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Guy robs Bank For a $1 Hoping For Jail Health Care!

Porksandwich says...

Didn't hurt anyone, caused a little fuss. Did it to potentially save his life. Can't fault the guy.

You do any kind of hard manual labor in the US and aren't in a union, insurance is usually not provided unless it's a big company. You typically don't make enough to pay for insurance, in fact your job type used to affect what you paid on insurance and probably still does via categorizations. So if you're doing something repetitive or just hard physical labor for 15-20+ probably won't make it to retirement age without being disabled or needing some kind of fairly major surgery that may or may not fix the problem and probably won't allow you to return to the type of work you had.

I still don't understand why they couldn't expand medicare since it already has contracts nationwide with hospitals and care providers. They could do it cheaper than any health insurance company and require people to pay in if they are working to be covered under it. There's already a shitload of people on government provided health care and everyone supports why is it so sacrilege to let the system everyone ALREADY pays into pay more to get covered as well? It has to be cheaper than places like Anthem, they post too much in profits to be providing the best healthcare for the best price.

ALL News Nets Cut Away When Pelosi Talks Jobs Over Weiner

NetRunner says...

>> ^burdturgler:

This is sort of a silly argument at this point, but I'd like you to understand one thing. I'm not defending the way news is handled. I've said several times that it's awful and shitty .. but it is reality. You don't want it to be reality. Neither do I. But the solution to changing it starts with the consumers, I guess that's where we disagree. The only reason they cut away was for ratings. Again! Yes! That sucks. But that is what a money making machine will do in response to ratings based revenue. Ratings. Ratings. People Watching. People. There's your problem.

Heh, it's funny, I originally was going to say something along the lines of "this is silly / you obviously don't understand..." in my last comment but decided against it.

Again, I'll remind you that you came into this thread basically telling me that I shouldn't be making a fuss about this.

Now at least you're admitting there's a problem, but you're still hell bent on saying that blaming the people running the networks is off limits, as is suggesting any sort of regulation (e.g. it's false advertising to call Hannity "news"). I disagree with both of those assertions.

But the one solution you're supposedly okay with -- changing the minds of consumers -- was really what I was trying to do by posting the video and writing my comments saying "this is wrong".

At that stage, you got in my face, and have kept in it doggedly insisting I'm doing something wrong by saying they're doing something wrong!

Yes, I put the blame on the news organizations, because they're the ones doing it. Yes, consumers have the power to fix that with their own choices. Should my comment be "you stupid people out there are fucking up the news by still watching the news"?

I understand the entire mechanism you lay out. You don't seem to understand that I understand that, and have for a very long time. You don't seem to understand that it's not the only way the world has to work. It also won't ever change if you try to shout down the people who speak out and say "it doesn't have to be like this" by constantly saying "yes it does!"

Yes, I get that technically you're saying "well, maybe if you change human nature." But then you can't really change human nature. Especially if you go around telling anyone who tries that they just don't understand it's just the way the world is and you're not facing reality...

ALL News Nets Cut Away When Pelosi Talks Jobs Over Weiner

burdturgler says...

>> ^NetRunner:

Well, I for one and glad you've gone from not understanding the point of the video, to thinking the point the video makes is so obvious that it's stupid to make a fuss about it.
I blame lots of people for lots of things, but "being stupid" isn't one of them. It's the smart people who know better, but are doing shit like this I'm mad about.
They're working very hard to make sure the stupid stay stupid, and sometimes it's so obvious it just makes me sick.

Maybe you don't get the point of this video. Or any cable news video for that matter. Cable news is television. Not journalism. Television is driven by stupid people. If that needs clarification just check the amount of highly rated "reality TV" shows. Cable news is a ratings driven industry. It is solely, completely, 100% reliant upon ratings, period. Everything that is broadcast is based upon ratings, which directly impacts upon revenue. Is this shocking news for anyone?

So what's the problem? The vast majority of people watching are idiots. The news isn't making people stupid, they are giving a product to their audience (a.k.a. stupid people). Apparently people love reality shows. They love drama and bullshit and worthless crap and could hardly comprehend a complex job bill, assuming they could even read one. So the "news" has become a reflection of it's viewers, a bunch of fucking zombie-eyed, vote-texting, self-involved twittering imbeciles with an attention span of 10 seconds or less.

Can't blame the "smart" people in the "news" for doing exactly what they are supposed to do, keep the drooling masses from changing the channel. That's show business for ya.

Maybe all the "smart" viewers should write a letter of complaint and then just stop watching. Maybe then it would change. Until then, it's just supply and demand.

Ratings 1

Ratings 2

ALL News Nets Cut Away When Pelosi Talks Jobs Over Weiner

NetRunner says...

