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'Yup, I'm a racist' t-shirts sold at July 4th Festival

Androideroids - Cool multiplayer Asteroids using Androids

Kevlar says...

"The game is smart enough that if everyone leaves, it will pause and wait for someone to join."

Dude, if you can code a cross-platform Asteroids game where the desktop server acting as a kind of broadcast booth view feeds info down to mobile phones playing in first person, I'm not shocked that you know to pause the game when everyone quits.

Bill Hicks on War & Freedom

shuac says...

I've sort of followed Kevin Booth (Bill's best friend) a lot and I either own on DVD or have seen just about all the clips featured here but I've never seen that bit inside the bar, speaking to those two Brits. That woman just wasn't getting it, was she? Fascinating.

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Drunk Driver Launches Off Toll Booth Like the General Lee

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'toll booth, drunk driver, general lee' to 'toll booth, drunk driver, general lee, dukes, hazzard' - edited by SlipperyPete

How to Avoid Paying for Airport Parking

Rand Paul In '08: Beware The NAFTA Superhighway, Amero

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^ButterflyKisses:

First off, I'm not part of any specific party. I don't see much difference between dems and repubs in regards to issues like this. NAFTA was started during the Clinton administration and this measure was approved during the Bush administration.
Secondly, I do see a problem paying a use tax to Spain if I wish to drive on a major thoroughfare in the US. I highly doubt the founding fathers would ever approve of such a thing.
Thirdly, what the hell is all this talk about invasion from Canada, Spain or Mexico from you guys? That's just absurd and shouldn't be a point of discussion in regards to this. You're just accusing ridiculous points that were never brought up by those that oppose it.
Fourthly, there is always a terrorist threat these days and putting security in the hands of a completely separate sovereign nation with points of entry sounds ludicrous to me.
If the US owned and operated this series of highways then I wouldn't have a problem with it. The taxes would go back into our economy, not another country's. Yes, Eminent Domain occurs regularly in America. Eminent Domain for another country doesn't.
I'm not happy about this and I'm pissed at the Dems and Repubs for allowing this to happen and even more pissed that they both try to act like it's some crazy conspiracy theory up until the toll booths are in use.

Firstly - I didn't mention a party, I said conservative, which is where your arguments seem to be coming from. No shame in that.

Secondly - Your link doesn't work and wiki doesn't mention Spain, so I'd be curious to learn more about your claims. Not attacking you, defending Spain, appeasing terrorists or anything else, I've just not heard about the Spain thing. Just trying to figure out if this a legitimate concern, false information or out of context political boogeymanism.

Thirdly - The invasion stuff is just for yucks. Figured that was obvious. Didn't mean to offend. Humor can be fun.

Fifthly (I'm limiting my lys to prime numbers) - Again, the Spain thing, linky linky? Hopefully from some semi-respectable source?

(>"<) xoxo

Rand Paul In '08: Beware The NAFTA Superhighway, Amero

ButterflyKisses says...

First off, I'm not part of any specific party. I don't see much difference between dems and repubs in regards to issues like this. NAFTA was started during the Clinton administration and this measure was approved during the Bush administration.

Secondly, I do see a problem paying a use tax to Spain if I wish to drive on a major thoroughfare in the US. I highly doubt the founding fathers would ever approve of such a thing.

Thirdly, what the hell is all this talk about invasion from Canada, Spain or Mexico from you guys? That's just absurd and shouldn't be a point of discussion in regards to this. You're just accusing ridiculous points that were never brought up by those that oppose it.

Fourthly, there is always a terrorist threat these days and putting security in the hands of a completely separate sovereign nation with points of entry sounds ludicrous to me.

If the US owned and operated this series of highways then I wouldn't have a problem with it. The taxes would go back into our economy, not another country's. Yes, Eminent Domain occurs regularly in America. Eminent Domain for another country doesn't.

I'm not happy about this and I'm pissed at the Dems and Repubs for allowing this to happen and even more pissed that they both try to act like it's some crazy conspiracy theory up until the toll booths are in use.

Awesome Asteroid Impact Simulation Set to Pink Floyd

MaxWilder says...

She was also unaware of how amazing her performance was when they recorded it. She came out of the booth and apologized. Just goes to show, you are not always a good judge of your own work.

In regards to the asteroid, videos like this make me want to start making Vaults around the world. Of course, Lunar and Mars colonization would be good too. It freaks me out to know that every living thing we know of could still be wiped out if the Earth was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We need to have some backups.

Awesome Old Dude Busts a Move

Awesome Old Dude Busts a Move

Ostrich Hunts Human Child

How to Skip the Trailers and FBI warning on any DVD.

rebuilder says...


GOON, 30, barges into office. HUGH TWIT, 55, pushes aside his mountain of cocaine and turns to watch the goon.

GOON: "Sir! Sir! Terrible news! There are people watching our movies and not paying for it!"

TWIT: "This is an outrage! I want you to get some sticks and go beat up the people at our cinemas."

GOON: "Yes, sir!"



GOON barges in. TWIT, wiping his nose, turns to look.

GOON: Sir! We beat up the paying customers at the cinemas, as per your orders. It's strange, sir, it didn't seem to work! People are still watching our movies without paying! And, it even seems some of the people who used to pay no longer want to! Something about not liking the stick-beatings. What do we do now, sir?

TWIT's nose begins to bleed.

TWIT: Goddamnit, what's wrong with these people? Listen, here's what I want you to do: Get bigger sticks. That should do the trick. And set up booths selling padding at the cinema front doors.

GOON: Sir, yes sir!


Palin's Attack on Obama

MrConrads says...

Palin and other disgusting power hungry people like her are fighting tooth and nail for nothing less than an America that is dominated by a republican/christian dictatorship. Keep the public undereducated by making education either unattainable or undesirable and control in the voting booth becomes easier and easier, all while the true elitist fund people and gatherings like this. For people like palin the position President Obama holds is irrelevant for they aim to rewrite the law to match their rhetoric while he represents those who wish to uphold it.

That woman, palin, I find utterly repulsive.

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

Matthu says...

Hi! This is Maffu's girlfriend...
Just too lazy to make my own account
Ok, here goes... This is what I think:

People are so quick to make these issues into problems surrounding diversity and tolerance. But I truly believe that this not the purpose, although some may adapt the cause or spin it it to meet their own bias. (Perhaps I am too quick to see the world through rose colored glasses )

For example, when the Sikh knife, was banned from schools, it was not to discriminate! It was for public safety! It seemed to make sense to me that individuals were not allowed to bring, what could be perceived as a weapon, in to class.

As with the niqab, it seems to me, that it is more an issue of identity than it is of discrimination. When an individual enters a classroom say, to sit an exam, should we not confirm their identity? What's to stop her sister, who may be better at the subject, from sitting the exam in her place? Same with voting. Should we not confirm the identity of the individual voting before allowing them to enter the ballot booth? Who is to say that this individual will not vote several times, under different names? What then? (We'd have a bunch of Bush's croonies in niqab's finding a new way to sway the vote. That's what! )

If we are willing to reasonably accomadate these individuals, I believe there are compromises we can make. For instance, why not just have a woman confirm her identity? (As this would be perfectly acceptable in Islamic tradition.)

Well, I am done. Sorry for the HUGE

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