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How to vacuum seal food in a ziplock bag using a microwave

Tymbrwulf says...

So... Looks like people are still willing to voice opinions without doing preliminary research first?

In the age of the internet rumors may out-number facts, but the facts can be looked up.

I'm not convinced there is much wrong in this method.

Swine Flu Update - Daily Mail Article (Blog Entry by EndAll)

blackjackshellac says...

Good to see the bloody Daily Mail continue it's program of fear, uncertainty and doubt. I wouldn't trust this publication with any medical advice *ever*, and you would be wise to do the same. Do not use the DM as y our only source of medical advice, because it will certainly be hazardous to your health. That is a guarantee.

paul4dirt (Member Profile)

Danger Mouse's Introduction/Intro.

Jimmy Fallon - The Dave Matthews GPS

Legend of the Drunken Master (Jackie Chan)

ponceleon says...

Excellent clip, however, this is technically Drunken Master II. It was just re-branded for a re-release in the US.

The original DM was great. Much lower production values, but the actual old drunken master guy was a f'in hoot.

Duke Nukem Forever Leaked Gameplay Demo Reel

videosiftbannedme says...

I was actually looking forward to seeing what deathmatch would have been like, as some of my best DM moments came from Duke3D. The weapons were so varied, but all functional and balanced, the jetpack, steroids, holoduke; for it's day and age, it was a superior game in deathmatch, and a blast to play against your buddy on a modem. I really wanted to have that variety again, with an updated engine.

Well, there's always DukesterX...

Dinosaurs in the Bible

Sagemind says...

Jesus as a D&D Character, I never thought of adding him to a campaign.
He could Heal and Smite untill an Bugbear poked him in the ribs with a spear and strung him up on a cross. You'd have to beg the DM for a miracle spell to revive him though!

David Mitchell's Soapbox - "The Other Day I Met An American"

Awesome Dungeons and Dragons music video.

How do you use seashells to wipe your ass? - Demolition Man

quantumushroom says...

Sorry, Jigga, there's no real answer. Somehow I got "ahold" of the DM novelization and on the last page, Sandra Bullock's character whispers how to use the shells in Stallone's ear.

Stallone: "That's much better than toilet paper!"
Bullock: "See? The future works!"

Proof that governmental stimulus can improve the economy (Science Talk Post)

radx says...

>> ^imstellar28:
It looks like the program translates to "Program for future investments" but I'm having trouble finding information about it in English.

Probably more along the line of "Program for long-term investments", because although it was running about two years, it was supposed to have effects 10, 20 years down the road - and it still does, 30 years later. You won't find many informations about it in online publications. Maybe a small reference to the "ZIP 1" here and there, but that's it. There's hardly any information about it online in German, much less English.

Do you have any details on the program, or information on how it created sustainable jobs and reduced inflation?

It didn't reduce inflation, it just didn't cause it to explode either, like it is often claimed nowadays. It went up sure enough, but not more than in countries who didn't use a stimulus package at that point. Here's a graph for it, Germany is represented by the graph marked with "D" - the pink one on the first page.

The program itself was ~24 billion DM ($12 billion in 1977) spread over two years. The money was to be spent on the local level (community, city) for the most part and the largest single position went into new streets (~2-3 billion DM according to a press release from 1977). Energy infrastructure, r&d for alternate energy sources, water infrastructure, (public) transportation and housing were other large areas of spending. However, black coal was also subsidized - had lots of jobs in the 70s, even though it was a financial black hole.

The investment into housing/construction (both private and commercial) ran into a problem though. The investment was increased by a nominal ~11% compared to normal investment and caused a growth in construction of about 15%, which surpassed the industrial capacity and 9% went straight into increased prices. It should have been stretched out over more years, so preparation is the key if it's not supposed to in vain.

Other than that, it was basically the last time Germany had a decent growth in GDP.

As for the debt created: public debt went up, naturally, but the rate of indebtness actually decreased noticably towards the end of the 70s. And in total numbers, corrected for inflation, public debt increased twice as much during the new goverment in the 80s.

Warsow - An Ultrahardcore FPS

spawnflagger says...

this looks pretty awesome, will have to download it. The videos reminded me a lot of quake 1 style deathmatch, though with a pace probably closer to doom deathmatch. One of my complaints about quake 2 DM was that it was so much slower than Q1DM.

Now we have a whole generation of players who are used to console shooters with analog joysticks - it's like playing through molasses compared to using a keyboard and mouse. I think if they allowed both K&M and joystick players on the same game and same server, even an average K&M player could score higher than the best joysticker.

radx (Member Profile)

Status Quo - In the Army now

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