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The Donald Talks Government Shutdown, Sep 20 2013

The Cat That Thinks He Is A Chicken

Buttle says...

Barn cats are fed for a purpose, just like the chickens and turkeys. That purpose has nothing to do with lazing around in big kitty love-ins. They should be well-dispersed, vigilant, active, ornery. Nobody cares if they spray the barn walls.

These people obviously like their cats. For one thing they're remarkably tame. For another, they do fix the females -- the cheapest and easiest method of cat population control is just to shoot the excess every once in a while.

Fairbs said:

well how about you get the males fixed so they don't fight as much? and also stop them from fighting when you can

Moose walking down the median

Anus Clenching Parkour

Orcas playing with swimmer at Hahei Beach, New Zealand

transmorpher says...

If you love marine animals be vegan. Animal agriculture is the #1 most destructive force on the planet.....

You aren't just killing a chicken when you eat them, the chain of consequences has far more reach which is why the UN is advising people to stop eating animals. We are effectively replacing the environment's massive biodiversity with 3 types of farm animals. We'll be lucky to make it to the 22nd century:

Wrap your lips around a vegan "beef" patty. They are winning awards these days, so no excuses :-)

Raw or boiled beef meat? What does the cat like to eat?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Brett Kavanaugh Is a Terrible Judge & a Liar...

Asmo says...

You wouldn't be a Spartan... While all the men would be doing manly things, you'd be whining about how no one cares about your feelings and how oppressed you were. Fuck, even the women would be more manly than you. And the children. Possibly also the domesticated animals (seriously, Spartan chickens would be badass...)

But I like where you're going with the whole "caring, tolerant leftist advocates mass infanticide" shtick. Really gives you tonnes of moral high ground to ride that high horse around on. X D

newtboy said:

were I Spartan I would toss you all from a cliff before you reach childhood.

How Simon and Garfunkel Created a Timeless Song

Why Meat is the Best Worst Thing in the World

newtboy says...

:45..."what can we do about it?
A: Have fewer children.

2:20 "we could nourish an additional 3.5 billion more people if we just ate the stuff we feed to animals"
.....except humans can't eat grasses, the main food source for cattle. Most of what we feed animals is not considered edible by humans. Organic free range chickens eat insects and slugs, is the narrator prepared to live on that to prove his point? I doubt it.

6:13 "burgers are the best food".
This proves this was made by non meat eaters with no knowledge of meat at all. Anyone who would contend a 1/4 pounder s the pinnacle of meat dishes should have their tongue removed so they don't spread more nonsense, they obviously aren't using it to taste food. ;-)

The Day Liberty Died

BSR says...

Speaking of LBJ, my 7th grade teacher told us that whenever LBJ invited dignitaries to the White House for dinner, he would always order fried chicken from the kitchen.

He did this because he wanted to watch these people of fashion, quality, rank and standing, eat with their fingers.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Helena Gremlin covers Dethklok guitar solo

newtboy says...

Sweet, like candy.
Candy.....tastes like chicken, if chicken was a candy.

ChaosEngine said:

If you wants to plays this solo, here ams the Skwisgaar Skwigelf Advanced Fast Hand Finger Wizard Master Class Instructional Video!

You gots to practice that stuff.

boneless chicken

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