Well, I for one and glad you've gone from not understanding the point of the video, to thinking the point the video makes is so obvious that it's stupid to make a fuss about it.

I blame lots of people for lots of things, but "being stupid" isn't one of them. It's the smart people who know better, but are doing shit like this I'm mad about.

They're working very hard to make sure the stupid stay stupid, and sometimes it's so obvious it just makes me sick.

>> ^burdturgler:

You're saying that cable news channels broadcast based on ratings? I'm shocked. I thought they were all funded through C-Span.
Blame the idiots who devour this garbage. The vast majority is a shitty stew of stupid and doesn't give a fuck.

Would it be helpful to have a *notadupe invocation? (User Poll by bareboards2)

berticus says...

I believe dupeof invokes were originally diamond level only (and above). Then enough people made a fuss that they couldn't use it that it was changed.

At least that's how I remember it. Could be completely wrong.

>> ^critical_d:

Isn't the ability to call a dupe limited to Gold Stars and above? I would expect that these people should know better than to do so out of sheer laziness. lucky760 mentioned that people who do so have that privelage revoked so it seems that the admins are aware of this being a problem.
It's awesome that a discussion like this has resulted in an open, thoughtful conversation and has resulted proposed solution. A lot of people will just get frustrated and say "Fix It!!". It's just nice to see people helping themselves. I work in IS...can't you tell. ;-)
That being said, I would hesitate to turn to a code change as a solution. Could this problem not be solved by other means?
Maybe the admins change permissions to allow only higher levels call a dupe? This means fewer people have the ability, thus fewer occurances of this happening. Perhaps writting a overview/tutorial for members when they are promoted so they truely understand the responsibilities? I like the idea of invoking the discussion as it will get more eyes on the problem. Of course these ideas don't prevent the accidental use of the privilege.
These are just my thoughts. I am still a newb here so please bare with me if I am not understanding the problem.

Female Australian Politician Gets Meowed At for Assertivness

hpqp says...

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

>> ^hpqp:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
Wait? So because Wong can't handle the big girl world of politics we make a fuss about this??? Booho,o he was sexist. And? That's real world when people get off the playground. You fight dirty, you use all the tools to crush the weak---it's probably how Wong got to where she got in politics. Dirty shit...
God forbid she live in Africa (Where women are raped and mutilated every day) or combat (Where their limits are tested) or even women's baseball (Where she could be hit by a ball...)

For shame.

Why? See the comment above to understand why I said what I said. If you still stand up for someone who sensationalizes in politics, then go for it. Also, if you can tell me that the male lawmaker isn't scum to everyone (Men and women) then that makes him sexist. Otherwise, it just makes him a "politician."

Show me a video of this (or any) politician meowing a male colleague, maybe then I'll reconsider said act as simple politician douchebaggery and not downright sexism.

Female Australian Politician Gets Meowed At for Assertivness

Lawdeedaw says...

Do tell. I am open to actually changing my points of view (I have done so since I was born on things like race, sexual orientation and such) but I must know reason.

In the cut throat world, I simply bring up "don't complain in the big boy/girl ring." If you do, then stay out of the ring.

Is the catcall right, mature, a positive? Of course not. It is fucking childish. But neither is half the shit thrown at Obama, or Bill Clinton or John McCain. Obama was basically accused of trying to teach really underage children sex. That, I would assume, is worse than a catcall.

Again, is it wrong of them to do so? Of course--and yet people are face palming this statement just because I attach the fact that politicans are scum, and expect this behavior, and stop complainig... I want to hear why.

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

>> ^Lawdeedaw:
>> ^hpqp:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
Wait? So because Wong can't handle the big girl world of politics we make a fuss about this??? Booho,o he was sexist. And? That's real world when people get off the playground. You fight dirty, you use all the tools to crush the weak---it's probably how Wong got to where she got in politics. Dirty shit...
God forbid she live in Africa (Where women are raped and mutilated every day) or combat (Where their limits are tested) or even women's baseball (Where she could be hit by a ball...)

For shame.

Why? See the comment above to understand why I said what I said. If you still stand up for someone who sensationalizes in politics, then go for it. Also, if you can tell me that the male lawmaker isn't scum to everyone (Men and women) then that makes him sexist. Otherwise, it just makes him a "politician."

raise palm to forehead, close eyes, sigh, lower head. Begin shaking head

Female Australian Politician Gets Meowed At for Assertivness

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

>> ^hpqp:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
Wait? So because Wong can't handle the big girl world of politics we make a fuss about this??? Booho,o he was sexist. And? That's real world when people get off the playground. You fight dirty, you use all the tools to crush the weak---it's probably how Wong got to where she got in politics. Dirty shit...
God forbid she live in Africa (Where women are raped and mutilated every day) or combat (Where their limits are tested) or even women's baseball (Where she could be hit by a ball...)

