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Political Reaction "Pay to Spray" Fire Department

NetRunner says...

>> ^Psychologic:

So if people vote against instituting a tax to pay for fire service in remote areas then what is the alternative, tax them anyway?

The alternative is I make a fuss about it, point out how wrong it is, and hope that next time people vote differently.

Like you said, it would be a thousand times better if they just made a default assumption that people want to pay, and make it require a conscious effort to opt-out, rather than vice versa.

Epic, fan-made MineCraft trailer

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Croccydile:

Disclaimer: I've played this game for the past two weeks, even ahead of Civ V.
The graphics are the LAST thing you worry about in this game. I was wondering about all the fuss until I tried it myself. It's FUN as a combination creative/survival game. Thats all that matters. It's fun. You don't necessarily need HDR Pixel Shader 3.0 DX11 for fun. (Well if you really hate it, some people have made updated graphics packs to increase the realism anyways)
The dude is still pulling in $100k a day as well. For a single developer indie game. He is doing something right.

Now it's up to 350K a day...

Edit: OOPS guess they edited the article and it's now saying 100k...

Epic, fan-made MineCraft trailer

Croccydile says...

Disclaimer: I've played this game for the past two weeks, even ahead of Civ V.

The graphics are the LAST thing you worry about in this game. I was wondering about all the fuss until I tried it myself. It's FUN as a combination creative/survival game. Thats all that matters. It's fun. You don't necessarily need HDR Pixel Shader 3.0 DX11 for fun. (Well if you really hate it, some people have made updated graphics packs to increase the realism anyways)

The dude is still pulling in $100k a day as well. For a single developer indie game. He is doing something right.

TDS: The Hurt Talker

gorillaman says...

I just don't think it's logical to call a halfwit a whole person. This is kind of a silly question, like, "Is it okay to call a potato a 'spud'? They might not like it." But here I go typing regardless.

If you're going to worry about offensive language, consider that someone who's progressed beyond racism has no reason to avoid words like nigger. They can reappropriate that shit however they like. Faggots might fuss and cry, but they're best ignored. Now, a word like retard is even less of a problem because there was nobody to offend in the first place. A retard isn't alive enough to bother with; there's just its owners to think about and considering the burden their selfishness is placing on society, I'd suggest they deserve to be offended.

This is me trying to help you. It depresses me to think of adults sitting in 'master's level courses' and getting so confused. I really think you're smart enough to look at the article you quoted and see how pathetic it is.

Are you doing something wrong when you call your brother a retard? No, and for the following two reasons, the first of which you don't like for some reason.

1. You don't have to worry about pissing off retards because retards don't count.
2. There's no such thing as hate speech, just hate. Are you a bigot? Then don't worry.>> ^peggedbea:
she's trying to learn

Genuine psychopath caught on camera

Hive13 says...

It seems she has been indentified and people are actually protesting her house.

"Thanks to the powers of viral video, a British woman who unceremoniously dumped a cat in a garbage can has been caught. Mary Bale became an Internet villain after the cat’s owners posted security video of her first petting Lola, then dropping her into the trash can for no apparent reason. Lola was recovered—alive—15 hours later, and police identified Bale, who is being investigated by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the New York Times reports.

Angry people have gathered outside Bale’s house, police say, but Bale doesn’t know “what the fuss is about,” she tells the Daily Mail. “It’s just a cat.” Her mother insists Bale “loves animals” and that “she can’t explain why she did it,” but Bale herself had no trouble giving the Mail an explanation: “I did it as a joke because I thought it would be funny. I never thought it would be trapped, I expected it to wriggle out.”"

Read more:

Genuine psychopath caught on camera

Deano says...

Someone should tell her this is the precise moment to be contrite and on-message. Else keep digging...

>> ^Hybrid:

She did it as a joke apparently...
"But bank worker Ms Bale said she does not know what all the fuss is about. adding: "It's just a cat."
She told The Sun: "I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly thought it would be funny to put it in the wheelie bin, which was right beside me.
"I did it as a joke because I thought it would be funny. I never thought it would be trapped. I expected it to wriggle out of the bin.""

