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What You See Isn't Always What You Get

Hybrid says...

It's surprising how many of these shots look like they wouldn't need green screen. I mean, all that effort, for say two actors sitting on the steps in front of Lincoln. Do they *really* need green screen for that?

Green Screen - What you see is an illusion

Green Screen - What you see is an illusion

xxovercastxx says...

It was pretty easy to spot the green screen in these shots when I knew ahead of time that there was one. A lot I would have never noticed normally and several of them were painfully obvious no matter what.

The trick to lying, though, is making your lies believable. That's why even those of us who are good at spotting this stuff wouldn't notice it in these scenes. All but a couple of these scenes are perfectly believable, so we don't take a close look at them.

If I had two doctored photos (claiming both were real); one of me standing in a corn field and one of an alien spacecraft landing in a corn field; which do you think people would be more likely to find flaws in? There's no reason to doubt I could stand in a corn field, so even pretty significant flaws would tend to be overlooked. The flying saucer, however, people would probably find flaws that didn't even exist.

Green Screen - What you see is an illusion

westy says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
This makes me very, very sad. Not sure why. Like our world is becoming more fake every day, because fake is cheaper than real.

And filming people pretending to do stuff reeding a made up script is real ? its just a progression of the medium. just because the back drop is done in as a comp or CG dose not make it less real if annything it denotes more artistic intentoin and controle.

there are still plenty of films and sceens that rnt cgi as much as there are things that are 100% cgi. if you want tno CGI and just actors then go to a theater.

personalty i don't give a shit how the end product is achieved so long as its enjoyable and its not to exploitative of people. ( the only time it matters is when its done bad but most the bg stuff in this 90% of people would never know about or notice )

Green Screen - What you see is an illusion

Xaielao says...

Note folks most of these aren't cg graphics but rather digital panoramas. (Especially those like the last that were placed in a very well known city or area of the world.)

But even still I had no idea so many shots were green-screen. I didn't realize it was so heavily used in television.

Green Screen - What you see is an illusion

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Green Screen, ChromaKey, Fake, TV, Special Effects' to 'green screen, chromakey, compositing, fake, tv, special effects' - edited by Stingray

Green Screen - What you see is an illusion

Xax says...

Wow, some of these are absolutely, incredibly amazing. I tend to think I'm pretty good at recognizing green screen shots, but I'm clearly nowhere near as good as I thought. When it's bad, it's pretty bad, but most of these shots I would've bet were legit.

Lucky train track inspector (32 Seconds)

Japanese men's gymnastic badassery = ballet with backflips

Iceberg Collapses Behind Spectators in Greenland - 08/24/09

PHYSICS of STARSHIP BATTLES-lasers and kinetic energy

Auto-Tune the News #6: Michael Jackson. drugs. Palin.

rychan says...

It's nice to see that they improved their green screening techniques. And musically it's very catchy.

I looked up the music these guys actually produce expecting it to be comedic in nature, but no, it's straight up soul music. Not my cup of tea

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

Oh, and all the "rooftop" scenes are shot in front of a green screen! I mean, really? It's not like they're doing any Die Hard stunts or anything. It's just people talking and the occasional tussle. It's terrible. TERRIBLE!!!

"Blog post titles must contain at least 3 Roman (ASCII) alphabetic characters" (Blog Entry by laura)

Farhad2000 says...

I recently watched TV as well, only I was looking at National Geographic, The History Channel and Discovery Channel.

That shit is really vapid when it's supposed to be all about learning something.

Every fucking show is presented like it's a Michael Bay movie with bombastic voice overs, fast needlessly annoying editing, stupid isometric CGI for really inane things and loads of green screening for out of work actors.

And the shows! The bloody shows like OC Chopper and American Chopper which are basically soap opera dramas for men. Why can't they fucking buy shit made by Ken Burns? His civil war series, the Jazz chronology or his work on World War 2? What about David Attenbrough? The Planet Series? King Kong? So many brilliant documentaries from Journey Man Pictures and many other sources. It's not hard. But no we must make everything stupid.

Thank god for Horizon, PBS, MVGroup and all the documentary shows that are made in the UK.

AHHH! C'mon Fuck A Guy!

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