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Lessons from 2,000+ Interviews with Broken People

Lessons from 2,000+ Interviews with Broken People

StukaFox says...

"(...) I wonder why you believe he should he be coddled?"

- I'm not saying he should be coddled anymore than anyone else here. He did something humane and cool, and that's what everyone here has been asking him to do (each in their own way; mea culpa etc), but instead of saying "hey, that was really a cool video. Thanks.", it was time to take shots at him. I make no secret of where my feelings are on him, his politics and the world at large, but I also feel that cool things should be rewarded, especially in this case and in this place and at this time.

"Are you saying he doesn't follow the golden rule, to treat others as you would have them treat you? I thought disingenuous discussions dripping with disrespect was what he wants."

- Congratulations, then, you just gave him everything he wanted and lowered yourself in the processes. It's not for others to follow the Golden Rule, the point is you're the one who's supposed to live by it even if others don't. If you blame him for not being the bigger man, you should at least try to be that man himself.

Christ knows there'll be enough ugliness for everyone involved the other 364.

FWIW, Merry Christmas to you, BSR, all the fun and raucous people who make Sift a daily view -- and that includes Bob.

noims (Member Profile)

noims (Member Profile)

Boy wants Minecraft for Christmas, but grandfather mis-hears

BSR (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Beautiful Christmas Commercial, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 99 Badge!

It's a Critter Christmas

newtboy says...

What a maroon.
Next time try opening the door, closing other interior doors, and keeping your dog from standing between the animal and the exit.
I bet she's not even with it enough to get her dog treated for possible rabies after it was bitten.

She should be grateful it didn't become a woodland critter Christmas, blood orgy and all.

Epic *fail

BSR (Member Profile)

Beautiful Christmas Carol for 2020

moonsammy (Member Profile)

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

C-note (Member Profile)

Charlie Brown Christmas Mashup / Vince Guaraldi / POMPLAMOOS

Rudolf gets Hamiltoned a cappella style

"A Present From Deep Inside of You" - SOUTH PARK S3

newtboy says...

Wtf? What happened to the line.... "Mr Hankey the Christmas poo, he loves me, I love you, therefore vicariously he loves you, even if you're a Jew"?!

I still have a Mr Hankey plush I use as a Christmas tree topper.

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