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L0cky (Member Profile)

MMA fighter flips out when he sees his EA video game stats

grinter (Member Profile)

Robot Does a Quadruple Backflip

Star Citizen Extended Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

You mean like this one?

Yeah, that would be awesome. But it's EA and therefore Origin and therefore annoying.

And @shatterdrose, agree with all of that. Best description I've ever read of how an actual conflict in deep space might go down is in Iain M. Banks Surface Detail where [spoiler]the battle is replayed in slow motion for a human passenger who doesn't realise it's not in real time until the war ship AI cheerfully says "check out this next bit, I do something awesome here"[/spoiler]

And now I'm reminded that Iain M. Banks is gone and I'm sad

entr0py said:

But DICE could do a great Battlefield style game in the setting. Throw in a few maps that are mostly space battles and that could turn out well.

Star Citizen Extended Trailer

entr0py says...

I think Disney owns the IP, but for now they're outsourcing development of all Star Wars games to EA.

Another X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter is too much to hope for. But DICE could do a great Battlefield style game in the setting. Throw in a few maps that are mostly space battles and that could turn out well.

ChaosEngine said:

Lucasarts doesn't exist any more. Electronic fucking Arse holds the IP.

Pro Golfer Rory McIlroy Takes on a Trash-Talking Robot

Giraffes At The POOL!

Microsoft's response to the PS4 not having DRM

ChaosEngine says...

Unpopular opinion incoming!

First, full disclaimer: I am not a game developer, but I do write software for a living I'd prefer to be paid (and paid well) for my skills.

Ok, here's the thing. Sorry, but not your stuff. You didn't make it and you don't own it. You own a licence to use it. End of.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I believe not only is a certain amount of DRM acceptable, it's actually unfortunately necessary. I am possibly crazy, but I believe in paying the fucking writer.

Now DRM as it stands is fucking bullshit. *I* paid to watch this motherfucking movie. *i* paid to play this fucking game. Every time you cunts force me sit through a fucking anti -piracy message, it makes me more inclined to pirate your fucking content.

And I don't want to. If I'm buying your game/movie/book, I've already decided your artistic output is worth my time and energy that I put into working. Fuck it, I could have stayed at home and learned to play drums. I've wanted to do that for years, but I don't have the fucking TIME! So you get my time/work/energy.

How fucking dare you waste my precious free time on your sanctimonious fucking ads targeting the very people who don't give a shit about your message, and who, by some perverse twist of natural justice, don't have to put up with your bullshit.

That said.....

"wah, I don't like your DRM" is not a valid excuse to pirate content. If you don't like the way company X distributes your favourite book/game/movie/tv show.... don't consume that content.

No, seriously, (and I'm well aware I'm going to engender a lot of hate for this) if you feel you are entitled to the fruits of someone else's hard work because you don't agree with how it's distributed, then seriously, fuck you. Yeah, I'm not kidding. I don't care if it's WB or HBO or EA or whatever undeniably fucking idiotic big media conglomerate. At some point, a bunch of hard working, talented people created something you want to consume.


Or find another way to let those creators know you want their content but not as it's currently available.

If it's awesome, find a way to let them know. If it's shit, don't consume it.

So back to games and drm and copying.

It boils down to this. Buy the games you want. Support the people who are working their arses off because they love what their doing. If you think the new COD is shit (and you're in good company), then don't buy it, don't pirate it and for the love of FSM, don't play it. Your time is valuable. Buy a cheap PC and play FTL or Monaco or Fez or Walking Dead or Mark of the Ninja.... all great games, none of which need a "next gen" (aka 3 or 4 gens ago on the pc) console. Hell, go kickstart Star Citizen.

Fuck it, this is now so long I don't know where or why or how I started.*

Pay the people who make the things you love. They deserve it. They'll make more cool shit. Don't borrow it, don't pirate it. Just, pay them. They get fuck all enough as it is.

* kids! don't write posts drunk after midnight on Saturday after watching the All Blacks crush the French! You will write unpopular opinions and most likely excommunicate yourself from online communities you enjoy!

ant said:

Hence, I try to avoid these DRMs. MY stuff. I keep! I sell if I want to.

How to share games on the PS4

entr0py says...

EA recently put an end to their "Online Pass" scheme, even removing the requirement from all existing games. And they're the only console publisher I know of that was trying to implement a game reselling fee on disk-based games. It's striking that Microsoft is moving in a direction that proved too dickish even for EA.

Asmo said:

For noting, Sony not building in some cynical method of locking a game to one player will not stop software publishers from doing just that.

Give them all credit for not enforcing it like Microshite but don't think that a lot publishers won't try and make everything one purchase/no resale/no lending.

Zero Punctuation: System Shock 2

Drax says...

I played and finished System Shock 1. I can see that being very difficult to get into if you didn't play it when it first came out. It was one of the first full on 3D games, and that was the big appeal. The way they tie it into the second game is brilliant.

I remember scoffing at all my friends who were into Doom at the time (you can't even look up and down! pfft).. that is until I went over to one of their houses and played my first deathmatch over a LAN.

As for the level, (very very mild spoiler here) one of the decks on the ship is an entertainment / lounge deck. That's the one.

Dead Space is a pretty decent SS3 filler. I had a friend at EA who claimed the designers originally pitched it as a System Shock 3 (not in a literal sense).

Chris Hadfield's First News Conference Since Returning to Ea

Xbox One unveil highlights

Deano says...

I thought the EA footage ranged from OK to bloody terrible. And no gameplay footage either.

EvilDeathBee said:

The presentation wasn't terrible, it was just full of "who gives a shit?" TV features? Don't give a shit. More Kinect? Never gave a shit in the first place. Halo tv series? Unless it's a game, don't give a shit. Sports games? REALLY don't give a shit. Call of Doody MW4? Stopped giving a shit a while ago

Dubai Timelapse

2 grown men go through a labor simulation for Mothers Day

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