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FreshPotix | How Dave Grohl manages coffee addiction

BSR says...

That settles it. Brothers in caffeine. 🤜 🤛

Never did alcoholic coffee unless it was Baileys Irish Cream at Christmas time.

newtboy said:

Do you let it ferment? Otherwise it's just plain coffee...and that's no fun.

I started with the hard stuff, quadruple espresso with near equal parts sugar....often followed by a second, at 16 years old. I calmed down to just 1/2 a pot of strong coffee daily now, still full of sugar and cream. I never liked coffeehol....alcoholic coffee....but I am a confirmed coffee addict. ;-)

Baileys Irish Cream vs Sodastream. Will it carbonate?

BSR says...

I'm writing this down and when I go to NJ for Christmas at my brother's, we're doing this. Sounds great! My brother is a mortician so he'll be all about the brain hemorrhage. 🧠 🥂

newtboy said:

1 oz peach schnapps
Float 1 oz Bailey's on top
With an eyedropper, drop 4-6 drops of grenadine carefully together, forming a brain between the liquors
When the brain "hemorrhages" to the bottom of the glass, drink...

This is a peaches and cream brain hemorrhage....tasty desert shot.

Baileys Irish Cream vs Sodastream. Will it carbonate?

Professor dismissed over use of a common Chinese word.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

The Wicked Feline Murder Floof, a Yule Cat Story

Rush - The Spirit of Radio - LED Light Show V2

White Wine In The Sun an Atheist Xmas Song by Tim Minchin

South Park - Woodland Critter Christmas

Rush - The Spirit of Radio - LED Light Show V2

newtboy (Member Profile)

How Rage Against The Machine Topped The Christmas Charts

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Jarvis Cocker - Running the World

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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