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kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Zifnab says...

It makes sense for them to do it... Bastards that they are...

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
You know what sucks? Is that the original video had been sitting there at Dailymotion for AGES, but it wasn't even posted here more than half a damn day before DM pulled the plug on it. I know that the record and film companies regularly scour this site, along with others like Milk & Cookies and Fark. I was just talking to maatc about this the other day.


Zifnab (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

You know what sucks? Is that the original video had been sitting there at Dailymotion for AGES, but it wasn't even posted here more than half a damn day before DM pulled the plug on it. I know that the record and film companies regularly scour this site, along with others like Milk & Cookies and Fark. I was just talking to maatc about this the other day.


In reply to this comment by Zifnab:
I knew that if it was live I'd upvote it as I like that tune, since a queued vid can't be marked as dead and it was sitting at 9 votes that I might as well upvote then mark as dead .

Thanks for the promote on the Onion vid as well.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Thanks for voting for my dead video. I fixed it, BTW. I knew the thought of voting a dead video out of someone's queue would haunt you forever if it remained unfixed.


In reply to this comment by Zifnab:

Octopussy (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Once a video is declared "dead," no one except the original poster can fix it during the first 48 hours. Go look at the Dead Pool right now, and you'll see that it's not there yet. It takes 48 hours for a dead video to go there, and only then can anyone fix it. That's why no one can fix it for you right now.

It seems like a goofy rule to me too, but that's the way it is. Sorry. However you should have it back in 2 days. If no one else fixes it for you by then just contact me and I'll do it.

We're still friends.

In reply to this comment by Octopussy:
Wow, Daily Motion is slow. I mean, have we seen 2 or 3 other Fey/Palin skits by now? Anyway, good to know that DM is that slow.

But why wouldn't you fix this for me? If it's just a matter of being nice and giving someone else a shot at a point or so, maybe I should remind you that if it hadn't been for your DM upload this vid would've been dead 3 weeks ago. That is, if you think you need my official permission .


In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Bad news: I just got this email from Dailymotion:

Hello kronosposeidon,

Some or all of the elements composing your video, "Sarah Palin interview with Katie Couric parody," have been flagged as infringing upon the intellectual property rights of a third party (e.g. author, producer, artist, etc.). It has been removed at the request of one or more of the rights holders.

As you should be aware, using or distributing copyrighted content requires prior authorization from its creator or copyright owners. If you do have authorization to distribute this video, please provide all details of such permissions in an email to

In any event, we ask that you observe our General terms of Use ( ), and in particular its dispostions regarding the respect of the intellectual property. For additional information, click here:

Best regards,

The Dailymotion Team

In other words, your Sarah Palin video is dead:

The Good News: Did you know that there's a man named Jesus who loves you It can be fixed by any Gold star member (or above) with the embed from here:

I left this comment, so in two days someone should be able to fix it for you. If no one fixes it for you by then just let me know and I'll do it for a small nominal fee free of charge, because I'm so damn nice. Just ask Jesus.


kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Octopussy says...

Wow, Daily Motion is slow. I mean, have we seen 2 or 3 other Fey/Palin skits by now? Anyway, good to know that DM is that slow.

But why wouldn't you fix this for me? If it's just a matter of being nice and giving someone else a shot at a point or so, maybe I should remind you that if it hadn't been for your DM upload this vid would've been dead 3 weeks ago. That is, if you think you need my official permission .


In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Bad news: I just got this email from Dailymotion:

Hello kronosposeidon,

Some or all of the elements composing your video, "Sarah Palin interview with Katie Couric parody," have been flagged as infringing upon the intellectual property rights of a third party (e.g. author, producer, artist, etc.). It has been removed at the request of one or more of the rights holders.

As you should be aware, using or distributing copyrighted content requires prior authorization from its creator or copyright owners. If you do have authorization to distribute this video, please provide all details of such permissions in an email to

In any event, we ask that you observe our General terms of Use ( ), and in particular its dispostions regarding the respect of the intellectual property. For additional information, click here:

Best regards,

The Dailymotion Team

In other words, your Sarah Palin video is dead:

The Good News: Did you know that there's a man named Jesus who loves you It can be fixed by any Gold star member (or above) with the embed from here:

I left this comment, so in two days someone should be able to fix it for you. If no one fixes it for you by then just let me know and I'll do it for a small nominal fee free of charge, because I'm so damn nice. Just ask Jesus.


guessandcheck (Member Profile)

Issykitty (Member Profile)

Depeche Mode: "John The Revelator"

Star Wars Episode I: Duel of The Fates Fight

videosiftbannedme says...

I am so torn by this clip/movie for these very two reasons:

First, I love, even though the moment is ever so brief, that Darth Maul uses the Force to aid in his opening the door and preventing himself from being backed into a corner. When I saw that in the theatre originally, I actually sat up in my seat and thought "Now THAT was fucking cool."

