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Two GOP Congressmen Skip Swearing In, But Vote Anyway

How to commit career suicide on TV using mispronunciation

QI - The Emma Thompson Episode

Eminem: Without Me

J. Tillman - First Born

TDS: The Big Bank Theory

Siftbot caught a cold? (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

Looks like siftbot sent an email as expected:

2010-11-24 19:28:02 1PLSV8-0002er-DM => [your@email.address] R=dnslookup T=remote_smtp H=mx1.domain []
2010-11-24 19:28:02 1PLSV8-0002er-DM Completed

Does David Mitchell Have a Door Knob?

KnivesOut says...

>> ^ponceleon:

I really don't see why they thought it was a lie... it was totally plausible, especially for DM.

I think they like to imagine David as an elitist, public-school wanker. Following that line of (possibly false) logic, that sort of man would have his butler repair the broken door-knob, while he went fox hunting.

Does David Mitchell Have a Door Knob?

David Mitchell talks about References

handmethekeysyou says...

Patently untrue. Perhaps they'll argue ad nauseam with their parents, but not with things they actually look up to, which, sadly, all too often is a television show.

I agree wholeheartedly with DM. I remember not just understanding, but engaging in conversations my parents were having about things I should have known nothing about. They would always ask how I knew the cultural/historical/scientific reference. The answer was almost always the same: saw it on Animaniacs.>> ^Kreegath:

He couldn't be more wrong about teenagers, though, as in their minds they are always right and anyone who disagrees is personally insulting them. This is the time where they learn to debate, which is why they'll keep on arguing their points ad nauseum, regardless of how wrong they are or how absurd their position is. When he has kids, this'll be some revelation for him

RedSky (Member Profile)

Voice Capo- The Chord Forming Capo

handmethekeysyou says...

I feel like this should be a point/counterpoint, so I'll argue that this is an abomination.

If you want to use alternate tunings, tune your guitar alternatively. There is much more to alternate tunings than being able to play a pleasant chord without your left hand. If you're learning an alt-tuned song, you're probably going to run into issues playing it if you insist on leaving your guitar EADGBE, like, for example, I don't know, BEING ABLE TO PLAY OTHER CHORDS. Are you kidding me? Congratulations on having an open C chord, now play a G. Oh, you can't because you don't have access to the bottom four frets. This is an absurd invention.

And beyond learning other songs, for creating, it encourages stagnation, both musically in the song you're writing and in your development as a player and musician. One, as I mentioned, you're gonna have a hell of a time switching chords, which will be fine for, oh, about as long as this guy played in one stretch. Then your harmony needs to move somewhere, but you're up shit's creek. Secondly, alternate tunings are fun precisely because they challenge your mind. Where do you fret a C on the 3rd string when you're in open Dm? Figure it out! As you play more, you get a firmer grasp not just of the guitar, but of musical theory. You can learn a pentatonic scale and play for days, but by moving those notes from their normal position on the fretboard, you get your mind out of muscle memory playing and into a more active state.

In conclusion, this is not useful for learning other alt-tuned songs, and it encourages stagnation as a player. That, my friend, is an abomination.>> ^KnivesOut:

I don't think it's an abomination. I like it. It's really just a quick way to use a non-standard tuning, which guitarists have been doing for decades.

Would it be bad form... (Terrible Talk Post)

evil_disco_man says...

I'll second what kronos said in his first post. I submit mostly music videos and it's becoming harder and harder to find a source without an ad before it. Plus, all the YouTube, commercial-free ones are dropping like flies because of copyright claims.

I hate them as much as you and have looked at every option for an ad-free version, but sometimes it's just not possible. I usually opt for Yahoo over Daily Motion because Yahoo shows a 30-second ad, but only every few times you watch a video, while DM plays a 15-second ad every single time. In the end, a 30- or 15-second ad won't kill you... just mute it, stare at the ceiling, and think about butterflies and lollipops for a while.

Also agree with eric. Downvote if you want to. They shouldn't be taken so seriously and are up to your discretion.

Anyone into document management? (Geek Talk Post)

For the old-timers: Should Choggie be allowed back in the sift? (User Poll by gwiz665)

Ryjkyj says...

My cousin is a paranoid schizophrenic. The hardest thing about hanging out with him is that he's a genius, so when he's ticked off he lashes out in very unconventional and hurtful ways. Even for things I didn't do that he just wants to blame on me. Sometimes he can even be dangerous.

He's still the best damned DM of all time and I'm going to play a game at his house tomorrow.

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