Source: Sky News

Genuine psychopath caught on camera

Hybrid says...

She did it as a joke apparently...

"But bank worker Ms Bale said she does not know what all the fuss is about. adding: "It's just a cat."

She told The Sun: "I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly thought it would be funny to put it in the wheelie bin, which was right beside me.

"I did it as a joke because I thought it would be funny. I never thought it would be trapped. I expected it to wriggle out of the bin.""

Source: Sky News

TYT: Anne Rice Leaves Christianity

Inejiro Asanuma Assassination

Remy Drinks Breast Milk

persephone says...

I've been told that mine tastes like melted ice-cream. I asked to try my mum's, when she was breastfeeding my little sister and I remember liking it too. It tasted heaps better than our goat's milk and maybe even more palatable than our cow's. My older child loved it when she tried mine, when I was breastfeeding our youngest. I also breastfed a friend's child once, when she was ill and the baby didn't seem to notice the difference. I remember she gave me a funny look, just before she latched on, but she didn't fuss at all. It was the most natural thing in the world to do.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Aside from the lightness though, I don't see much spec-wise that makes it better than a 13" MB Pro - and with it you get a DVD drive, sturdier construction and a cheaper price (much cheaper when the new MBA arrives)

>> ^blankfist:

Actually, @dag, I have a Mac Pro Tower I use for the heavy lifting, but it's a heavy monster that requires it be rooted. The MBA I purchased specifically for writing (and surfing VS) as it can be taken literally anywhere with little fuss.
Also the MBA fits in a manila envelope. Neat!

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

Actually, @dag, I have a Mac Pro Tower I use for the heavy lifting, but it's a heavy monster that requires it be rooted. The MBA I purchased specifically for writing (and surfing VS) as it can be taken literally anywhere with little fuss.

Also the MBA fits in a manila envelope. Neat!

Maddow: Fox News Fabrication Works Again

Croccydile says...

So that is where the fuss came from? On the radio (NPR) this morning they were discussing the matter and only said that the video first surfaced on a "conservative blog" which left me wondering...

I had not really been following what had been going on other than a blurb one day about her getting thrown under the bus to now the video being altered. Son, I am disappoint.

Yeah, I'd be asking the same... what's next? Oh wait people now think The Onion videos are real now right?

Rex: Robo-humans are now a reality

Six New Orleans Cops Charged In Murder Of Hurricane Victims

enoch says...

props to you krono...right on brother.

i don't see what all the fuss is about.this is pretty cut and dry.
these cops murdered and then attempted to cover it up by abusing the trust given them by the what we have here is much more than a mass execution but also a conspiracy to cover it up by way of betrayal.
so yeah..fuck these animals who called themselves "police".

does this mean by my statement that every cop is alike and that they all behave and participate in mass slaughter?of course not,it is those elements that betray the public trust that we see in these videos and they are a minority.

what we are REALLY talking about here is justice.
because too many times we hear the phrase "the department will be conducting an internal investigation" and we all smirk knowingly..because we know what that means squat for the victim.
here..thanks to videotape and a few honest police officers unwilling to cover up MURDER..we see justice.

my only problem with the police is where do they draw the line?
when do they stop serving and protecting the people and begin to be the strong arm of the state and become the oppressors of the people?
at what point does their moral compass start to jitter and they refuse to obey an "order" to..lets say..shoot tear gas at civilians? beat them with batons?shoot rubber bullets in someones face?kick a cyclist off his bike and break his back?
when is it ever OK to break a mans jaw and knock his teeth out for not "obeying a lawlful order"?

because here is the truth of the matter.
they took an oath.
they were entrusted with authority.
to protect and serve NOT the corporate agenda,NOT the whims of the senate nor congress but the PEOPLE.
and when they break that oath they should be brought to justice.
because thats what we are talking about...justice.

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