasty.dont know where or when...but the balloon is about to pop.

@BoneRemake where you been ya lil troublemaker?
making gay porn in thailand again?
good to see ya brother!

Mitt Romney Weighs In on President Obama's Second Term

chingalera says...

So are you 'glad' about the current president, whose rap sheet of abject failures trumps more than that of 2 dozen administrations in history? Not saying any other would have done more for the elite who put all presidents in place but seriously....What the FUCK has the not-black president done worth a fiddler's fuck bareboards? Your comment sounds like the same2 rhetoric taught the masses from years of programming and fantastic confabulation.

Gitmo? Name-Calling and cry-racism at any opportunity? Appointing complete cunts to czar posts? Expanding surveillance and promulgating police-state? Debt to $4.939 Trillion since taking office (not that we'd pay back any debt anyhow, another confabulate issue, completely meaningless)?
Nobel peace prize (meaningless)?
Cult of personality antics that would make any dictator green and covetous?
Media-whore first-lady?
Blah, blah, blah green energy after the BP spill?

A real piece of work, but so's frikkin' Mitt Mormonite

Jesus man, get a grip on that shit!?

bareboards2 said:

His lip smacking smugness makes my skin crawl.

I'm so very glad he isn't our president.

Jimmy Fallon - "Slow Jam The News" with Mitt Romney

lantern53 says...

I don't know how anyone can look at Mitt and not see a genuine and good person. Probably because they look at Obama and can't see a totally fake person.

Jimmy Fallon - "Slow Jam The News" with Mitt Romney

Jimmy Fallon - "Slow Jam The News" with Mitt Romney



Yogi says...

I want to believe I have the constitution to watch this, but I honestly don't think he's that interesting. If this was about Bush I would TOTALLY watch it, but Mitt, I just can't do it.

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