Secondly and most importantly, I think Lucas made dogshit of what could have been one of the biggest movie reveals of ALL time. Had he kept a lid on the fact that Darth Maul employed a double-bladed lightsaber, I guarantee you EVERYONE would have lost their fucking minds on opening night and the subsequent weeks that followed. Next time you watch the movie, take yourself back to when you first saw it and imagine that you had no idea that DM used the double saber. Then watch this fight again. Instead, they decided to market the hell out of it, ruining what could have been an incredible movie moment, in an otherwise stinker of a movie. Like when the Jedi first arrive in the beginning and Qui-Gon immediately starts taking the door out? Everyone I've ever talked to admitted that was bad ass.

(I always use the T2 reveal of Arnold being a benevolent terminator as an example. As I remember it, Cameron didn't allow any commercials or print ads revealing that secret for the first 2 weeks of release. That's why it was such a great setup and scene and reveal.)

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Snowman Bleeds One-hundred+ STARS!!!!! (Happy Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Congrats on the gold-100; you're like the zifnab of sifting!

Here's a song I wrote some time ago, which is sort of appropriate and shameless self promotion. (Poetry ftw, is what I hear.)

Snowman's Dream
Am Dm C E
It's cold outside in this wintertime
I have the lights within my sight
Dm C G Am
I hear a newborn baby cry
Dm Am E Am
And with the sound I close my eyes

The chill has gone from off my bones
I finally feel that I am home
My mother and my father is here
They're spreading feelings and good cheer

Am-A Dm C G Am (B-part)
My love is here and burns so near
Dm Am E Am
And gone is fright and all of my fears

I see the snowman I've become
I sense the wintertime is goin'
Your love is all I ask of you
And to your light I will be true

Am-A Dm C G Am (B-part)
I'll take away your fear and fright
And lull you into the dream of night
Compell you to stay here with me
And see all of the things I see

-- Solo-something (verse-chords) --

You come from overhead the clouds
And take away all of my doubts
You lull me into a brightened daze
Your love and warmth is your embrace

Your light has melted all my dreams
I feel your love surrounding me
You're near and dear and in my sight
Our ending word is a wet, whispered goodbye

ant (Member Profile)

videosiftbannedme says...

Damn it, Ant. Now you're gonna make me reload these and play them... I actually replayed #1 in the last 2 years, so maybe I'll just load #2. However, I need to get Tron 2.0 loaded. I recently picked it up for a whopping $7 on Amazon, so me and a buddy are going to try it in deathmatch. (Yes, we are waaay behind the curve; still playing alot of Q3 DM too.)

Simpsons Map for Quake III Arena

videosiftbannedme says...

Me and my buddies have actually played this quite a few times on Rune Quake (which btw, once you get down, you'll never play vanilla Quake again...).

The detail is absolutely crazy inside the Simpson home, as you can see. But for a DM map, it's just a big square with some stuff in the middle. Oh yeah...and it takes forever to load because of all the custom assets. 6/10

Top 10 FPS

videosiftbannedme says...

I hate lists like this because the propose to be a Top 10 FPS's of all time, but it seemed like more than 1/2 of them were released in the last 4 years. I do have to give props for them at least including Duke3D and not completely ignoring common sense.

To me the Top 10 will always have to include innovation and an evolution in not only technology but gameplay as well.

So here are at least 8 that should have/were on the list:

Doom - As fun as Wolf3D was, Doom was funner. Besides, everything exploded after Doom.

Duke3D - For adding in crazy weapons, jumping, crouching, looking up/down, jetpacks, crazy locations, etc, etc.

Quake - For kickstarting polygonal, online deathmatch multiplayer goodness.

System Shock 2 - Bioshock was just SS2 in a new, pretty wrapper. SS2 added RPG like elements, a great story, etc.

Unreal Tournament - Taking multiplayer to the next step with customization and Bot AI that was just uncanny.

Half-Life - For creating a truly immersive world; it was like playing inside a $200 million dollar blockbuster movie, as opposed to just watching it. (Still my #1 video game of all time. Where the hell is Black Mesa Source already??? )

Deus Ex - For doing emergent gameplay right. Want to go in gun's blazin'? Check. Want to go stealthy? Check. Want to hack instead? Check. Want to switch back and forth among these different elements depending on what any given situation called for? Check.

Tribes/Battlefield 1942 (tie) - For taking online multiplayer outdoors and giving gamers vehicles to drive around in. I never got a chance to get into Tribes, but I do recognize innovators when I see them. I still remember the first day I loaded Wake Island (BF1942 demo); some of the best DM memories are still linked to that day.

Now with all that said, where is my Duke/Descent/Freespace/Battlefield/WoW/Deus Ex/Half-Life hybrid I've been waiting for??

bomb the bass - so special

Bob Dylan - 'Hurricane' ... intense lyrics

gwiz665 says...

Chords on the first verse:

Am F Am F
Am F
Pistol shots ring out in the barroom night
Am F
enter Patty Valentine from the upper hall
Am F
She sees the bartender in a pool of blood
Am F
Cries out "My God they killed them all!"
Here comes the story of the Hurricane,
The man the authorities came to blame
Dm C
for something that he never done
Dm C
Put in a prison cell but one time
Em Am F C G Am F Am F
he could have been the champion of the world

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