For shame.

Why? See the comment above to understand why I said what I said. If you still stand up for someone who sensationalizes in politics, then go for it. Also, if you can tell me that the male lawmaker isn't scum to everyone (Men and women) then that makes him sexist. Otherwise, it just makes him a "politician."

*raise palm to forehead, close eyes, sigh, lower head. Begin shaking head*

Female Australian Politician Gets Meowed At for Assertivness

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^hpqp:

>> ^Lawdeedaw:
Wait? So because Wong can't handle the big girl world of politics we make a fuss about this??? Booho,o he was sexist. And? That's real world when people get off the playground. You fight dirty, you use all the tools to crush the weak---it's probably how Wong got to where she got in politics. Dirty shit...
God forbid she live in Africa (Where women are raped and mutilated every day) or combat (Where their limits are tested) or even women's baseball (Where she could be hit by a ball...)

For shame.

Why? See the comment above to understand why I said what I said. If you still stand up for someone who sensationalizes in politics, then go for it. Also, if you can tell me that the male lawmaker isn't scum to everyone (Men and women) then that makes him sexist. Otherwise, it just makes him a "politician."

Female Australian Politician Gets Meowed At for Assertivness

hpqp says...

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

Wait? So because Wong can't handle the big girl world of politics we make a fuss about this??? Booho,o he was sexist. And? That's real world when people get off the playground. You fight dirty, you use all the tools to crush the weak---it's probably how Wong got to where she got in politics. Dirty shit...
God forbid she live in Africa (Where women are raped and mutilated every day) or combat (Where their limits are tested) or even women's baseball (Where she could be hit by a ball...)

For shame.

Female Australian Politician Gets Meowed At for Assertivness

Lawdeedaw says...

Wait? So because Wong can't handle the big girl world of politics we make a fuss about this??? Booho,o he was sexist. And? That's real world when people get off the playground. You fight dirty, you use all the tools to crush the weak---it's probably how Wong got to where she got in politics. Dirty shit...

God forbid she live in Africa (Where women are raped and mutilated every day) or combat (Where their limits are tested) or even women's baseball (Where she could be hit by a ball...)

Movies I've Walked Out of Because they're Really, Really Bad: a List (Blog Entry by dag)

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^dag:

I'm loving Netflix as a source of good movies that didn't get a chance at the Cineplex though. Watched this the other night -it was great.>> ^peggedbea:
one of the young women i work with has the most horrific taste in movies and a netflix account.
a good way to get her to do her lower extremity stretches without a fuss is just to let her watch a movie during them.
i have seen the worst movies ever as a result.
1. home alone 3
2. ski patrol
3. soccer mom
4. father of the bride 2
etc, etc, etc
i would beg her to watch highlander II.

In that respect, Dag, you should check out The Chaser, if you haven't already seen it...

Movies I've Walked Out of Because they're Really, Really Bad: a List (Blog Entry by dag)

peggedbea says...

btw dag, my kids just saw your avatar and asked if dr. who regenerated again. ummm.... >> ^dag:

I'm loving Netflix as a source of good movies that didn't get a chance at the Cineplex though. Watched this the other night -it was great.>> ^peggedbea:
one of the young women i work with has the most horrific taste in movies and a netflix account.
a good way to get her to do her lower extremity stretches without a fuss is just to let her watch a movie during them.
i have seen the worst movies ever as a result.
1. home alone 3
2. ski patrol
3. soccer mom
4. father of the bride 2
etc, etc, etc
i would beg her to watch highlander II.

Movies I've Walked Out of Because they're Really, Really Bad: a List (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I'm loving Netflix as a source of good movies that didn't get a chance at the Cineplex though. Watched this the other night -it was great.>> ^peggedbea:

one of the young women i work with has the most horrific taste in movies and a netflix account.
a good way to get her to do her lower extremity stretches without a fuss is just to let her watch a movie during them.
i have seen the worst movies ever as a result.
1. home alone 3
2. ski patrol
3. soccer mom
4. father of the bride 2
etc, etc, etc
i would beg her to watch highlander II.

Movies I've Walked Out of Because they're Really, Really Bad: a List (Blog Entry by dag)

peggedbea says...

one of the young women i work with has the most horrific taste in movies and a netflix account.
a good way to get her to do her lower extremity stretches without a fuss is just to let her watch a movie during them.

i have seen the worst movies ever as a result.

1. home alone 3
2. ski patrol
3. soccer mom
4. father of the bride 2

etc, etc, etc

i would beg her to watch highlander II.

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