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Numberphile demonstrates the Curta "pocket" calculator

Crow Becomes Part of the Family

Hand Feeding Wild Stingrays

Fletch (Member Profile)

Japanese Cockasuckara Devicela

Close Call For Man On Stairs

Lann (Member Profile)

Wooooot! A Real Hovercraft!

Perfectly cut up sphere

Oculus Rift: The first truly immersive VR headset for games

japan builds its first real mech - kuratas

spoco2 says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

You never got hugged as a child. Did you?

Why do you have a problem with me pointing out that this is 99% sure to be a 'hoax'? It's being reported everywhere as real (although a number are saying the video has the whiff of fake about it), and it irks me how readily people fall for things online.

If this were being shown as 'Hey, look at this cool art project' or 'Look at this thing that a guy built in his shed, isn't it awesome? Doesn't really 'do' much, but it's cool' then it'd be a cool video.

But it's being reported everywhere as a REAL robot suit you can really order for 1.3 Million and it'll really do what the video promises.


Police Fire On Men Women and Children w/ Non Lethal Rounds

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^vaire2ube:

Didnt a police dog get loose and bite A BABY ... damn... you know lately im losing my fear of myself owning a firearm.. i really didnt think it was a good idea for me to have a lethal weapon... something is rapidly changing my mind and its not fear... its logic... there is too much crazy out there, so be prepared... i may need to shoot a dog someday, or a crazy person in a theater... i give up. i'll buy one. im not happy about it though.

I'm still waiting to hear the story about how an armed citizen prevented a shooting spree.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have a gun if you want one, but don't buy one thinking you're going to rescue someone one day. If you're really that afraid that you'll end up in that kinda situation, get a taser. That way if you make a mistake, at least you won't have killed someone.

Worst Instrument Ever Conceived

Every guy's reaction to Michelle Jenneke warmup

Every guy's reaction to Michelle Jenneke warmup

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